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    So how do I get to the 'toolbox thread' please!? I'm so desperate for help! Thank you all !!!!!!!
    Three F's . . .

    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

    I want them back in my life



      Three F's . . .

      Family ~ Fun ~ Future

      I want them back in my life



        Three, I bumped the Tool Box thread for you.
        LTG AF January 13, 2011



          Dear 3 F's,
          I am no expert and a complete newbie here and am at the beginning of my journey - a journey that has been so long in the waiting. A journey that should have happened years ago. A journey that was planned and not executed.

          I have only just stopped drinking - I am on day 6 and thought that to be unheard 7-8 days ago. It does take work and you do need the supplements.

          I suffer from a love of wine and have felt the same guilt and hopelessness you have. Please, if you really want to change, make the choice to not drink. Period. Now, you don't have to decide if you will never have another drink in your life again right now. Maybe that is too overwhelming. But you do need some alcohol free time - a good amount - to re-think about how & why you drink. And to get over the physical need to drink. And to start new habits without drinking. I have taken up eating and drinking hot tea. Next, I will be auditioning for Biggest Loser Weight Loss reality tv show - but I feel that is better on my body than the wine.

          I'm no expert - but I believe YOU CAN DO THIS!! You must commit to a different outcome than the one you already know. And if for some reason you fail - get back up and start over again like so many of us here have. You can do it!!!
          "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler



            LTG.....I still don't know how to get to the 'tool box thread'? I'm obviously very stupid heh!? Would like to read it though all the same! Thank you for your reply...........I appreciate it! All the very best of wishes to you x
            Three F's . . .

            Family ~ Fun ~ Future

            I want them back in my life



              3 click on "New Posts" you will see it there in amongst a list of other posts
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                Thank you so much for yor support C&C Mom. Very good luck to you and your future! Appreciate your words of wisdom. You've done brilliant and hope one day that I can be a day behind you in your F day fantastic is that!!!!!!! Bloody well done to you!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing! Happy future to you and thanks again for your support. x
                Three F's . . .

                Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                I want them back in my life



                  Good for you 3F's
                  Hang in there, keep reading.
                  How are you doing?



                    Sheepish, One2many, LookingToGrow and C&Cmom, Thank you to you all for your support. It means a lot to me right now. To be honest my brain is so frazzled I can't even get to the 'tool box thread'!? I've had a drink tonight due to finishing work at 12:45 this afternoon! A boring day here and nothing to do other than look at the same old four walls. I've no family to speak of and no friends either as I keep myself to myself where I live. So basically, all I have is my 19 year old Son and a 'partner' who doesn't live with me any more!!!!!!!! I'm so utterly bored with my mundane life! All I have is me and my bottle................can't be mithered with the tv as it's either utter nonsence or miserable........depending on which channel you switch on to!? Yet I get so completely bored with sitting here at my computer talking to complete strangers don't know me and I don't know you!? Feel like I'm in a vicious circle at the moment and don't know which way to turn? I just want to feel good about myself for once, to go out shopping instead of heading straight back home for a drink, make myself an appointment at the hairdressers, dentist......anythting but home cos this life that I'm in at the moment is killing me! It's unbelievably boring! Sorry for venting...............I just needed to do it!!! I'm not feeling sorry for myself either just in case you think I just so utterly bored with life!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for listening x
                    Three F's . . .

                    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                    I want them back in my life



                      Three Welcome.
                      It's good that you are talking to people here and you will and have gotten a lot of great input. As for boredom I know that's a reason many drink and a hard trigger to overcome. Once you make your mind up to get up and do something besides raising the bottle you will be trapped. Free yourself. Again welcome and I am glad you found us.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                        Not happy and still bored............... but.gotta get up for work in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Three F's . . .

                        Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                        I want them back in my life



                          If your job is boring find a new one. Our jobs take up over half of our lives. Wishing you well
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                            Tell us something positive. I understand the need for you to vent. And I have been where it doesn't feel like I could ever get out from under the wet blanket of depression. Sometimes the only thing you can do to begin is take a contrary action. Do something to counteract how you feel. It will take ALL of your strength. It can be a very small thing (but it will feel huge) . Take a walk. Buy yourself some flowers. Write an achievable list of 5 things you can do TOMORROW to start your new beginning. (like make that hair appointment) Tell yourself you will not drink anymore tonight and then DO IT.

                            Do something that is absolutely contrary to the way you feel. Venting is healthy- TO A POINT. Releases some pressure. Of course you can and should do that here. However- Then it is time to get off your duff and DO something. Tell us something positive. As Wip said- if you live too much inside your head and your head is only saying negative things, you are living in a kind of' negative brain stew'. Pull your brain out of that stew! You can do it. But you have to DO it.

                            Let us know.
                            Standing by



                              Sheep, that is excellent. Just taking that one step to do something different than taking the drink is huge. Changing patterns, changing times hey its noon somewhere. That was my favorite. You can do this if you are really motivated. People here can get you there!
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                                Hey 3F's
                                Are you out there? How are you doing?

