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Please help me

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    Please help me

    Welcome to MWO Rover,
    I found this site a little over 3 months ago and it has changed my life...sticking close to this site and talking to the wonderful, caring people here gave me the hope I had lost. Once I got the hang of it, it became easier and easier for me. I look forward to getting to know you better. Kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      Please help me

      Hi Rover, Welcome!
      When I stumbled (literally) on this site, i was at a very low ebb and drinking a lot. Thanks to everyone here and the information I have learned, I am now turning my life around.
      Good to see you here
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Please help me

        Welcome Old Rover! :welcome:

        I couldn't agree more with the others. Read the book. Try to break out of old habits, even the tinest things will help.

        I hope to read more of your posts. :l

        Take care,
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          Please help me

          Welcome Rover.....

          As many others have said, this site has changed my life.....I have managed to string a few AF days together, and then recently I decented to try 30 days AF, I am currently on day 22. It can be done, there are many others who have many more days under their belt who also thought it could never be possible. It is!

          AF July 6 2014


            Please help me

            KAT20;460331 wrote: Oldrover Welcome, Its true as everyone has said, no one really knows why. My therapist gave me the phrase H.A.L.T., Never be too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Those were some of my triggers. Spend some time here with these wonderful people, you will learn so much. Very best to you, you have taken the first step.

            P.S. Does your name refer to an old dog ? I'm a dog lover myself and I suppose I'm an old rover my self.
            Sorry no I had an oldrover Car that everybody made fun off !! I have allways had dogs and have a rescue now ! Thanks for contacting me I heed help.:thanks:


              Please help me

              Are you from the UK?
              What sort of rescue do you have? I have 2 and they keep me sane (i think!)
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Please help me

                startingover;461046 wrote: Are you from the UK?
                What sort of rescue do you have? I have 2 and they keep me sane (i think!)
                Its a mongrel cross heinze 57 and it's loverly only small but so loving I would be lost without her.
                Thanks for talking
                I have at last admitted I need help !!
                The MWO site is helping a lot


                  Please help me

                  LookingToGrow;460975 wrote: Hi Rover! Like Wally says, hope is good :h
                  What can we do to help you?
                  Just talking to people like you is helping me . I have finally admitted I have a problem !!!!!
                  I have ordered the book.
                  Many thanks for talking to me its good to know I'm not alone in this world.:thanks:


                    Please help me

                    Wally22;460972 wrote: Hope is good Oldrover! Stay with this site and you will receive help and friendship. As everyone says, download the book, make a plan. Stay close, we will help as much as we can.
                    Many thanks for replying I'm at a low ebb !!!!! I have never admitted I have a drink problem befor but now I have found this site I know I have friends. Please stay intouch.


                      Please help me

                      hey rover, my dogs help me so much. They are rescues and like you i would be lost without them.

                      Good job for asking for help. I think we have all been there with feeling alone
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Please help me

                        I had never admitted to anyone either until July this year. It was actually quite liberating to be able to say
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Please help me

                          I don't know what is true for you, but for me...I DRINK BECAUSE I HAVE THE DISEASE OF ALCOHOLISM.Any alcohol in me and then THE DRINK STARTS TO TAKE ME, I no longer have a choice in the matter.As long as I keep AL out, I am in control...AL in, I have no more say in the matter.I will drink until I am drunk....
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Please help me

                            Hey Old Rover - just saying 'Welcome' from this side of the world. Stick with us.


                              Please help me

                              tht is the question of the century.WHY,because you can,is tht what you were tot,or maybe you got a gene tht no one else in your family got,maybe they can say no,play with kids when they come home from work,,wak the dog without falling over,just say NO, 24 hours, maybe 72 ,depends on how much you drink,what you have is not easy o deal with,but you have here and theres a lot of KNOW HOW HERE,most of us are in the same boat,welcom,gyco


                                Please help me

                                FionaS;460349 wrote: Hey Old Rover :welcome:
                                Yip, boredom was one of my reasons, I too drank half a bottle of whisky a day (at least)
                                Keeping busy and getting out of the same old routine helps, logging on, reading posts.
                                You are not alone, not any more.
                                Thanks for the reply. I'm on a high that I have admitted I have a problem !! but I need to know how to solve them !! You and this site are really helping ! I have ordered the book.
                                Is there any more that I can Do ????????

