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maybe i found some hope here

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    maybe i found some hope here

    Hi everyone - somehow i was led to this site this morning - been up since 4 am loathing myself. after finding the site, i downloaded MWO book and just finished reading it. i've been secretly struggling with drinking for about 3 years - thinking no one notices.. i've never blacked out and rarely have hangovers ..i try to only drink 1/2 bottle of wine/night but usually end up at 3/4 to 1 full bottle - but i know i have a problem because i can't stop - i've begun craving a drink earlier in the day and now can barely make it to 4 pm.. every morning I get up and think about going to AA. but don't want to be in a group thing .. i just know this has to stop before i progress to full blown alcoholism.
    i have 4 kids, 1 in college and 3 at home.. my 22 year marriage will officially be over on 1-1-09. i trashed my marriage to a good man by having an affair which continues to this day - the man I'm involved with is an alcoholic but won't admit it- he blacked out in september after drinking way too much when we were celebrating the final mediation of my divorce - i've never experienced a blackout with anyone before - it's absolutely stunning to think i might end up here too. i have to get my life back on track.. maybe i can find help here.. I'm ready to do it all and i hope this is the place that will support me on this journey.. sorry this is so long, i'm an author and write for a living - will try to keep it short.. east mom

    maybe i found some hope here

    Welcome Eastmom.....

    This is a great place with great people, and amazing support. Reading the book is a great start....I also suggest reading posts....reading of a mixture of experiences and how people cope has truly helped me not feel alone in this war....

    AF July 6 2014


      maybe i found some hope here

      We're with you ALL THE WAY...I promise you that there can be HAPPINESS, after ALCOHOLISM.I am living proof.My drinking was way out of control.I never blacked out but it might have been a blessing, compared to the idiot that I would make of myself.I will have 6 months sober on Nov.12th.I couldn't have done it without MWO.You can do it too....I know you can.PM me if I can help you.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        maybe i found some hope here

        Eastmom, sounds like you already know what to do. This program works, the web site offers support from people who understand because we are struggling with the same demons. Read thru the site and you will be inspired to make a change. AA is a good option too. Both can give you tools to help.

        Best wishes to you, nat
        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          maybe i found some hope here

          Good for you for taking this step! and Welcome. There is a ton of support here. I'm fairly new here (been coming here for about a month now) and I log in daily, multiple times - I've found it has been very helpful. :welcome:


            maybe i found some hope here

            Welcome, eastmom! Hang on tight to your determination, make a good solid plan, and stay in touch here, a lot. We'll look forward to hearing more from you about how you are doing!



              maybe i found some hope here

              Welcome to MWO. Glad that you have already read the book and I echo what others have said. One thing that I would also suggest is to be honest with yourself throughout this process. Part of getting over the self-loathing involves doing an honest assessment of where you are at as well as where you want to be.
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                maybe i found some hope here

                HI EASTMOM, welcome to your future- We are all in the same boat here, I checked MWO a while ago, but only made the commitment to join 29 days ago, and proudly say that with the help of everyone here I am 29 days AF, and counting! I have been a closest drinker for too long to remember, If I can do it - you can too- Remember to use MWO as your support

                GOOD LUCK
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT


                  maybe i found some hope here

                  Hi eastmom!

                  Welcome, it's great you've already read the book! I read it in one sitting, too. I strongly recommend the supplements. I started with 1/2 bottle of wine, went to 1 bottle then 2 then nightly blackouts. With the support of MWO, I'm in a much better place. Healthier, happier and stronger. And no hiding.

                  I look forward to getting to know you better :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    maybe i found some hope here

                    A great big welcome!

                    Stick around, you have found the right place, lots of support.

                    Good luck:l
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

