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Please help me

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    Please help me

    Me too..

    I'm a heavy beer drinker. I started out drinking just after work but it has gotten worse lately. Now it is in the morning or at lunch. By 5:00 I'm usually pretty buzzed.. Today is day one for me and I know I want to stop, just have to find my way...:thanks:


      Please help me

      Wish I could answer that question. I can go 4/5 days AF then find myself drinking yet again.But I do agree the question should be where to from and what next? Good Luck keep posting and keep in touch. johno:welcome:


        Please help me

        Johno;464268 wrote: Wish I could answer that question. I can go 4/5 days AF then find myself drinking yet again.But I do agree the question should be where to from and what next? Good Luck keep posting and keep in touch. johno:welcome:
        I can't go a day without having a whiskey as soon as I get home from work !! I need to get my head around WHY do I need to have that 1st DRINK if I could answer that it would help !! Thanks for your support its helping :thanks:


          Please help me

          Rover, the "why" is usually a fruitless question to pursue, because it has endless answers, and knowing the answer (or thinking we know the answer) doesn't really help us to change the behavior. Our energy is better spent, changing the behavior. Look at it this way: you have a long-term, deeply entrenched habit of drinking every day when you get home. It's hard to change that habit, but you can do it. Start, perhaps, by getting the whiskey out of your house. Do something else right after work, for a while. Have you read the MWO book? Thinking about supplements, exercise, hypnotherapy, etc.?



            Please help me

            Oldrover, the whiskey habit could be just viewed as a behavior, and then again maybe you need to use caution in cutting back. If you have been drinking that way for years you should be careful and it could be dangerous to go cold turkey. Did you get your MWO book yet? We're glad you are here, so keep us updated, okay?
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              Please help me

              Old habits are hard to break. And even harder when it involves addiction. I would try something to break the schedule, occupy yourself at that time when the craving really hits. But as Suzanna said, do be careful.


                Please help me

                Suzanna;465742 wrote: Oldrover, the whiskey habit could be just viewed as a behavior, and then again maybe you need to use caution in cutting back. If you have been drinking that way for years you should be careful and it could be dangerous to go cold turkey. Did you get your MWO book yet? We're glad you are here, so keep us updated, okay?
                Hi Still waiting for my book to come it should be here in the next few days !! Many thanks for your help. I'm only trying to cut down at the moment as you said I don't think it's wise to go straight AF.
                Please keep in contact as you are helping by letting me talk about it.
                Thanks :thanks:


                  Please help me

                  I am with AKgirl...if I knew WHY I'd FIX every alcohol inflicted person on this planet.....I would drive myself nuts trying to figure out how I got here...I have driven myself nuts!!!! I have relapseed a couple of times...I am back to plan worked...Topa and diet, exercise, MWO, family, friends, church, AA....Antabuse on heavy days...I will stay long I don't know right now. Until I feel really strong...I had 8 months at one time...stick with us. There is tons of support here. welcome
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    Please help me

                    you do it cause you can,doesnt make sense but you can,luckily brit is b4 me,jokingly,brit tells the story,life is not easy but we like to numb ourselves,we have to lern how,NOT TO,yes gyco,welcom


                      Please help me

                      brittzak;468478 wrote: I am with AKgirl...if I knew WHY I'd FIX every alcohol inflicted person on this planet.....I would drive myself nuts trying to figure out how I got here...I have driven myself nuts!!!! I have relapseed a couple of times...I am back to plan worked...Topa and diet, exercise, MWO, family, friends, church, AA....Antabuse on heavy days...I will stay long I don't know right now. Until I feel really strong...I had 8 months at one time...stick with us. There is tons of support here. welcome
                      Thanks for your support it's helping !! I am still trying to get my head around that I have admitted that I have a problem !!!!!!!!!! Please stay in touch :thanks:


                        Please help me

                        I found it to be boredom,low selfasteam,pefectionism,anxity,stress,depression,h abit etc. I found that ndoing research on the web on these and other subjects really help me understand myself and my I drank also come he as often as you can because the is a lot of advice from years of drinking. Stop before you have health problems because it will happen Alcohol KILLs


                          Please help me

                          Boredom is a big part of why I drink. But stress too, heck we can always find reasons to drink! The key as I understand it is to develop new habits to replace the old ones. When I have been AF for the few days here and there that I have been, I enjoy them immensly! I would love to do 30 days AF but have yet to be able to do so. I have been able to control my drinking in the way of not blacking out, not missing work, meeting my obligations, holding the household together, but now I find I want to have more friendships, and the drinking supercedes friend time. I joined a habitat women's build, which meets 7:30 am on Saturdays, good group of women, worked hard, but it means not drinking Friday nights, so that is a great thing for me, real incentive to take it easy. The exercise too and commaraderie will be a plus. Others have had much success, and I hope to get there too.
                          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                            Please help me

                            akgirl;460306 wrote: First of all WELCOME

                            If I could answer that question...well I would be the MWO queen!! We don't know why, but we know what helps. You have found a wonderful place. And we are all here to help.

                            So get ready, read the book, read more posts and make a plan! You can do it!

                            I drank 1-2 bottles of wine a day....I am on Day 8 AF, it can be done!!
                            Sorry I've been quiet.
                            I'm now drinking a bit less, I start later and I'm going to bed earlier, I've bought the book ( Still reading It ) Please stay in touch talking about it is helping me !! I only have 1 friend that knows my problem and can talk to face to face and that helps me a lot !!


                              Please help me

                              oldrover;472795 wrote: Sorry I've been quiet.
                              I'm now drinking a bit less, I start later and I'm going to bed earlier, I've bought the book ( Still reading It ) Please stay in touch talking about it is helping me !! I only have 1 friend that knows my problem and can talk to face to face and that helps me a lot !!
                              21/11/2008 I had my 1st AF day for 20+ years yesterday and I have you people to thank. I slept crap but woke up feeling better than I have dun for years.Thanks again for all your help.


                                Please help me

                                Congratulations, Rover!! Good for you! If you keep doing this... your sleep will get much better. It takes time, sometimes a few weeks or so... but it's worth it.


