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i will need help

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    i will need help

    hello all.please read post with open heart. i been i drinker for almost 10 years,i only drink at night i dont drink all day long, but at night i drink alot about 2 bottles of whisky a after 10 years its time for me to stop.i have a new family and that makes me want to stop even more,i been looking online at sight and programs,then i seen this sight i been reading post for the last 2-3 hrs,wow what a sight.i am very scared to stop ,the night sweats,the shakes,and the unknown.i dont know how to start,i dont know when to start.i am to the point i hate going to the store to get my whiskey.every morning i wake up i hate the way i am making my life to be.i fill like crap for the first 2 hr at work then i am ok .by looking at this sight it looks like there is a lot of people to help me.i think my biggest promblem right now is that i am scared to stop.i will be very active on the fourm as i try and stop my drinking habit but i will get advice from you guys before i stop .you have been where i am going and i like to start with good advice plz leave anything you like on this post i will read everything.thanks for reading and god bless:new:

    i will need help

    I"m not sure I have the advice you seek, but I did waqt to welcome you. There are many here that will share their experience and advice. The support is great as well. I will suggest you get and read the MWO book. I think it may help with some of your questions. Reading and posting alot help as well. If you want to join in chat there are alot of people there that will listen and chat with you when you need support. Good Luck in your journey.


      i will need help

      Hi Mike,

      Welcome! You are in a good place. You will find lots of loving support here. I remember how hard it was to hit that submit button the first time. Like time2 change already said. Read the book. Read lots of posts. Ask lots of questions. Drink a lot of water. Eat a healthy diet.

      The kudzu really helped me a lot in the beginning. It helped me not crave alcohol, really. And I didn't stop cold turkey. It helped to minimize the withdrawl symptoms. You can take it slow. There are many here with many different levels of AL consumption when they came here for help.

      You are in good hands.

      Hang in there, we are here for you!

      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


        i will need help

        Hi Mike,
        Welcome to MWO.
        Yep, I fully understand your fear of stopping. It is the fear of the unknown (sobriety), stepping outside your comfort zone... even though for you it is a very uncomfortable comfort zone. Our minds play the most elusive games with us, as you're experiencing.... fear of what MIGHT be. So we keep our old habit going. Ask yourself what is there to truly fear? Yes it will have difficult times, but gee it feels good when you go a few days Af (alcohol free). You know you are able to do it in small bits. That builds your self esteem, your sense of achievement, proves to yourself you are able to do it, so you are more able to maintain your momentum. Maybe start off with small achievable goals such as: I will not drink before a certain hour:, then I will cut back to .... drinks a night and so on. Oh, and try to find some activity to substitute for drinking. The main reason many people fail in so many things ( lifestyle changes, sport, fitness, drinking etc) is that they go in boots and all and it is more than they are able to maintain, it overwhelms them, so they revert back to the original comfort zone. Having said that, there are many people here who decided to stop completely and have had success.
        So, I wish you well on your pathway, and if you slip now and again, please don't beat up on yourself.
        There are many people here to give you support.
        Take it easy,


          i will need help

          Welcome! We'll do whatever we can to help. Stick close!:l:welcome:
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            i will need help

            Oh My Goodness
            sit down
            and take
            a deep breath

            next pat your self on the back
            Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


              i will need help

              Hi MIke,
              Welcome. You have come to a great place. You will find a lot of support here. Keep posting and perhaps post a thread and tell us more about yourself. There is alwayssomeone here day or night.


                i will need help

                Hi Mike, a big welcome to you! Congratulations on taking that very first step of recognizing you have a problem and asking for help to deal with it.
                Yes, of course your feel scared. you are thinking of making a massive change to your life and you dont know how its going to be. So apprehension is natural.
                Have you read the book yet? That might be a good place to start. It give you some ideas and inspirations to put a plan into place. Once you have an idea of how you want to proceed it gets a bit easier. There are a number of routes you can take, using meds, supplements, hypnotherapy, online support or all of these. For me, I use the online support and the supplements which have curbed my cravings and helped me through the more difficult times.
                You are not alone, there are many of us who are going and have been through similar situations to yourself and are always here to give you support and encouragement along the way.
                Stay close and keep reading and posting. It will help.
                Take care
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  i will need help

                  Well said CaptJ!!!


                    i will need help

                    Hello and Welcome
                    It sounds like you experience physical withdrawal, and that can be dangerous. Do you have a doctor that you can be open and honest with who will help you to detox? I had to go on medications for a brief period because my withdrawal was so severe. Please stay close by and let us know how u r doing. The first step is the most difficult, but you will feel so great very soon.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      i will need help

                      Welcome Mike!!!
                      You are on your way. I didn't have bad withdrawal symptoms, but lots of other people here have. Keep posting.


                        i will need help

                        going to take it slow

                        thanks for all the advice.i will start slow on this i dont want all things to hit me hard and all at once. i know this will be hard .tonight i will not drink no whisky maybe drink a few beers and get the crave for a shot to stop first..that will be my first goal .. lol if i am doing this wrong plz tell me .. like i said before i scared to do this and i have no freinds or family close to help me .all i have is my wife and my kids . so plz fell free to be a freind.


                          i will need help

                          Mike3563 Hello and welcome, I think it is important for you do this with some medical help. I did not go through withdrawals but I had my doctor and therapist aware of what I what trying to do. This site has been a life saver for me. Once I opened up for help here and admitted the problem it became easier to ask for help from others. You have taken the first important step.


                            i will need help

                            Hi Mike I agree with Kat. Can you get some medical advice? I didnt have severe withdrawals but I did have an uncomfortable first week. I now use the supplements to keep the cravings at bay. I might be wrong but if you are drinking beers will you just not drink more of those to get the same effect as the whiskey?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              i will need help


                              ok this weekend is the weekend i do this i of the biggest thing that is on my chest right now is how to get a good night sleep withen the first few nights ,or am i in a world without no i said lol i drank everyday for the last 10 years and this is going to be a big deal for me and i will share it all with you

