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What an idiot I am!

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    What an idiot I am!

    I blew it big time! There I was, 10 days AF without any real witdrawal symptoms besides feeling fatigued for the first few days and I decide I am invincible and enter into a 50km cycle race (not having been on the road for just under 3 years - just a few recent 30 minute stints on the winter trainer). Despite the scorching sun (35 degrees C)and howling wind I manage to complete it - I must be invincible!. So how do I reward myself? Remeber the half full bottle of Sav. Blank in the fridge? You guessed and it was straight back to the hard stuff for a few nights. I think I have my brain focussed again but I am realy finding it difficult to comprehend that mod. might not be my thing. I have a room literally full of realy good wine and other liquor at home. I am too much of a Scot to contemplate disposing of it other than down the loo. To compound things I am obliged to attend a wine tasting and auction this weekend - how I am going to handle that I do not know - it will be very difficult to use the spitoon for the tasting - how do you get the "finish" of a wine's flavour without swallowing?
    Well done to all of you who have stuck to their guns and good luck to those who, like me, have stumbled.
    Congratulations to you on the other side of the lake with your new president - he seems like a breath of fresh air. He is going to need all the help he can get with the situation your economic policies have got the rest of the world into. I am no economist, but I can't understand why, when the US economy fails, our stock market and currency head South. Our banks are well regulated and stable but we suck the hind tit.


    What an idiot I am!

    oh dear ... 10 days is marvelous although it is not long enough to wash alcohol completley out of the body systems. i felt muscle withdrawl up to 90 days when i was behaving strongly. keep trying .... and never feel down about a slip ... it happens to most of all, more ofthen than you think. :l


      What an idiot I am!

      hi John, :welcome:,
      10 days is unfortunately not long enough at all... I too was lucky, no withdrawal symtoms, just remember you have choices, if yr choice is to be AF, then explain that you are only obligated to yorself and yr choices and cannot attend yr wine tasting, its too soon to be tempted again.
      Whisky was my drink of choice, so that did go dowmn the sink, not the good stuff though, also too much of a scot to throw it away, also in SA, we too have a vast wine collection and a fully stocked bar in our lapa, but as long as there is no cheap whisky for my irish coffees, I am fine.
      Just take ODAT

      Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

      Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


        What an idiot I am!

        Sometimes a slip serves as a learning lesson. Atleast youre taking away some wisdom from it. I had so many slips and each one told me the same thing. I felt like crap and it was never worth it. I only have 9 days today, but Im going for 90 before I go off my antabuse.


          What an idiot I am!

          John, your story sounds a lot like mine. I once went three months AF before a 10k time trial, was in awesome shape and set a PR, then rewarded myself by getting smashed.

          Alcohol is a subtle foe and will look for any excuse to get us to drink, good or bad. My brain would tell me, "you don't really have a problem - otherwise how could you compete and finish that race?" Then it would be, literally, "off to the races."

          Just remember that triggers can come in all shaped and sizes and we need to have a plan in place to deal with them when they happen.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            What an idiot I am!

            Thanks for the advice Fiona, Ripple & MM. It certainly was not my intention to go off abs so soon - I swear that this curse meddles with our minds even when we are supposedly sober!
            Unfortunately I have not "outed" myself on all fronts - just here and a very close friend so my obligation to the wine tasting will still be there. Maybe I can treat it as a test of character (very dangerous, I know) - will keep you posted.

            John K


              What an idiot I am!

              I suppose from a marketing point of view it makes a lot of sence - captive and receptive market and all but at the head on this page are 2 Google sponsored ads - one for wine tasting tours and another for setting up wine tasting clubs. Seems a bit counter productive to me. Are the sponsored ads linked to forum content? I think this must be the case as a 3rd ad has been included - one for free wine reviews1


                What an idiot I am!

                The three ads above for me at the moment are

                Desert Canyon Rehab

                Wine and Liquor Gift Boxes

                Thinking of a Wine Tour

                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

