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    keepwalking;459434 wrote: Lil M, please dont despair, this is your brain re-acting to tease and torment you, its not your weakness its just what it does because its got used to Alchohol to keep you focused. You are just having an anti climax, just like when the big event is over, or the wedding done or the holiday over. It is no different and completely natural, you;ve been living every second of the 30 day goal and now its over your brain decides to test you out and get you when your low! you have also thrown guilt in and blaming yourself when it is just your wicked organ playing tricks on you. defeat it, your soul and heart know whats best, the demon lil brain needs to be told off! Smile and smile and look in the mrror you cannot feel sad when your face is smiling to defeat your naughty brain, soon now your brain will click back into supporting you and then you will be best friends again, Be mindful how strong the brain is but do not let it defeat your soul! Its science not weakness, move forward and put your big stick away, you are very precious, imagine yourself as a little baby girl all frightened, what would you do if you saw that little baby girl right now , you wouldnt shout at her for being weak you would comfort her and love and cherish her till she felt better. Now imagine baby michelle no bigger than the top of your thumb, tuck her inside your heart and look after her, she is you and deserves it.
    KW with love x

    KW - thats so lovely, you have renewed my spirit this morning with this post .... thanks ...
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007



      lil.michelle;459914 wrote: Hi all. I just wanted to say thank you for everyone
      My life is really tough right now. I know i'm not going to go back to drinking. I hated that life, i can't live it again. I love having control over my body at all times.
      My old self would have got very drunk on the whiskey but i hardly had any. It just annoyed me that i had to have a little, very little. Anyway, i decided to just pour it down the drain even tho it helped soooo much with the cuts all over in my mouth.
      No more drink for me.
      I know things are tough right now, but you have had a ton of excellent advice here....drinking won't make it better and you made the best choice of all, by dumping the drink! I am so proud of you!

      Just remember, you know you can do 30 days....your thoughts, feelings and how you deal and cope with things are still very fresh right now. It will get better.....

      You are a strong lady!!!! You can do this!!!!!
      AF July 6 2014



        Lil M - how are you now? I hope things are getting better. Hang in there. It is just a slip and it doesn't diminish your 30 days. You've had a rough go so try not to kick yourself when you are down. Take everything one day at a time and focus on one thing at a time. If your totally stressed and feeling horrible telling yourself you've failed isn't going to help. You are still amazing and stronger than you know.

