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    Doing shite as per usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Three F's . . .

    Family ~ Fun ~ Future

    I want them back in my life



      Can you post a list of reasons why you want to quit?
      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



        Just come across this thread, catching up with MWO instead of doing all the stuff I should be doing today!! Anyway, just quickly wanted to ask how you are doing today 3Fs, I know that Sundays can be very dangerous for us bingers when we are bored or feeling a bit down and lonely. So much great advice has been given on here and I can't add anything else but to just say, keep on trying, keep on listening and keep in touch please.
        Best wishes



          I am back again to ask- how's it going?

          Or maybe- more to the point- have you decided IF you want to do anything about it yet? You seem to have an awful lot of energy to put into the negative aspects of your life. In fact you seem all fired up about how crap your life is and almost determined to keep it that way. Can you take any of that energy and put it into ONE TEENY TINY POSITIVE THING? What would that be?

          Don't want to sound harsh here 3Fs- I have been where you are and it can be so bleak. But please believe me that YOU have to be the one to step up. You can do it. Go and read Rachelita's AF THanksgiving post. She has been having a terrible time and managed to DO something about it- even for one day- and it is wonderful to read about how taking one positive step can have instant results.

          Hope you are ok out there 3fs
          Still standing by



            Hi 3F's - remember me? I have been up and down but I never give up. Today it is back to Day 3 for me and even though I have drank, I have not overdone it - which is a start!

            Thinking of you - hugs!
            :new: Jas56



              Tell me about it! It is truly awful to find yourself in this situation. But you do not have to lose everything, cos now you are seeking answers. That is the first step. I guess. Come and climb everest with me. this sobreity is a big thing particularly when you at first think it is easy. I know you don't, but I did. It aint. You are brave cos you recognize the problem now it is about dealing with it. If your partner has stuck with you through thick or thin. He/she aint going to leave you. I dont think so, but cannot guarantee. Don;t hold me to that. But I doubt it. So do he/she some good and get better. Find a focus, look at it and don't let this blasted demon get you. PS love the catxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:h Madness is a state of mindxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:h



                Hi Beaches my job is gr8 so no problems there, but thanks for your kind thoughts towards me. Jas56, yes, I remember you, and bloody well done on your Day3! You're right not to give up on yourself inside your and hugs to you also! Many thanks for your response also Last Of The Summer Wine..........very much appreciated! Sheepish bless you, thank you sooo much for keeping in touch with me and sorry for my delayed reply! I'm still not feeling gr8. To be honest, I felt fairly positive after getting a few of the supps mentioned. I got myself some b6 which I've been taking for a while now, but obviously that wasn't enough. So then I got some milk thistle, which I've been taking for about 2 weeks. But that still wasn't going to be enough, so I got some neat Kudzu the other day (in liquid form) and have been taking that. Only thing is, I had an accident with it in work earlier and most of it ended up on the floor lol! I felt as though my right arm had been severed after the accident, and now I'm waiting for a chance to go out and buy some more!!!!! Rachelita...........reasons as to why I want to quit? The list is endless, but here are a few. Health/ relationship with close family/my own sanity/not wanting to feel bored and doing something with my life other than drink....I get nothing done at all when the bottle opens! / living without any regrets/ wanting to feel happy.....I don't when I drink! /money wise it's hard on the pocket/ keeping my job/driving licence/ and hey..............................I would LOVE a decent nights sleep too! Can't remember when I last had one of those lol!?
                Madiva- wish I had the strength to climb that mountain with you. You sound as tho you're doing gr8 at the mo........hope I'm right!? Yeah my partner is being very tolerant of me but dunno how much longer he's willing to wait for me to 'sort myself out'!? He's been thru the thick and thin of it with me and can't believe he's still there for me............although we're no longer living together. He's the father of my 19 yr old Son by the way. Anyhow, enough of myself, how are you diddlin? pm me if you wish?
                Heart felt thanks to each and EVERY one of you that have responded and I wish you all well and the very best of wishes XXX
                Three F's . . .

                Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                I want them back in my life



                  Don't know if it was a 'sub conscious' thing going on in my head after taking a 'swig of the neat liquid form of Kudzu' but I felt very tired by the end of my working day! But then I felt very negative after it spilt on the floor after my accident! Does it make you tired or does it have a calming affect? Anyone know pls?
                  Three F's . . .

                  Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                  I want them back in my life



                    3f's - one DAY at a time is not beyond you. I agree with WIP. We do seem to stumble unfortunately. But 1 day leads to 2, two leads to 4, etc. Don't have great words of wisdom, new here myself, but I've found that this is a GREAT first step in getting your life back. We all have the same affliction, some stronger than others, however, just being here is a great admission into a personal struggle. Good luck and continue to seek help here.



                      Hi 3Fs,

                      I cant look through all the thread right now as am busy with work, but wanted to say welcome and tell you who I am and why Im here, very similar to you. I first found this site in May in total desperation, thought I had lost all that was dear to, and like you cnaould barely walk the streets through crying. That time, I was forgiven, supported, I tried an alternative therapy which seemed to put a few band aids on temporaraly. Happily off I went and didnt come back. I came on again last Monday when I realised the bottom was hit very hard, and I really did think that I had lost everythign dear to me. HAve been on loads this week, cant work, no concentration so I just sit and read, and feel totally loved and welcome here. Havent had a drink in 4 days, today is day 5, I want to do this so badly, as I now feel I have no other choice. It isnt easy, i have had a lot of tough love this week, partner just begining to speak to me but tells me he cant quite be nice to me as I have been so evil. Im just thankful that he is beginning to speak to me.

                      If you also have that support and that it is important to you, its a damn good reason, only after helping yourself first, to take some small steps to beginnign to sort this out. I have felt better and better (mentally) every day I haev been on this site. I applaud everyone here, they are so supportive and non-judgemental and I thank the man above that I was born into the "internet-era" with my AL problems. I cant imagine not having this.

                      Keep coming here, keep trying, write esp when you feel rock bottom, and best of luck, just try your best whatever that can be to get you going,:welcome:

                      Neuro xxx
                      Live your life in such a way that
                      when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                      Satan shudders & says...

                      'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'



                        Hello all,
                        I truly hope you're all well and happy!? Believe it or not I'm STILL battling with this horrid addiction! I plucked up the courage to seek a doctors appointment a couple of weeks back and cut a long story short he actually prescribed me with antibuse (which I lamost insisted on)!! He almost didn't give me the go ahead! He suggested a course of librium and vitamins before starting the antibuse which I've done. Only thing is, I've carried on drinking whilst on the librium and the had the most horrific headaches as a result! Ok, I've cut down dramatically, but all the same, the reaction of mixing them both was really unpleasant! I've cut down soooo much in comparison to how I used to drink........and my dreams have been really weird and clear as a result (in fact I've started to log them down in a diary!). My problem is having the guts to actually take the Antibuse as I believe the concoction of alcohol with these can be fatal!? Also, I can't quite understand why I feel the need to have JUST ONE SINGLE GLASS before heading up to bed!? I have gone without, which has basically felt the same as having the one glass lol!? So why 'o why can't I do it all of the time??? It's really confusing in my mind? I want to beat this controlling addiction soooooooooo much!!!! Whilst only having the one glass (or two sometimes) I've started to enjoy watching tv again in the evenings and catching up with the soaps etc. Not only that, I have adult conversations with my Son when he comes home and remember them the next day! Please help me get off this ONE/TWO glasses and advice on Antibuse? Many thanks in advance and god bless you all X
                        Three F's . . .

                        Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                        I want them back in my life



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                          #161 (permalink) Today, 07:36 PM
                          Three F's
                          Member Join Date: Nov 2008
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                          Hello all,
                          I truly hope you're all well and happy!? Believe it or not I'm STILL battling with this horrid addiction! I plucked up the courage to seek a doctors appointment a couple of weeks back and cut a long story short he actually prescribed me with antibuse (which I lamost insisted on)!! He almost didn't give me the go ahead! He suggested a course of librium and vitamins before starting the antibuse which I've done. Only thing is, I've carried on drinking whilst on the librium and the had the most horrific headaches as a result! Ok, I've cut down dramatically, but all the same, the reaction of mixing them both was really unpleasant! I've cut down soooo much in comparison to how I used to drink........and my dreams have been really weird and clear as a result (in fact I've started to log them down in a diary!). My problem is having the guts to actually take the Antibuse as I believe the concoction of alcohol with these can be fatal!? Also, I can't quite understand why I feel the need to have JUST ONE SINGLE GLASS before heading up to bed!? I have gone without, which has basically felt the same as having the one glass lol!? So why 'o why can't I do it all of the time??? It's really confusing in my mind? I want to beat this controlling addiction soooooooooo much!!!! Whilst only having the one glass (or two sometimes) I've started to enjoy watching tv again in the evenings and catching up with the soaps etc. Not only that, I have adult conversations with my Son when he comes home and remember them the next day! Please help me get off this ONE/TWO glasses and advice on Antibuse? Many thanks in advance and god bless you all X

                          Three F's . . .

                          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                          I want them back in my life
                          Three F's . . .

                          Family ~ Fun ~ Future

                          I want them back in my life

