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I'm new and anxious

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    I'm new and anxious

    I posted a blurb a few minutes ago, but I think it went to the wrong place.
    Anyway, I'm really eager to get a grip on my reality and my life on track.
    My kids are anxious and my Husband is not much help and all my life I've felt like a failure and this drinking is not helping.Actually, the only thing I seem to be good at IS drinking.
    I'm known for having great parties, fun times and being the life of the party, when deep down I'm just sad and anxious.

    I've sent away for the book and cd's and will get vitamins tomorrow.
    I'm really nervous, yet so desperate to get my drinking and life really under control

    I want my family to be proud of me, but mostly I want to be proud of me.
    Looking forward to any help and support and if this was too long, or in the wrong place, my apologies.

    Savreg :upset:

    I'm new and anxious

    Hi Savreg, Welcome and well done for posting! That is a great start. It seems to me like you are ready for a change and you have a plan with the CDs book and vits.
    I was terrified too when I first realised my drinking lifestyle had to end. It is a scary prospect. I also suffered from depression and anxiety. Made so much worse by the booze.
    As you get some sober time under your belt the anxiety will ease along with the guilt and bad feeling and one thing I can promise you is that you will begin to feel proud of yourself.
    Stay close it really does help
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I'm new and anxious

      Hi Savreg


      I can so much relate to feeling like a failure- I spend my whole life feeling 'not good enough' which I am sure has contributed to my drinking.

      I have to rush out now, please stick around and keep reading- there is lots of good information here, and some lovely folk to boot!



        I'm new and anxious

        Welcome, welcome,
        Well, you've just taken the first big step... posting your thread.
        Yes, you will have a wonderful sense of achievement when you have your first day Af (alcohol free) That is when you can know you can do it. The pathway has a few slippery bits and you may muddy yourself now and then, but gee it is such a great feeling to experience that sense of achievement.
        Nup, your post isn't too long, it is perfect.
        Yes, it is terrifying as we are so used to our comfort zone (booze, lack of self esteem self hate etc etc...what a dumb comfort zone to want to be with) but the alternative is wonderful and worth the effort.
        You've made a great start.
        You will get lots of support from members, and there are many forums giving good solid advice.
        May you and your family be well, and may you be happy.


          I'm new and anxious


          Welcome, I am new too and already, have found so much support and answers to my many questions about all of the wonderful resources this forum and the MWO book provides. We all understand how you feel because although we all are at different steps in our addiction and "recovery", we all go through the same process to get to the end. In my case, I never denied I had a problem and have woken up for 15 years after nights of drunken stupors feeling horrible about the person I am. I felt bad enough for a few days to stay AF and then the feelings that were at the bottom of all of that drinking got the best of me and made me drink again.

          I think it is so important for everyone to realize what it is that makes them drink. Is is hereditary? Are there other addictions underneath the drinking? That is what it is in my case......and the "addiction" will never go away if I don't deal with the root of the problem. I may quit drinking, but I will just find something else to replace it and chances are, that will begin to spiral out of control and ruin my life.

          You have come to the right place to begin this journey. You will find all of the support and answers that you need but the will power and want needs to come from inside of you. Use the powerful tools that you have available to help you and you can succeed. You need to make this change for you and your future and it will carry over into your family. Hopefully they can be supportive! Good luck.........

