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    At least I feel fairly calm/sober on going up tonight! And thank you yet again LTG for your continuous support! X
    Three F's . . .

    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

    I want them back in my life



      I feel happy in knowing that there is support out there! Thank you! x
      Three F's . . .

      Family ~ Fun ~ Future

      I want them back in my life



        I can certainly relate and you are among good company . i know I find strength just checking in with others that know what i am going through. i too only drink at night and just want it to stop. Good luck to you. You are in my thoughts



          Hi Formenow, Thanks you are in my thoughts also. Who would've thought it could be such a hard habit to quit! Crazy isn't it! But like you, I do find strength in the wonderful people on this site and the more I listen the more I am starting to think I will get to the AF stage before too long!? Well that's how I'm thinking.....but whether I can put it into practise is another thing!!
          I have arranged to meet a member of my family after work today, which means I won't be home at my 'usual hour' and that will at least delay the inevitable. I've been putting off the meeting with lame excuses for weeks now for fear of my routine being broken! But I don't want to drive my family away and besides, I've run out of excuses now anyway! It's all very confusing to me.....i.e why the wine is my no1 priority!? Sometimes I wonder if being sat at the pc every night is my worst enemy!? If I could sit in front of the tv and watch a film or even keep up with the soaps for a change!? I do know that the routine that I'm in has to change. All I do every night is turn on my pc...........the evening is wasted as nothing else ever gets done around the home etc! I wake up the next morning and feel guilty about the unwashed dishes from the night before etc!
          How it got a 'hold of us' is a complete mystery. I like yourself will keep returning to this site for now in the hope that something will eventually click inside my brain! I'm completely overwhelmed by the response I've had in the past few days and so thankfull that I came across it. The people here are so genuine and kind......and knowing that we all have soooo much in common is extremely comforting to me. I would like to think that if one day I am 'cured' of this disease I will continue to visit and help others who are in the same boat as me right now! Can't see that happening in the immediate future, but we all must live in hope!
          Take very good care of yourself and thank you for thinking of me. I am thinking of you too!!X
          Three F's . . .

          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

          I want them back in my life



            Hi 3F's - just keep coming back and reading and one day you will get to the point where you will do it. It takes alot of willpower and a great desire to stop, and I think you have it. I have done stretches of AF, but always seem to slip up and drink wine for a couple days, then back on the wagon. Well, at least I get back and try again. We must never give up - although I am so tired right now, I think I could. I use wine to help me sleep, and have only just had about 3 hours of non-sleep, so it is pretty frustrating after 3 days AF. I too only drink at night - and I mean starting at about 10:30pm. That's my wine o-clock! So it keeps me up late but puts me to sleep for the night too. But, better to feel tired but not hungover than tired AND hungover - I suppose. I will have to convince myself of this thought today!!!!

            Good luck to you - I'll be thinking about you and sending positive vibes your way!
            xoxo Peanut



              Hi Peanut.....................'Quote " But, better to feel tired but not hungover than tired AND hungover" you say! I hope one day I will experience that feeling! It's brilliant that you actually did 3 whole days of being AF!!!!! My wine o-clock is almost upon me and I haven't got the willpower to do anything about it right now.................if only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Maybe tomorrow I will be more positive and get the supplements that people on this helpful site recommend!? I intend to try to get an appt with my doctor in the morning too!
              Hope you get a long and restful sleep tonight! And give yourself a pat on the back for those 3 AF days!!!
              Three F's . . .

              Family ~ Fun ~ Future

              I want them back in my life



                Hi 3F's

                I've read your post with interest. I, too, love wine. At one point I was drinking so much of it nightly I would black out.

                Every night.

                With kids in the house.

                Now, with the help of MWO and the wonderful people on this forum I'm a much stronger person. You can do it. Stay in touch. Read the book. Get the supplements your body, your brain, so desperately have been depleted of and need. I am on day 4 AF. My plan is to go 7 days AF. And, so, I will.

                Take care of yourself,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                  HI Becoming, How did this site make you a stronger person!? I love all the positive words from everyone yet it doesn't stop me from opening my wine? I understand the logic behind the body and brain brain is a mush these days!
                  You're a star for being on day 4 and I have every confidence in you that you will reach 7 and beyond!
                  All the very best of wishes to you xxx
                  Three F's . . .

                  Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                  I want them back in my life



                    Three F's I cannot believe how much you have changed in the last few days. OK you are still drinking but you are full of hope. That is a great start! I think you will get to the point when you are prepared mentally to stop. Supps help me enormously. I just lost my job today, I wanted to drink but I havent. To me that is a miracle and its all down to the changes that this site has shown me
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                      Hi again 3F's
                      I think this site makes us stronger too. For me, reading about other's successes, and me thinking how much I wished I could do that too, sort of "why is it so hard for me but they can do it?" feeling..... well, it's hard for all of us, and there was no reason why I could not!!! And connecting with people who know exactly how you are feeling and rooting for you helps. It is a support group. I used to go to weight watchers, and that is exactly what that is - plus the "weighing in" thing that makes you accountable. Well, somehow, committing to a group of people on this site does in way make one feel somewhat accountable! So, when you decide you want to try do it, you just have to make sure you have the tools all lined up, get the book, read about the plan and the help it can provide, show it to your doctor, maybe even try with the Topa - I do think it helped me during my 34 days AF and even the following several weeks when I only drank wine a few days, albeit with dreadful hangovers!!!

                      Anything is possible!!
                      xo peanut



                        Got most of the supplements with the exception of Kaduz which is not sold in Canada. Now what - when do I take them? I will start tomorrow. Any advice would be appreciated.

                        BTW. it is Day 9 for me - not bad but then again I have a doo to go to on Saturday.

                        Startingover - I am soooooooo sorry for your loss of job - what happened? Layoffs? Been there too!

                        Good job on not hitting the bottle - that is what I would have done.

                        Peanut - good to have a fellow Canadian on board - 34 days - wow - good for you - I have not been able to do that for a long long long time.
                        :new: Jas56



                          Hey Jas, good going on day 9!! Yup, my time had come to get the big heave ho. I am trying to look on it like a blessing and another part of my journey.
                          I am so pleased i didnt drink today, some parts were hard but they passed.
                          I take Kudzu and Lglutamine first thing in the morning and then again at 5pm, I take all one in the morning and I take the omegas, vit c, b complex about mid morning. I also take gaba and true calm as needed.

                          Ps if u get a craving, put the lglut powder under your tongue and let it dissolve

                          Hope this helps a bit
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                            Sooo sorry to all you positive folks out there.................the past couple of nights have been really bad for me!
                            Three F's . . .

                            Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                            I want them back in my life



                              Hey Three F's - how are you doing today? Did you see the doc? Yesterday was bad for me too....yep, DH and I drank the bottle of much for my positive affirmations!

                              But I didn't get drunk drunk so I am still hopeful. Just get right back up!
                              :new: Jas56



                                Starting're a STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so very sorry to learn that you lost your job! Is there another one on the horizon for you? But you didn't even drink after your bad news,how cool is that! Feeling really proud of you here! X
                                Three F's . . .

                                Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                                I want them back in my life

