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ODAT - Saturday!

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    ODAT - Saturday!

    OK - I Swear I'm not trying to be first to post! I just get up so Blasted early... Today it was 4:30. UGH.

    And tomorrow may be 3:30 due to time change. DOUBLE UGH.

    Anyway, Day 4 (not that I'm counting - :H).

    While my strategy of buying something w/money I would have spent on booze has been working... I really should think of Another strategy - since I shouldn't be spending that money in the First place!!

    And I doubled up $$ yesterday - so today is AF!

    It's also getting Extremely hard to justify Smoking (my other Demon!)... I know that I'll have a better chance at quitting, tho, if I don't DRINK!!

    OK - ONE thing at a time! OTAT??

    Have a Great Saturday, all ODAT'ers!!!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Saturday!

    YAY for day 4!!!! Day 8 here.

    Don't you worry about being the early one, because I think I beat ya to it!!! If ever you need, I'm up early ALWAYS....

    CYA here at 330a tomorrow....hahahahaha!

    Have a great day today ALL!
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


      ODAT - Saturday!

      hello all

      Great on the sober days sav & pan. I'm also a few days in, over the physical worse i hope. Just taking it easy & lots of time here!

      A happy & healthy & hopeful November to us all. One day at a time of course!



        ODAT - Saturday!

        Good day ODATers
        So glad that the week has finally ended for me. I just got home from another long night at work. I am going to take a nap and then go to a family party. I never drink at family parties, so will be a sober night for me. It is tomorrow night that I am worried about because of football. Maybe, I'll hit an AA meeting before the game or something. I will make some kind of safety, sober plan. Think I am on Day 11. Great job all on your AF days. I will definitely be checking in tomorrow. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - Saturday!

          Good morning....happy Nov 1st! Where the hell has the year gone? Not loong until Christmas...I really hope I can get more time under my belt to I am less insecure about not drinking.

          Why do you guys get up so early? Ewww.....I LOVE to sleep! Though today I found myself up at my weekday time, and thought, 'screw that' thankfully I went back to sleep, lol.

          Not sure what the plans for the day are....tonight we are having a family movie night. I bought Journey to the Center of the Earth for my girls so we are going to watch that.

          Maybe I will kick back today since I work all day tomorrow....seem to work every Sunday now.....

          Anywhoooo, Day 18.....if ou read this LTG, only 3 days until I meet your challenge and then the longest time ever sober in a couple years.

          Have a good one everyone!!!

          AF July 6 2014


            ODAT - Saturday!

            Great to hear everyone is doing well
            I've been doing but working my butt off so I haven't been able to log in as often as I would like to. Sober today! I've been feeling much better since I haven't been getting up with a hangover and feeling depressed. Happy Nov 1 everyone.
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              ODAT - Saturday!

              I am counting, Christy :wings: You're doing great!

              Hi everyone :h
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                ODAT - Saturday!

                New In...

                Ok. So... today is the 1st of November. I didn't quite make it to the gym as I had planned... but... I know something is about to change. From today.

                I'm in deep. Very deep.

                This has been a long time coming. So hear goes. I can't figure out as yet how to start a new thread, so my first post goes here.

                Day 1 is tomorrow.

                Stay tuned folks. And good luck. I'm feeling each of your pain right about now. This is going to be HARD.



                  ODAT - Saturday!

                  I should start exercising today too......
                  AF July 6 2014


                    ODAT - Saturday!

                    Hey there. I would. but it's 10.30PM here... did walk a bit today though. Tomorrow morning I hit the mill. It will, must, happen.

                    I will NOT look back.

                    cheers and thanks for the first reply. Nice to know yr out there

                    how's it been going at ur end? doing well i hope.



                      ODAT - Saturday!

                      ha ha. ok. just re-read your reply.

                      YES YOU MUST. If, that is, the person in the photo you've uploaded is not you. If it is, then don't sweat it so much.



                        ODAT - Saturday!

                        Morning all you ODATERs! Start of a new month. Perhaps this month I will get an exercise program going. I have noticed a lack of self dicipline lately. Not in the AL arena (thank goodness), but eating candy & ice cream, not doing things for myself I said I would (practice tai chi, begin an exercise program, yoga, etc.) Tjhis divorce stuff is rough when new (and old) feelings pop up. I can go from very happy to sad, lonely and afraid in the same day. I hope I learn to hold on to the happy. Well, at least I'm sober and feeling the feelings.

                        Have a great day!Maybe I'll finally get to the lawn.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Saturday!

                          Starting a new thread

                          Hey there zed, glad you have joined us! :welcome:

                          You sound very resolute. Much luck to you

                          To start a new thread -

                          Go to 'My Way Out Forums' & select one. Just starting Out might be good
                          At the top left (ish) of whichever one you choose you'll find the 'New Thread' option

                          Look forward to seeing you around


                            ODAT - Saturday!

                            Good morning ODATers!

                            Welcome, Zed :welcome:

                            Congrats to all of you who are remaining AF :goodjob:

                            I need to exercise, too. I've been gaining weight after losing 15 or so pounds
                            and am really pissed at myself.

                            Beautiful, sunny day out. I just stuffed myself with a huge omelet. Ok, I'll
                            exercise later. :H

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              ODAT - Saturday!

                              Good morning all! Woot Time Change tonight. I can't wait for it to be somewhat light when I get up in the morning. It always makes me feel like fall is "starting over". Day 15 for me. Got through my 2nd Friday with the distraction of the little kids trick-or-treating. I'm afraid it's healthy breakfast for the spouse and I today. I'm trying to think up nice ways to spark up egg whites, spinach and grapefruit... I'm afraid the decaf coffee won't help. Sigh.

