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Day one nerves anyone?

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    Day one nerves anyone?

    Hi there,
    I have just come upon this site by accident. I intend to stop drinking that one glass of wine in the evening that inevitably leads to finishing the bottle and ending up cranky and headachy in work all the next day. This used to be a night or two a week and now seems to be every night... to the point that I can t remember a 'normal' day so to speak. Crikey its hard even to write that.. to admit it!!!

    I live alone, since my 18 year old daughter has moved out. Im only 38 and out of a steady relationship for 5 years now..I ve had the odd fling and short relationship but somehow my confidence is more zapped by drinking and feeling crap and paranoid that I cannot maintain a relationship.

    So this is is tonight, Sunday!!! I have a hot chocolate at the ready, a good book by my side and Ive asked my mum for soem zanax so I can take one for thew first 6 nights to ward off the shakes and keep me calm. Im not into taking drugs but I know I am very anxious about these changes. I dont think I am an alcoholic but i do know im drinking at home, alone for the wroinmg reasons.. the main one being loneilness, even though I have lots of friends and a real good family.. but I still do it!!! ???

    I aim to be more healthy and to think of one day at a time but right now im very nervous.. any tips anyone???:new:

    Day one nerves anyone?

    Good for you, Kicking!! Sounds as if you have a very good plan for starting out... During these 6 days, how about downloading and reading the MWO book? It would be a good motivator! And be sure to eat healthy, do some light exercise, and spend a lot of time here, telling us how you are doing!

    best wishes,



      Day one nerves anyone?

      Hello and Welcome
      I would say exactly what WIP said. Read the MWO book and formulate a plan. Stay close by and keep us updated. We have all been where you are, and we can help. Best wishes as you change your life for the better. I am also single and alone. My kids live here, but they are in their 20's and are rarely home. I often drank out of lonliness and boredom. Feel free to pm me anytime, and join us on the AF Army thread. It is a thread of daily support for those wanting to be AF. It is great. Hope to see you around.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Day one nerves anyone?

        Hi kicking,

        Welcome! How are things going for you? Are you feeling any better today? Have you downloaded the book? I agree with what the others said too.

        I also wanted to welcome you. Another thing that helped me in the early days was to drink lots and lots of water.

        I know how hard it is to post to the forum at first. It took a lot of courage for you to do that. Stay strong. We are all here for you.

        periwinkle :h
        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


          Day one nerves anyone?

          Welcome Kicking,

          Yes, the start of the journey always has some scary moments - what life change isn't without a little concern, particularly for the future? But use this time to formulate a plan. WIP was right on target - start by reading the book. That will not only help you personally but also help you understand much of the discussion here. There is a wide variety of folks here who have experienced the shame and fatigue of having a chronic drinking problem who are all so willing to help. Jump in - the water's fine!


