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Could I ask your advice?

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    Could I ask your advice?

    :new: Hi ? I?m new to this and living in hope that I can get some control over my drinking. It is such a relief to have found this site where everyone understands this problem from personal experience.

    Basically, over the last few years I?ve crept up from having the odd glass of wine in the eve, to drinking two or more bottles a night almost every night. This almost lost me my partner ? who gave me an ultimatum ? me or the drink (he hardly drinks at all, just socially, so really can?t understand why I have this problem). My three teenagers hate me drinking too and I always feel so ashamed the next morning. The silly thing is, I can go all day without a drink ? and can honestly say I never drink in the morning, and very rarely before 6pm, but by 4pm it?s all I can think about and once the bottle is open I just can?t seem to stop.

    I bought the MWO book last week, but living in the UK I think that it is highly unlikely that my GP would prescribe Topamax (I did see her a couple of years ago asking for help about my drinking and she just prescribed me anti-depressants and basically told me to pull myself together). Have any of you taken this drug without GP help? I could order them online but not sure how safe this would be.

    I have bought most of the supplements, but wonder if anyone can advise on the dose I should take of L-Glutamine? Although the book talks about it, it isn?t on the daily dosage list. Also, the book mentions Niacin and the fact that it has proven to reduce alcohol craving ? but isn?t on the recommended list. I?d be really grateful if anyone can advise what supplements and what doses they are taking. Thank you so much!
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    Could I ask your advice?


    Hi there snapdragon :welcome: so glad you've found us, this site is full of amazing people

    You & I sound in a similar situation, wine's my thing & it crept up on me over the years. I'm also UK. I managed quite a few days AF (alcohol free) last week so hopefully you will soon too.

    Sorry to hear your Dr wasn't very sympathetic. Even tho mine was, he did the same as yours - ADs & suggested I try AA. In case it's of interest, I have found a weekly meeting at a local drug/alcohol advice centre. It's confidential & free. I think I found it through the alcohol advice number in Yellow Pages. You could probably google for one as well as well.

    As to the sups, I've just checked & on my paperwork it suggest 1,000mg L Glut in the morning. And on my B-50 caps it lists the Niacin as included in there. Hope this helps.

    You have every chance of success now that you've taken that very important first step & asked for help. Stay close & keep us posted!
    Gold xxx


      Could I ask your advice?

      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Could I ask your advice?

        Hi Snapdragon and welcome!
        I take the 2000mg (2 caps) of l glut in the morning and 2000 mg in afternoon.
        Kudzu I take 2 caps morning and afternoon.
        I also take gaba, true calm, All One and omegas, a b complex and C. Yup I rattle but I feel better for rattling!

        BTW I could never drink just one either
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Could I ask your advice?

          Hi Snap I have taken topa and followed the program to the letter it works . Although best to have a doctor prescribe, like you i couldnt find one so I ordered from IN house Pharmacy on line expensive but the real stuff not the indian generic stuff. Its helps but you must follow the whole program and have a reserve of determination that you really want to stop!!!!! otherwise dont waste your money


            Could I ask your advice?


            The silly thing is, I can go all day without a drink ? and can honestly say I never drink in the morning, and very rarely before 6pm, but by 4pm it?s all I can think about and once the bottle is open I just can?t seem to stop.--This was me as well, but beer, not wine...I get it.

            Have any of you taken this drug without GP help? I could order them online but not sure how safe this would be.--Many people here do it without their GP. I have ordered the topa online but haven't received it yet.....scared yet, optimistic. I have heard amazing things about it.

            Niacin and the fact that it has proven to reduce alcohol craving ?if you take too much Niacine, you can break out in a heatrash, hard to explain, but I would break out in an itchy red, hot rash on my arms, chest and face.....eventually iy went away, but bothersome, so I stopped taking it--hard to explain the rash, lol.

            You will love it here...the people are most supportive. I have tried other sites, but this one is the best.

            AF July 6 2014


              Could I ask your advice?

              Hi Snapdragon!

              Smart of you to get the book, you're on the right track already. I was the same with the wine until I got to the point I was blacking out most nights. Not anymore.

              I ordered the topa online and am currently taking 75mg/day. I find it helps. I also follow the book's nutrition pgm and take 1 Kudzu in morning, 1 early afternoon, 2 late afternoon. I drink the All One in the morning and supplement with Evening Primrose, a b complex and magnesium. I also take milk thistle and drink a TON of water during the day.

              I take 1000mg of GABA under the tongue when I feel a hard craving coming on.

              I hope this helps :l

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Could I ask your advice?

                Welcome Snapdragon.....what a great name! You sound like me.....once that bottle is open..thats it ...gone. Keep posting and all the very best to you... Bella XXXX


                  Could I ask your advice?

                  Hello Snapdragon. I too am new here and found this site by accident.....I am glad you asked this question as I too just bought the supplements. Living in Canada, I could not get some of he stuff such as Kuduz or all in one. I know that my doctor would never prescribe any medication either and would refer me to AA which I cannot do here in a small town.

                  Today I start with the supplements. I am really edgy today so I hope this helps me.........

                  Best of luck to you!!
                  :new: Jas56


                    Could I ask your advice?

                    Hello snapdragon. Welcome. You will find a lot of support here. Great site, great people.


                      Could I ask your advice?

                      My husband orders the Topamax from Canada. I am sure everyone reacts differently to it, but it has been a life saver for him. he is going to stay on it through the Holidays and then tapper and try to face AL without it.
                      For your partner, I suggest buying the book "co-dependent no more". It helped me tremendously to cope with the relationship. Those of us who don't drink are unable to understand, but we are able to learn to deal with the feelings and learn how to react. Good luck


                        Could I ask your advice?

                        Welcome Snapdragon, This is a safe place to come and to share.We are all in this together and together, we can heal...Stay close.I look forward to getting to know you.
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Could I ask your advice?

                          This is it - DAY ONE!

                          Hi all

                          :thanks: Thank you so much for your words of support. I have been taking all of the supplements for two days now and the craving has really subsided. I was totally stupid last night because although I wasn't craving a drink I wondered if I would be like Roberta in the book - pour one glass and that would be enough. It wasn't - and you guessed - I drank two bottles of wine! I did notice that the first glass really went to my head though - must be the Kudzu (I read somewhere that it increases the effect of alcohol).

                          So - today is officially DAY ONE. I am determined to go 30 days AF - so wish me luck everyone
                          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

