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    I've been drinking for many years, but only during the evenings in. I want my life back but don't know how to go about it!? I wake up not knowing what's happened the night before and feel that I'm in danger of losing everything that's important to me!
    Three F's . . .

    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

    I want them back in my life


    Welcome Three! Have you explored the program or read the book yet? We are here to help you :wings:
    LTG AF January 13, 2011



      Hello LTG and thanks for your response.

      I must confess that I haven't yet looked too far into the book or program yet. I stumbled across the forum in my quest for help, read some posts and connected with them immediately. I was so overwhelmed that there were people out there with the same problems as myself, that I just clicked on register without a second thought.

      Many thanks again
      Three F's . . .

      Family ~ Fun ~ Future

      I want them back in my life



        That's exactly how I started...LOL!! Then went to chat :h Took me about a month to finally get the book and read about supps. But it really helps to connect with peeps and then start with baby steps. Keep posting and reading. We have an AF Army thread where chat about everything in life. Feel free to join us. We all have our ups and downs but try to stay together. Hell, I just caved yesterday but I'm back at it today :h Wishing you the best :wings:
        LTG AF January 13, 2011



          Hi there Three, big welcome to you.
          I stumbled accross the site by accident and I havent touched a drop since that day. I am not saying its easy mind, just that realising I am not alone and there is a solution to my problem gave me the kick start I needed to change my life.
          I would recommend you read the book and make a plan for yourself. You know, what you want to achieve and how you think you might do that. Then talk about it here. It really helps.
          I look forward to hearing more about you.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



            welcome .. you are at the right place.. just do your best and do what you need to to get what you want in life .. its there for the taking grab it ..and in time all things do get better ..stay strong and think positive
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



              Thank you again. My partner is absolutely brillianty but I think he's getting to the end of his tether now.The bottle comes before everything else these days!! Including all that's precious to me!!!!
              Three F's . . .

              Family ~ Fun ~ Future

              I want them back in my life



                We are here Three, but you have to make a start yourself. Are you drinking right now?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                  We're here, F's, and happy to help you. We are all helping each other, here. The things that most of us have done, in addition to coming here to support each other, include at least some of the following: downloading and reading the MWO book (faster than ordering it to come through the mail); getting started on some of the supplements; making decisions about how to deal with the times, and situations, that are most likely to trigger a desire to drink; consider talking it over with our doctors, to get some medications that can help; start an exercise program; hypnotherapy.... And, reading a LOT of the posts here online can be very, very helpful. You can get the benefit of some very hard-won wisdom about how to recover from serious alcohol problems.

                  best wishes,




                    Yep, am on my 2nd bottle of wine unfortunately! Not proud of it but being honest with you!
                    Three F's . . .

                    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                    I want them back in my life



                      Three, have a look at what WIP has said, she has some good advice there that really does work.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                        Welcome Three
                        So glad you found us & decided to join us. As WIP has said, take the time you need to decide on your best way forward & we will support you every step of the way. Look around, ask any questions you need to. Only rule here, no rules!
                        Keep us posted



                          Eyes are puffy with endless cying at the moment.
                          Three F's . . .

                          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                          I want them back in my life



                            It does get easier when you give your body a rest from the AL. For me the al acted like a depressant and I was very low when drinking. Do you think you could commit to some af time?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                              NO, I find that almost impossible!
                              Three F's . . .

                              Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                              I want them back in my life

