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    Hi Three, you are sounding more positve today. Great to hear! You can do this you know!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Morning - you do sound so much better today 3 F's - good job!

      Fiona - love your post - you are an inspiration to me too!

      I am off to do tons of work along with getting my hair done - but will plan to stay clear of buying booze! I need to stay focused.....

      LTG - I will also look into the royal jelly.

      I am from Canada so we have already done our voting!

      Have a great day everyone!
      :new: Jas56



        Jas, where in Canada are you? I lived in Ontario for 1 1/2 years. Too cold for me...LOL!!
        LTG AF January 13, 2011



          Morning LTG - I live in Northern Alberta on an acreage!!! Ha ha - it does get cold. Today it is supposed to be high of a balmy 7 - but no snow so that is a blessing!!!
          :new: Jas56



            Morning everyone! Are we good? :wings:
            LTG AF January 13, 2011



              I just wanted to say hello to 3F's, too. I know how hard it is - just please believe anything is possible!! Many here have hit rock bottom and pulled themselves up - you can too!!! All you need is support and get some supplements to help you. How many times I've read the expression "if I can do it, anybody can", from people who had alot of doubt initially about their ability to stop the madness. Try not to think too far into the future - this forever and ever thing is just too daunting - just take it one day at a time. Everybody here is rooting for you!

              Jas - I think today will be the last of the above zero temps here in SK - all down hill from here, but no snow in the immediate forecast!!

              xoxo Peanut



                LTG - where do you get royal jelly?? (Can you put it on toast?!?!?!?!)



                  Hi Peanut! Royal Jelly is a pill. I get it at Walmart, here in the US. It's with the other supps. Sounds like your day is going well :h What time is it there?
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011



                    It's 10:50am now - and my stomach is screaming at me for food!!! Hardly ate a thing yesterday,so I'll have to make up for that today!!!
                    Wouldn't it be nice if Royal Jelly could be eaten on toast, rather than a pill, some nice deep, sweet, flavourfull jelly on rye toast - hmmmmmm..... see?? I am hungry!!!!
                    xo peanut



                      Yes, that would be nice...LOL!! You are in the same time zone as me. Get yourself some Breakfast! :h
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011



                        Three, check out the link in the thread "Interactive site". I think it's for the UK.
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011



                          I would just like to say a very BIG thank you to all of you for being here for me within minutes of my joining this wonderful site a couple of days ago! Ok, admittedly I've still got a glass at my side right now......but for some strange reason it doesn't quite taste the same as it usually does and my consumption has slowed down!? Weird or what? Do I feel a new addiction coming in this site!?
                          Once again thanks to all who have responded in my quest for help!
                 are an extremely thoughtful and caring person! It became very clear to me from day one that you spend a lot of your 'precious leisure time' researching/ trying to help others! Bless you for that!
                          Got myself some B12 complex earlier.....but what is L Glut please?
                          Best wishes and good luck to each and every one of you X
                          Three F's . . .

                          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                          I want them back in my life



                            Hi Three! You sound sooooo much better today! :h LGlut is a supp. I'll try to send you more info. It helps with cravings and lowers your blood sugar. I think it's an amino acid. Good on the B complex! It takes awhile for it to build up in your system but it will help your mood. Stay close and I will be in touch :wings:
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011



                              OOPS.......having YET ANOTHER GLASS now! Will have to get myself some L Glut and evening primrose to take with the B12 that I bought earlier as advised by LTG ASAP! Is lavender oil any good.....can get them here as a 'plug in' and believe them to be quite calming!? XXX
                              Three F's . . .

                              Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                              I want them back in my life



                                I must admit, I do feel very positive since stumbling across this site! But as of yet it hasn't stopped me drinking lol! x
                                Three F's . . .

                                Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                                I want them back in my life

