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    BE GR8 IF I COULD JUST GET 1 OF THE 3 F's back in my life???
    Three F's . . .

    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

    I want them back in my life



      You could, but you gotta help yourself first. I know that sounds harsh, I dont mean to. But it really is the only way.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



        Three F's - Boy can I relate - I came across this site last Friday after a disgusting weekend, teary eyed, shamed, etc. You can read a bit about me under a thread called "New, Sad and I have a problem".

        I do not have any of the supps or the book but I will be going into town tomorrow to get what supps I can - it might be hard as I live in a small town and half of this stuff is probably not available.

        Today is Day 6 for me and I must admit I feel better.....just wanted you to know that I understand.
        :new: Jas56



          Thank you

          Thankk you for your words of support
          Three F's . . .

          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

          I want them back in my life



            B12 complex, L Glut, and Royal Jelly really help with cravings and mood, and readily available. I hope this helps.
            LTG AF January 13, 2011



              Jas, great job on day 6!!!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011



                Thanks LTG - what is Royal Jelly?
                :new: Jas56



                  It's a supp for craving control. It comes from bees.
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011



                    Welcome Three F's
                    Well you do have a future becaue you have all of us here who are ready to help you! AL isa beast but together we can get through it. Just remember it is one day at a time.



                      Does it mean that we can never drink again once we abstain from alcohol? I've been told that just ONE drink will bring the problem back and I would be back to square one!
                      Three F's . . .

                      Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                      I want them back in my life



                        3 F'S. Hello there, and a big welcome...I don't know if you can never drink need to find that out yourself, unless you know the answer already? I can't moderate drinking at this point in my life, so i'm better off without it totally... been 10 day's so far for me, and i'm a hell of a lot happier..this is just what suits me, and what i've found works for me... you must find what is best for you. Good luck. G.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                          Hi there 3 F's
                          Alcohol is powerful and cunning, it makes its way into our lives in so many different ways, at any age, this little f#@*er, never knows when to leave us....
                          We as alcoholics have a disease, that first drink causes an allergy, within us, which causes a chemical imbalance in our brains, which we have no control with, ever, the more we drink, we cannot stop, til we pass out, with no recolection of our words or actions, we become insane!!!!
                          My husband and family have told me some shockers of what I did or said drunk, no normal sane person would do or say these things, when drunk, I became insane.
                          To stop the insanity, stop drinking. I am AF for 163 days, have joined AA here in South Africa, and take ODAT, I am a better person, I love me and the person I am becoming, this life sober, is a far better life, no ,more waking up in the mornings, hanging.... no more trying to think what I did or said, no more excuses to drink... tired, stressed, angry, emotional, we don't need excuses to drink, I am proud to be an alcoholic, sobriety rocks!
                          Staying sober is the best achievement of my life.

                          Emotional sobriety, I found was a hard one, not drinking for today was fine, but the thought of never picking up another drink for the rest of my life was a hard one to deal with, so I have decided, that on my death bed, in many many yrs time, I want a bottle of Moet, in my drip!!!! My thoughts are with everyone who is finding it hard to give up this cunning, powerful and baffling beast.

                          One Day At A Time

                          LOL, Fiona x x x

                          Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

                          Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!



                            Thank you G. I've had this problem for years but have never opened a bottle until late evening, so obviously the problem is getting worse!
                            WOW 10 days!!!! You've done absolutely brilliant and I am so happy for you that you feel much happier in yourself for it! I hope one day to be where you are at this moment in time! I feel very proud for you G.
                            3 F's
                            Three F's . . .

                            Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                            I want them back in my life



                              3F's, thank you. keep trying!...nice post Fiona. good point about the 'emotional sobriety'.. take care and thanks, G.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                                Fiona you are an amazing person and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words of encouragement! The most AF days I have ever managed is 3! Yet those words regarding your 'past' are so like mine at the moment......the dreaded waking up thoughts "Oh my God, what happened last night, did I say anything that I shouldn't my partner stiill here or did he leave in the early hours out of disgust!?"
                                Thanks to your stamina and 100% determination you now have your life back!!!! I imagine you must be feeling so proud of yourself, and quite rightly so! You're an inspiration to us all and I hope that one day I will find the same courage to regain total control of my own! WOW 163 days! You've finally killed off the 'monster' that once lived in your mind!
                                It's heart warming that you still visit this site and want to help others.
                                Enjoy a long and happy future.............moet will be out of vogue in many many yrs to come lol.
                                LOL (Three F's) xxx
                                Three F's . . .

                                Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                                I want them back in my life

