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Please help me

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    Please help me

    I'm a heavy drinker ( About 1/2 a bottle of whiskey a day ) !! I only drink after work and when I know I don't have to drive for the rest of the day !! But why do I do it !!! :new: :thanks: 21/11/2008 I had my 1st AF day for 20+ years yesterday and I have you people to thank. I slept crap but woke up feeling better than I have dun for years.Thanks again for all your help.

    Please help me

    Hi OldRover,

    I can't help you with the 'why'... still pondering that myself. But welcome, and good for you for showing up here. I'm sure you will find some answers/solutions here. I'm starting to.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Please help me

      Welcome! It's good you came here. The question is not so much "why," perhaps, as it is "what next?"

      I'd recommend that you download or buy the MWO book; spend some time here reading what everyone is saying, and ask questions; put together a good solid plan for achieving the goals that are important to you! Stick around; you will get a lot of information and support.

      best wishes,



        Please help me

        First of all WELCOME

        If I could answer that question...well I would be the MWO queen!! We don't know why, but we know what helps. You have found a wonderful place. And we are all here to help.

        So get ready, read the book, read more posts and make a plan! You can do it!

        I drank 1-2 bottles of wine a day....I am on Day 8 AF, it can be done!!
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Please help me

          sunshine_gg;460303 wrote: Hi OldRover,

          I can't help you with the 'why'... still pondering that myself. But welcome, and good for you for showing up here. I'm sure you will find some answers/solutions here. I'm starting to.
          The only answer I can think of to " Why " is bordom wot do you recon !!


            Please help me

            If it's just "boredom," then I guess all you need to do is to choose more activities, so you are less bored!


            Most of us have a vulnerability to alcohol abuse that we are born with, and that is made much worse by years of heavy drinking...

            Again, the most important question (assuming that new activities doesn't cure you) is: What next?



              Please help me

              Oldrover Welcome, Its true as everyone has said, no one really knows why. My therapist gave me the phrase H.A.L.T., Never be too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Those were some of my triggers. Spend some time here with these wonderful people, you will learn so much. Very best to you, you have taken the first step.

              P.S. Does your name refer to an old dog ? I'm a dog lover myself and I suppose I'm an old rover my self.


                Please help me

                Hey Old Rover :welcome:
                Yip, boredom was one of my reasons, I too drank half a bottle of whisky a day (at least)
                Keeping busy and getting out of the same old routine helps, logging on, reading posts.
                You are not alone, not any more.

                Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

                Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


                  Please help me

                  Welcome Old Rover.

                  Good question. Maybe you will answer it in time. You have found a safe, friendly place here. Ask lots of questions. Read lots of posts.

                  I'm glad you are here.

                  Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                    Please help me

                    Welcome Rover! We are glad you are here. Please read the book, it has so much information in it. I agree with WIP...I try not to place too much energy on "why" I drink but on "What's next". Stay close to boards and read and post as much as you like. Someone will always be here!


                      Please help me

                      Welcome Rover, stay close
                      Gold xxx


                        Please help me

                        Thanks to you I feel I have hope !!!


                          Please help me

                          Thanks I have hope thanks to you people


                            Please help me

                            Thanks friends I have hope !!


                              Please help me

                              Hi Rover! Like Wally says, hope is good :h
                              What can we do to help you?
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

