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I am driving myself mad!

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    I am driving myself mad!

    Ok - I know I keep coming here thinking I am going to kick this thing and then I leave again, which I know I should not do, but I get so embarrsed that I can't stand to come back and say I failed. But I really need you all, this is getting bad, I used to beable to go atleast a couple of days without a drop and now I can't seem to manage to get through a day. The other day I only had one beer, but still for crying out loud why can't I get through one day without one. It's awful I am ready to end this drinking thing in the morning and feel really confident that I will finally do it and then I get home from work, clean my house and all I can think about is grabbing a beer or two maybe three and then I hit the wine. I drink around 6-7 drinks in a day. Not that I get drunk, but everyone knows that it is not healthy and I just can't stand being controlled by anything. So here I am again, hope you don't get tired of me. I really am going to try to stick to this site wether I fail or not! Oh and I must add last December thanks to this site I was able to go three weeks and it was an AWESOME three weeks. So there is hope for me even though at this moment I don't feel it.

    twosox :upset:

    I am driving myself mad!

    Hiya Two, welcome back!
    You are right, being here helps so much.
    have you got the supps and book etc? A plan to make some changes during the witching hour?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I am driving myself mad!

      Welcome back Twosox! There is no shame in always learn something....the amount of times I have thought that i have kicked this drinking thing and back to it again. This place is get back on track here and good luck to you....Bella XXX


        I am driving myself mad!

        hey two and welcome back!!
        Don't feel ashamed to come back. If we can't be honest and accepted here then where's the hope. Just keep coming back here-regardless. I have slipped hundreds of times and everyone knows how this sneaky thing goes. You want this bad. I can hear it in your post. Reach out and you will get support. Be honest-even though it sucks to say it outload- so people can give you good advice. Trust me, most of us took awhile and lots of slips to finally get it.


          I am driving myself mad!

          2sox, glad you came back. The only one who understands your triggers, the situations in which you are most likely to drink, is you. And you also understand what situations or circumstances are most likely to give you enough strength to say "no" even when you want a drink. Given what you know about your own drinking, what would make a reasonable plan? There are many things that are helpful to many people with severe addiction problems, so I suspect they would be helpful for you, too! The trick is: you just have to keep on doing them... not just thinking about them...

          best wishes,



            I am driving myself mad!

            You fall then you pick yourself-up. Stand-up and try again. Without trying there is no chance to succeed. Nothing worth having is easy ! Good luck.


              I am driving myself mad!

              Thanks to all of you, just got home from work, going to do a load of laundry then vaccum and hopefully put off the drinking one more hour. Although I am already dying for a beer. Went to the store and bought some beer and wine for my hubby and myself. Hopefully I won't drink it tonight. But if I do I will be back here tomorow. I have to get this eventually!! Praying that all of you do well also.

              Twosox :l


                I am driving myself mad!

                twosox28;461799 wrote: I am already dying for a beer. Went to the store and bought some beer and wine for my hubby and myself. Hopefully I won't drink it tonight.
                And... this is your plan, for dealing with the alcohol problem that you just described? I think perhaps it needs a bit of tweaking... maybe I'm wrong, though.

                best wishes,



                  I am driving myself mad!

                  Yeah I wouldnt go to the store and get the drinks PERIOD! Believe me...if its there..its too hard


                    I am driving myself mad!

                    Hi twosox ---- I agree with WIP --- you need to change up that plan of yours. Can you and your husband go out for a long walk when it's your usual time to start drinking .... or go to a movie... or just do something else for those first couple of hours to get you past your trigger time?
                    Stopping drinking isn't going to happen on it's own ... you have to REALLY, REALLY want it and work at it. Think of it as quitting "just for today" ... once you get a few days AF behind you and you feel how good it is to wake up with a clear head, you'll want to achieve that more and more...... today is as good a day as any to start.
                    Spend time posting and reading here to gather strength and determination.

                    I have quit repeatedly, but I'm not going to quit trying ... each time it gets a little easier.
                    Let us know how you're doing.


                      I am driving myself mad!

                      Glad you came only fail when you stop trying. I gotta agree with WIp, buying booze and turturing yourself with its presence is a bit much for just about ANYONE of us. If hubby wants to drinks....he needs to buy his own.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        I am driving myself mad!

                        I agree with WIP and Brit. Are you taking any supps to help with cravings?
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011


                          I am driving myself mad!

                          Trigger time was very hard for my hubby. it typically started around 4:00pm (he works at home) when he began his journey to be free of AL. The trigger time became his billing time of the day.. quickly the receivables looked a lot better than the bottle of Vodka
                          Please find something else to do, as New Day suggested.. something for the two of you. good luck.


                            I am driving myself mad!

                            The embarrasment thing gets us all I had six months of sobriety in AA a great network of friends and then had a major bender and never went back because of that feeling. Don't make the same mistake I did. I regret this so much a few years on my drinking became much worse.
                            just my 2 bobs worth

                            Good luck (I know I bloody need it lol)

