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I'm so damn cranky...........

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    I'm so damn cranky...........

    for absolutely no reason. Started last night, and woke up with a scowl on my face. I'm actually looking so pissed off right now while I type this....eyes all squinched up, brows down....walking around all fast and heavy footed, like I'm on my way to get into a fight.....but just doing the laundry.

    It's day 9 today. Don't feel like drinking wine, but sure do wish I had an empty bottle so I could smash it!!!!!!!

    Oh, and sorry - just realized I maybe should've put this in the General Discussion area.
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    I'm so damn cranky...........

    well , better out than in P, just give it too us , we can handle it!


      I'm so damn cranky...........

      It's OK, Pan, just part of the emotional ups and downs that go on. Just let it pass. Part of the AF life is learning to live with emotional upheavals without drinking them away, and (often) without acting on them. Some physical activity usually helps! Also, eating something healthy often helps.


        I'm so damn cranky...........

        Sounds like you and I both woke up on the wrong side of the bed today...I have been nothing but irritable all day and wouldn't mind having a few empty bottles lined up on a fence to shoot my rifle at! I think that would rid of some of this's so damn irritating that I am so cranky over NOTHING!


          I'm so damn cranky...........

          Thanks friends! I just ate dinner, and WAYYYY too much, so I'm content. My daughters at her dads this weekend, so I think I'm sorta lonely. Usually be doing the mom stuff when she's here, but the weekends she's not, I'm out on a Saturday night for "dinner" (WINE and a nibble here and there!!!!), and Sundays were drinking and watching football. I didn't think I was strong enough to go to a place where drinking was involved, so I declined. She usually stays at her dads till Tuesdays, but I offered to pick her up tomorrow night. I found from the past week AF, I feel a kind of safety when I'm with her. Keeps me a bit more content and grounded and makes me realize why I'm making this choice. I felt "lost" today, like I had no purpose, so some negative thoughts did drift in.

          But I'm home, TOTALLY STUFFED from dinner, and not gonna drink today!

          I'm ready to say HI to day 10 tomorrow! And WORKING!!! Never thought I'd say that!!!

          Thanks again.
          "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


            I'm so damn cranky...........

            Early sobriety is an emotional rollar coaster. I just spent the past few days wanting to do nothing but sleep. I had no energy whatsoever, and that is not at all like me. I started on an antidepressant 2 weeks ago, but for a few days, I felt worse than when I started it. It seems to be passing. I am sure that your irritability will pass. Excercise does help. Toward the end of my marriage, I spent alot of time on my Remember the acronym H.A.L.T. Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired. If you are any of these it can trigger cravings, so you should take care of the ones that you can. You shared your feeling here, and that is living in the solution. Good for you!!
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              I'm so damn cranky...........

              You will find that your mood will improve the longer you are AF. The early days really are an emotional rollercoaster. Hang in there!

