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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Feeling a LOT better than yesterday! Looking forward to an AF day.

    Although I wasn't feeling too spry yesterday after drinking TOO much cheap wine! Arrrghhh. I Forced myself to do some things, but I just couldn't make it to my volunteer gig at SPCA. Pretty bad. I'll go today.

    Hope all you ODATers have a great day!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Sunday

    Savon - today will be better!!!! I'm "stealth posting" as hub is up and about - so have to make any posts short and sweet.

    Day 4 for me! Yesterday morn I was feeling very melancholy, today am feeling more upbeat. My throat is even feeling more normal - YAY!!! It' a beautiful day outside, so I think I may take a walk later. Does anyone know if you can listen to the subliminal tape while walking??? Or driving??


      ODAT - Sunday

      Oh boy, just filled in my drinktracker plan for abstinence. All of those empty yellow boxes:egad:.


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi ODATers,

        savon, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better

        dingbat, the one tape, subliminal, I listen to in the car, etc so I don't know why you couldn't while walking. Day 4, awesome! I'm glad you're feeling better, too.

        I'm putting away Halloween decs, in an organized way this year! I've got out the Thanksgiving stuff and should be able to get that out. Going to make a beef stew in the crock pot and use up some leftovers. It's nice and sunny out so I'll be doing some leaves, too.

        Take care, :l
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ODAT - Sunday

          Good morning all! Day 22 for me, one week to go for 30 days. Wow, what a change. I'm still adjusting to sleep, I think my body is trying to "catch up" over all the lost years of sleep. House cleaning and holiday planning for me. Time to throw out the dead house plants and buy new plants to kill over the next year.


            ODAT - Sunday

            Hi all - pretty good day here. Weekend is going much better this time than last weekend. Day 16 here. Bossman - do you plan to moderate after 30 days or are you planning to continue AF? Just curious. This is my first time trying to change my drinking and I am currently planning to moderate after 30 days...


              ODAT - Sunday

              Hi all ODATer's ---- quiet day for me here ..... been busy searching for flights to Brisbane, Australia for Feb. My best friend has invited me to come for another visit .... they're moving for 6 months from outside Sydney to the Gold Coast. What an exciting opportunity for me and to be able to visit with her again. Will be nice to escape the bitter winter here as well!
              Back on day 1 ... I was SO excited about this new development that I wasn't able to moderate last night.

              Hoping for a week of AF/Mod coming up.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Hello all!

                Late check in for me....I was working all day. Sounds like everyone is doing well. New Day, I would love to go to Austrailia....will be a while though...have a couple trips planned before, lol. Heading to Vegas in 2009, and Europe 2010......

                Day....26 I think for me....I still haven't decided about modding or not...I would like to give it a try, however, I am fearful to end up in the same spot....I am on Topa now, and beer is my drink of choice. Pop tastes nice and flat so I imagine beer would as well...

                Anyways....hubby comes home tonight, I am excited to see him. I missed him. I wonder if he expected me to drink this weekend while he was gone?
                AF July 6 2014

