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I need to vent

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    I need to vent

    So last night I decided I needed to get my arse back to a detox center. The detox center had learned (courtesy of my neighbor telling them) that I had been hospitalized for five days in May because my liver was pretty shot. So they are (understandably, I suppose) a bit nervous about taking me in without a medical clearance. I was just sure I'd get a medical clearance, and, because I didn't want to run into a certain person at the local ER, I decided I'd go to the ER near the detox center. So we (my neighbor pal and I) drove all the way to the hospital in the town with the detox center. It's about an hour from where we reside.

    So get this: The ER staff told me I would have to spend the night IN JAIL before they'd do an assessment on me. Is it me or is that completely ludicrous? I'd have to spend the night IN JAIL?! For having committed the crime of what--seeking treatment?

    I wasn't about to spend the night in jail, so home we came on empty wallets and gas fumes. I've got to wait until I have some money in my pocket for gas before trying again. I'll definitely buck up and go to the local ER where I might run into the person I don't want to run into. I wonder if they too will want to incarcerate me.

    Seriously, how can I have been told I would have to spend the night IN JAIL before they would do an assessment on me?!

    I don't know. I'm just raging mad over it all.

    I need to vent

    Holy! Why would you have to stay in jail? I think I would call the detox center and let them know that is what you were told at the ER. It certainly isn't condusive to recovery.


      I need to vent

      Dolly Sunshine;458188 wrote: Holy! Why would you have to stay in jail? I think I would call the detox center and let them know that is what you were told at the ER. It certainly isn't condusive to recovery.
      I know! I have no bloody idea why I would have had to spend the night in jail! None!

      I should have called the detox center from there, but I didn't. We just came back home. And I don't have the gas or the funds for gas to get back there even if they were to admit me without the clearance.


        I need to vent

        Pink, it's feckin' insane about the jail time! I am sorry you had to deal with that. Here's something to think about: call an abuse hotline and see if perhaps a volunteer can drive you back to detox. Just a thought but hope it helps :wings:
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          I need to vent

          one2many;458198 wrote: That makes absolutely NO SENSE to me.....God, what is wrong with society when somebody goes of their own free will seeking help and is told to do a stint in jail first???? RIDUCULOUS!
          I cannot stop fuming about it! If I had done something illegal, maybe? If I were driving the car, maybe. But I did absolutely, positively NOTHING to warrant a night in jail!


            I need to vent

            I'm so sorry for your situation! It reminds me of an article I read not too long ago in the paper about parents who were trying to help their daughter through an addiction problem (she was seeking their help) and there was either months before she could get in to a rehab center, or they didn't have the money to afford the rehab centers, or both, and the only way their daughter would be able to get in is if it was through some court ordered process. So basically, if someone is ready and asking for help, they get turned away (unless, or course they can wait and/or afford the exhorbitant prices)! Terrible situation and absolutely makes no sense at all.

            I hope you can figure something out for yourself. Keep researching your options. We're pulling for you!


              I need to vent

              hmmm. That is amazing. Never heard of such a thing. Maybe they consider it a form of "protective custody"? Last time I had my mother in the Emergency Room in Missouri, there was a guy on a gurney in the hall, sleeping off a drunk, getting IV fluids....


                I need to vent

                Sorry to hear about this Pink
                I'd be livid too, after making such a huge effort. I hope you can use the sense of righteous outrage to help you persevere until you get the help that you need & deserve. Keep us posted.
                Thinking of you, Gold


                  I need to vent

                  I agree with everyone here. That is the stupidest thing I think I've ever heard of. The hotline suggestion sounds like a good one. I can't believe this. You have every right to be angry.

                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

