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New to the site, so glad to be here!

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    New to the site, so glad to be here!

    Hi all,

    I just started the "My Way Out" program and am just now getting the chance to get on the discussion board here. I am not sure what I waited for because I am hoping all of my questions can get answered now

    I haven't had a drink in 18 days........been on the topomax now for 7 at 25mg for the first 3 and then 50mg for the past 4 days. I don't really feel much different. A little more tired than normal I guess, no weight loss yet although I hope that is a side effect I get.......hehe. Cognitively, feeling a little fuzzy, actually at times like a full blown idiot but nothing I can't play off so far. The vitamins are pretty easy to tolerate. Ordered my hypno CD yesterday so looking forward to that. My doctor also suggested I try acupuncture to help so I may try that after I see how the hypnotic CD works.

    I am a marathon runner so I have been really concerned about the side effects of the medicine. As of right now, my doctor has only prescribed up to 50mg. but I do plan to call him tomorrow and see if he can increase my dosage starting next week becasue as of yet, I don't think it is strong enough to get me over the 4 week hump that has kicked my A** 3 times in the last 6 months!

    I did get really hungry the first week I started taking it.......anyone else go through that?

    I would love to find someone to go through this transition with. I was a weekend drinker (occasionally during the week) but as soon as I opened that first beer or corked that bottle, it was all over...........and I wouldn't remember large portions of the night. I have 2 beautiful little girls and I refuse to be their "drunk" mom!

    Thanks all...........look forward to learning from all of you. XO

    New to the site, so glad to be here!

    Welcome Sheri!

    Thanks for sharing your story. Let us know what we can do to help you :wings:

    What do you know about the acupunture? Sounds interesting.
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      New to the site, so glad to be here!

      Sherip, sounds like you are well on your way. If 4 weeks is a tough time for you look at what your triggers are and try to steer clear of those around your 4 week mark. Stay with us here on the forums...there is always someone here 24/7 due to our differing time zones. We can offer support and even some excellent advice during the tough times. I hope you stay with us...I look forward to getting to know you better. Kriger
      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


        New to the site, so glad to be here!

        starting out as well

        I am also new to this site and can relate to not wanting to be known as the drunk mom.UUGGHHH that just sounds so awful. I am only on my second day. I dont want to go back. For those of you on the meds for anticravings did you ask your Dr. for theses?


          New to the site, so glad to be here!

          Welcome, sherip! :welcome:

          Congratulations on your AF time! I'm 4 days AF and this is a tough one for me. I love the CDs and I hope you do, too. I can relate to not wanting to be a drunk mom. Me either!

          It sounds like you're well on your way. I can't wait to read more of your posts, especially regarding the acupuncture. Have always been interested but have never tried it.

          Take care :l
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            New to the site, so glad to be here!

            Hi all, thanks for the replies

            Okay, thought I would check in while I am waiting for popcorn shrimp and tater tots to cook. Domestic, I am NOT!!!

            Thanks for the welcome........and the advice. It is nice to know that there are so many of us out there that are going through the same struggles. I wouldn't consider myself a classic alcoholic and my issues are so confidential and private. I am the VP of my daughter's PTA and work a few part time jobs and I could not imagine others knowing the issues I deal with everyday. I have been in therapy for months and I just didn't think it was helping. I did although learn that my drinking is a response to the years of eating and body image issues that I have and never dealt with. So, I guess something positive did come out of those $100's of dollars. :H

            Anyway, my internist who is a personal friend of mine and very familiar with my workout and training goals suggested acupuncture as treatment for my addiction issues. I am not familiar with it and was open to it as a suggestion but didn't do much more than call yet. I wanted to see how I liked the hypto CD before I spent the money on that too. My internist sees a guy that does acupuncture himself so I totally trust his judgement and recomendation. After the copay for the topa and the money for the vitamins, and then the hypno CD, this program isn't cheap so I am trying to cover my bases without overdoing it. Although realizing I am saving money on the alcohol. My kegerator has been empty for 2 weeks

            Okay, I am really curious about this topamax........i tried a carbonated beverage today for the first time in a week, it totally sucked. wow...........

            Anyway, i will let you guys know if I decide to stick myself with a bunch of needles. The good thing he did say was that it is fairly cheap and that it only takes about 4 or 5 sessions and it should take care of it.


              New to the site, so glad to be here!

              Just wanted to say hello and welcome to Sherip140 and Trevella, Will look forward to reading and sharing with you.


                New to the site, so glad to be here!


                I got my topa from an online pharmacy.

                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  New to the site, so glad to be here!

                  You are doing great so far and really seem to have a great plan. You also have the support of alot of caring people on this site. Good luck on your journey.


                    New to the site, so glad to be here!

                    Hi Sherip140 !

                    Awesome job so far! 18 days on your own is no small feat and coming here may just be the additional support you need. I am a mom too and didn't want to be that "drunk" mom either. I also struggle with my body image or maybe just self-confidence but drinking was my solace, confidence builder or way to make myself feel better. I know coming here we look for those with similar stories but I've found quite a few moms out here. I honestly thought I was the only one struggling through but have now found that I'm not alone and I'm okay.

                    I haven't received my supplements yet....(getting antsy that I got ripped off and they will never come). ANYway, my first week I was extra hungry and not being on any supplments or Topamax, I could only attribute it to the fact that I was inadvertantly soothing and distracting myself. I know there were times I actually gave myself the consolation that I wasn't drinking 1000 calories so I could have extra food. Not so bad anymore. I am on day 13 and I think the weight loss is kicking in just from lack of drink.

                    Welcome and I hope to hear more from you.

                    Be - how long did it take your Topa to get to you?? I am pretty concerned now.


                      New to the site, so glad to be here!



                      It does sound like you have a good support system around you. That is incredibly important.

                      I, too, know what you mean about not wanting to be the "drunk mom." You are so right to worry about that. It is a horrible place to be.

                      If you end up doing the acupuncture, all of us would love to hear about it. Anything that helps is a good thing, but only if it really helps.

                      Topa makes carbonated beverages taste horrible. It is one of the side effects. Sorry.

                      Several people here have done the Topa. I can't due to allergic reaction but I hope the ones that have used it and used it successfully jump on to say "hi."

                      If not, there are a couple of good threads in the Medications forum. You may well want to jump on there and read.

                      Glad you are here and I hope you find your way out, too.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        New to the site, so glad to be here!

                        A short and sweet note to welcome you ~ lots of wisdom, love & support at your disposal. We're happy to have you here! :welcome:
                        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                          New to the site, so glad to be here!

                          Hi Selia1,

                          I actually got a prescription for my topa so I got mine filled at the pharmacy that day. I am pretty close with my doctor so as long as he doesn't see any harm in what I am doing, he trusts my judgement in and writes me a prescription for what I want. I took in the research and that helped. Are you located in the states or not?

                          Just hang in there and it will come........hopefully it will be worth it.......I just went to the vitamin store to get the supplements, my 3 year old in tow! I took my book and told the guy behind the counter exactly what I needed and in what dose and he filled my cart. It was pretty pricey but I am committed to making this work. My long term goal is moderation but I know myself and I have tried to quit numerous times in the past so I know that I need a good 3 months of abstinance before I can even think about taking a drink. Not to mention dealing with the underlying issues so I don't fall into those old habits.

                          I think this medicine is working so was the first day I actually felt a reprieve in the hunger which was nice. I can't tell if the lack of alcohol cravings are more the medicine or the initial will power. I am usually fine for the first few weeks and then loose all control and crash and burn miserably!! I should get my hypno CD at the end of the week, did you order that yet? I am so curious for that. I haven't ever done anything like that before so it really intrigues me. Curious to see if I think it works...........anyway, looking forward to chatting more with you and others soon.

                          Hang in there and your meds will come soon!!!!


