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I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

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    I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

    I am so happy about this. My goal is to go through the holidays sober. (Actually through the rest of my life sober). I started on Antabuse and couldn't be happier. I really feel changed already on the inside, but I'm keeping with the meds for a few months. I was actually the designated driver tonight. ME!!! Has hell frozen over..hehe! Just had to share this with you guys. I could do a happy dance.

    I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

    Good for you MM! One of the great things about being AF is being able to drive in the evening and participate with activities for the family. Also in case there's an emergency.

    Glad to hear you are dancing!


      I spent this Halloween sober!!!!


      Sending you hugs. :l:l

      I, too, was sober tonight. Walked around with the grandchildren as they trick or treated, had chili and hot dogs ready for dinner when we got back.

      And then I had a nice relaxing time with hubby after everyone left.

      This is so much better than in the past when by this time I would already have been in bed passed out. Omigosh. So much better.

      Yippee for us both!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

        I walked around with the kids, and when we got home we discovered the kids like handing out they're halloween candy more than trick or treating. I am really enjoying being AF. It's like a big weight lifted off my shoulders. This is peace right now.


          I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

          Good stuff isn't it?

          I remember last Halloween, for me. Sitting around the table with hubby & his friend getting wasted on Rum and Ciders. (Nice Combo, eh?). My youngest was too young to go out and the neighbourhood we lived in was seedy. So I saw it as a guilt free excuse to get plastered. Well, the next day I felt guilty and disappointment in myself because I could of at least taken her to a community center or something. I am so glad those days are over.

          This year - a complete 360. I love being sober. Things are much more fullfilling through sober eyes.

          Congrats to you! You deserve to be elated about this!


            I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

            Congratulations to you MM! I am happy for you. Great job.


              I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

              I spent all the holidays last year half way doing it (getting drunk) for the kids and woke up feeling so bad. Not this holiday season. I don't want to miss any more time missing stuff, or waking up guilty.


                I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                Me too!!! First time in I don't know how long!!!


                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                  Yay us!!! I love it!!!


                    I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                    I made it too! Other than the 4th, this was my biggest test so far (considering it is my favorite holiday). I was very proud and as hubby staggered drunk off to bed, I said "well that was weird, my first Halloween sober". And he said "I wish you'd drink again".

                    I know he doesn't think I'm fun anymore. In fact, he made some comment to that effect the other night when we had people over. And I have to agree, I'm not. I'm just so very focused on staying sober and it's not easy being surrounded by it. I may not be the "fun drunk wife", but I'm a good person and good mommy and hopefully creating good memories for my children rather than the ones they will remember of dad slurring and being stupid.

                    Want to thank everyone who listened to me whine in chat, it was one of those tougher nights, but once again, proof of the power of this site and everyone in it! :l
                    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                      I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                      Well done MM!!
                      Awesome feeling, isin't it!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                        kinda a neat feeling,isnt it,M and M,watch all get obliverated or mybe just a bit under the weather,hahahah,good for you,im happy for you,gyco


                          I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                          Hi everyone and a big WELL DONE!!!! I was sober too, last year got drunk and had a huge row with my next door neighbour who refused to give my kids a treat when we knocked....(don't think they've forgiven me...ho hum!)

                          River, my closest(?) friend has recently told me she doesn't want to go out with just me anymore (ok though if we're in a group) cos i don't drink anymore. Ha! What a kick in the teeth! I am annoyed that people i've known for years think i've suddenly been abducted by aliens and given a brain transplant! I AM STILL ME! and i rather like the new me, too. I am surrounded by drinkers at work and all of my friends drink...(my husband doesn't, only now and again). It's like they don't know what to say to me.....they forget that during the day, at work while or out shopping they have no problem!
                          anyway, again YAY US SOBERISTAS!! am still playing with my ball which is growing bigger.....

                          summer xx


                            I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                            Morning all....Happy Nov (or should I say Welcome to SOBER Nov!!!)

                            Good job MM and I was also the designated driver! (Thank God the kids don't know that!!!) It felt good to pick them up at 11p. I even thought while driving, that just over a week ago, I would've NEVER offered to drive at that time of night. All the excuses I would've given, and only one excuse was true....I would'nt and shouldn't be driving at that hour. It opened my eyes to just how many times I've actually said no to her evening plans unless another parent was driving home, and sometimes she couldn't even go. I hadn't realized how much my drinking was interfering with her little social life. Well, maybe I did, but it didn't bother me as much, because I'd just have another glass of wine to forget about it!!!

                            Ohhhh river....I can't imagine having someone so close to me saying those things. I'm fragile enough at this stage of the game. But how strong you are to realize that what you're doing is right. Keep up to good work!!

                            And summer holiday...Ya know, years ago I was doing more then drinking, and decided to quit what I thought was the problem, (of course, IT COULDN'T BE THE ALCOHOL TOO!!!!). Well, the friends w/whom I was indulging in this behavior with, were quick to judge, and no longer was I considered in the big picture of their lifes. (Turns out that was a GOOD thing, but at the time, I didn't get it). We all still were at the same parties with plenty of others, but it was if they didn't know me anymore. Anyway, what I think is that you remind them that they too may have a problem. Most people hang around others who do the same, so to not think anything is wrong with what they're doing.

                            Anyway - Have a great I begin day 8 and happy to be here. Thanks to all of you!
                            "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                              I spent this Halloween sober!!!!

                              Good for you MM!

                              Pressure from others to drink is a very difficult thing to deal with.

                              Both my parents were problem drinkers, but my father's problem was much worse than my mother's. When he was in his 60's, and he finally was able to seek some help, my mother sabotaged him at every turn. He wanted to go to inpatient treatment; she said she would under no circumstances participate in the part of it that involved family. Finally, an old friend of his talked him into AA, which he did for a while... but again, my mother dismissed and ridiculed his efforts; eventually of course, he quit AA and began drinking again. Ultimately, he drank all day, every day; and finally, he walked out the back door and shot himself.

                              My mother now has Alzheimer's, but even before she developed dementia, she never, ever stopped begging me to "have a drink" with her, even though I had told her many times that I had a serious drinking problem.

                              People who are strongly attached to alcohol in their lives (whether it is an addiction, or habit, or whatever), really feel threatened by those who break free. And they will continue to try to drag us back into it with them, just because it makes them feel more comfortable. It is one of the horrible aspects of alcohol abuse: it makes people horribly selfish, totally insensitive to the needs of others.

                              But eventually, once they see that you really are not going to go back to drinking with them, usually they will learn to leave it alone. So: be strong! Stick it out! It is very much worth it.

                              best wishes,


