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ODAT Saturday

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    ODAT Saturday

    Ok, goes!

    Happy Weekend everyone! Mine is not exciting what so ever, but will be sober so I will be thankful for that!

    What plans does everyone have??? I can live vicariously through everyone else's plans!!! I will be cleaning and doing some laundry....I have my SIL's bday party tonight at 6pm.....will be home for chat though!!! Tomorrow I work and hopefully my hubby will be home shortyly after that.....miss him........
    AF July 6 2014

    ODAT Saturday

    Good morning! I am so glad someone started this, because I've promised myself to post everyay, but didn't want to start the thread since I am so new! I have no plans for the weekend. Actually my life is pretty aimless these days and that's probably contributed to my slide into the world of a drunk. At some point I have got to get down to some serious self-evaluation and make some decisions about the future and what, exactly, I want for the rest of my life!

    But, for now, I am going to take the baby step aims of 30 days AF and getting my anxiety under control (at least get some of symptoms under control so that I can think).

    On day 3, still a nervous wreck, but am determined!

    Have a great day everyone.


      ODAT Saturday

      WElcome Dingbat!

      Congrats on Day 3! Good thinking in regard to the babysteps! That's what gets me through and many on here. You are right some point, and I am guilty of this as well, we need to have a plan. We need to know what we are going to do if we say go out for dinner to our local pub, or people drop in that you normally would drink you handle social and stress situations. I have become much of a hernit since stopping but I can't remain a hermit forever......I really don't want to give up my friends either, I love them, they just drink......I will have to learn to deal with that....

      Don't be are doing great and it will get better.....
      AF July 6 2014


        ODAT Saturday

        Good morning and Happy Weekend to you too! My weekend is not too exciting either - taking my daughter for ice skating lesson this morning. My husband and son are going to a basketball this afternoon so my daughter and I will have some time together...I'd like to get out and do something active. I checked the paper for local activities yesterday and didn't see much going on. Maybe I'll just take my daughter for a nature walk somewhere.

        Tomorrow, nothing planned as of yet. Cleaning and laundry will be happening here too At some point I'm hanging new valences in my piano room. Weekends are hard for me just because I have just about the WHOLE DAY to potentially drink. I have to say though, that at day 15, it does seem to be getting easier. I understand the problem with getting together with friends. I've had one hard time there where my one of my friends, understandably, can't believe I really don't want to drink. That's not the girl she knows! And I haven't really told her what I'm doing at this point, so I'm sure she was confused. I just told her I wasn't feeling well (which was actually true that day anyway). But one success I have had is with a group of friends I play music with on a pretty regular basis. The beers and drinks are usually flowing. The last 3 times we've been together, I didn't drink at all, and you know what? They didn't seem to even notice much less care! I noticed, of course, that their drinks were flowing pretty steady - once people are drinking I think a lot of the time they don't care if you are or not. Especially if there is a group so they all feel like they're in it together. if there's one person not drinking it's not such a big deal.


          ODAT Saturday

          Good Morning all! Nothing too exciting planned here either .... laundry, garden cleanup in preparation for Winter ...yuck!

          Last night I was out for dinner with hubby and we shared a 1/2 litre of wine. I was so tempted to come home and open a bottle and continue drinking (which up until now was usual for me). I figured I'd already blown my 4 days AF, so why not. However, I didn't... I thought I'd be like a "normal drinker" and now that dinner was over, so was the enjoyment of wine.... and also how much better I'd feel in the morning. So I made myself a cup of tea, feel great this morning and very proud that I did that.

          So, I've devised a new way of counting for myself in order to have the incentive to stop drinking after 2 glasses with dinner out or on special occassions. I'm going to continue the count by stating I'm on day 5 AF/Mod (or 4 AF/1 Mod) ... not sure what will be easier to keep track of. Because my goal is to be able to Moderate my drinking it will be more of an incentive to stop.

          I was getting too discouraged by starting over at day 1. And on the days I did have something to drink, I would go overboard since I'd already blown it. I hope this is okay with everyone .. I think it's what I need at this time.


            ODAT Saturday

            Not sure if I should be posting, since I blew it yesterday (Day 9) and am having a glass of wine as I write this.

            It was a stressful day (not an excuse!). Interview. Learned today I didn't get the job, but they had 200 applicants and only chose 5 for 2nd interview, I being one.

            I guess I should feel "honored" - but guess what? It don't pay the bills!!!

            I've been off work for over a YEAR. Praying hard that Congress passes another extension to unemployment benefits. (Guess I should thank former boss for firing me, in lieu of me quitting - which I would have done... eventually!)

            OK, Everyone - PLEASE pray with me!

            Of COURSE I would prefer getting a decent JOB!!!!

            Florida is one of the worst states for unemployment. I think around 6.6% last I checked. Quite dismal... and getting dismallllller!!

            I guess I should end by saying: Drinking didn't change anything and left me w/a Horrible headache!! Insult to injury.

            Will eat (didn't yesterday!), rest and lick my wounds. Then REBOUND. Try to enjoy the day...

            Life goes on...
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT Saturday

              Hey Savon ---- sorry to hear you didn't get the job (but yes, at least you were very much in the running). It would be enough to make me drink too I'm afraid. But give yourself credit for those 9 days.... just get right back to it.

              Take today to rest, and yes EAT! Go for a walk to get some fresh air and help clear your head.

              I don't know what type of work you do, but can you start up your own company and freelance? In the economy today there are a lot of businesses that don't want to take on a full time employee, but need help with special projects here and there ..... is this something that could work for you? I know it depends on your field of work.

              Thoughts are with you and sending good vibes your way.


                ODAT Saturday

                Francis--never really thought of that, but I guess if there is a group and there are a ton of glasses flowing, they are not overly concerned about your glass....for me however, my drink of choice is beer...can't fake that, lol! My group will have stayed away for some time....will stay away a little longer to feel stronger, then probably around Christmas time, I will jump back in and will be ok.

                New Day--you done good girl! You didn't go overboard and that is awesome...and another are deciding what is best for you and are not going to beat yourself up anymore. I hope this is a plan that can work for you. I would like to give modding a try but still want to wait a little while.....but I think you are doing well.

                Savon--I'm sorry the job didn't work out. I hope one comes a long soon. I will keep my fingies, and toes crossed for you. Please make sure you need strength for these interviews and I know it's easy to say but don't let it get you;s easy to become defeated but potential employers can see that defeated attitude....and it won't help. I'm rooting for you!!!! EAT!
                AF July 6 2014


                  ODAT Saturday

                  You know, if I really manage to do this I have decided that I'll just say "No thanks", and if anyone questions why I'll just tell them that I was turning into a complete drunken mess so decided to change my life. Anyone who has a problem with that can just bite me:H.


                    ODAT Saturday

                    Actually, for the people closest to me the "complete drunken mess" explanation will be unnecessary:H.


                      ODAT Saturday

                      Im here joining the ODAT. Today is day 12 for me, WEEE!!!


                        ODAT Saturday

                        dingbat, congrats on the day 3 and LOL with your posts about excuses! You're right, we shouldn't have to make them up. When I feel pressured, and insecure, I say I'm on antibiotics. It's never failed.

                        frances, day 15, awesome!

                        hey christy!

                        new day, that's exactly what I do with my AF/mod count. For example, I had 3 days AF then 2 days of successful modding then last night I had one over my mod amount so I'm calling this day 1 for me. Even though it was one drink I still went over.

                        savon, my heart goes out to you so much I can't even tell you. My brother is 60 and has been with his company for 18 years. They just axed him 2 years before retirement. My brother's an alcoholic and isn't functioning well. I'm so scared for him. I'm going to be sending "give savon a job" vibes your way and my thought are with you, buddy. Take care of yourself, ok? :l

                        mm, great on day 12!

                        I'm cleaning, doing laundry, going for a walk. I went for a long walk yesterday and it was great. I'm a bit sore as I'm really out of shape so I want to try to keep up with that. I'm also organizing my knitting/crochet stuff. I have a new cabinet set up in the rec room and the kids had better watch out and move their crap out of my way because mama's coming down!

                        Have a great day, ODATers
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          ODAT Saturday

                          dingbat;463105 wrote: Actually, for the people closest to me the "complete drunken mess" explanation will be unnecessary:H.
                          It's funny that you said that...I was thinking about what I was going to say at Christmas time when confronted with the questions. I think I should just use the honest approach and say, 'When I am drinking my 6'2", 260lb husband under the table, then it's time to cutback'. They all know it....just don't say it. Maybe I just won't say anything. Normally Christmas with my 'outlaws', I sit and drink and play cards with my MIL. She loves it because she has someone to drink excessively with....not this year!

                          Welcome to ODAT MM!!!!!
                          AF July 6 2014


                            ODAT Saturday

                            Christy - I drink the AF beer when we are out with our group - nobody would know, although they do know because I usually turn down the real stuff and head to the bar for the fake. And Francis - you are correct. They really don't care. In fact, a few of them appreciate it, as I tend to do the driving, and are really quite impressed with my resolve when we are out. Hey - it's my resolve when I'm at home that's the problem!!!

                            Savon - I'm with ya - drank wine last night, not as much as LAST saturday - I actually feel ok today - but drank wine none the less. It is always the weekends that I blow. But like NewDay says, it is such a drag always starting back at day 1, so I won't. This is ODAT. My aim was never to be totally AF (although I had wanted to try an AF November - oh, woe is me!!). Stopping the beverages during the work week is what I really want, and I seem to be fairly successful at that - Modded one night with a couple glasses. I have to look on the bright side of this, or I would be constantly beating myself up!!!

                            Wlcome Dingbat and hi to MM and Becoming!!
                            Sounds like a big housework weekend for everybody. Not me - I did it a couple of nights ago - vacuum, washed floors and bathrooms, cooked up and pureed 3 pumpkins and actually made a delicious pumpkim pie, which got eaten up pretty quick with these 3 guys here. They actually noticed how delicious it was when made with real pumpkim - although I usually use the canned pumpkin puree, but maybe the ultra-high temp processing takes away something from the flavour?? Hmmmm .... rambling here!

                            Hash run tomorrow - will bring the O'Doules Amber with me (the regular O'Doules is putrid!!!) and dress in layers as it is getting pretty cold out there!!

                            Have a super saturday everybody!!!
                            xoxo Peanut


                              ODAT Saturday

                              OK - OPDAT (one Partial day at a time!!)

                              Thanks to all who are sending me good vibes on the job thing. Apparently, I need ALL the help I can get!

                              Ate breakfast... going to lie down for a bit... then go to Flea Market! That will be a good way to get some fresh air on the Beautiful Day.

                              They have section where everything's a dollar - fun!

                              Rest of day is AF!!
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

