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Day 1, again.....

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    Day 1, again.....

    OK folks, blew my 30 day AF goal pretty quickly. I really need to come on this site when feeling weak. Trying to be positive and brush myself off without beating myself up. I really want (need) to do these 30 days.

    Counting my days here will make me own it and the support will help also.


    Day 1, again.....

    Peace, good for you for re-committing to your 30-day goal. I have a suggestion: I noticed in another thread that you said you had decided to drink, and the way you put it was to say "I moderated well." I wonder if that is the best way to look at a decision to drink despite your commitment to being AF? "Moderating" is really not a very accurate term, IMO, for an episode of drinking, but rather is a long-term effort at controlling intake. If I am AF, and then drink, but only have 2 drinks instead of 18, I don't call that "moderating well." I call that "deciding to drink." It's much, much better that I had 2 drinks, instead of 18.... but it isn't really "moderating" unless I am able to sustain that level of consumption, over the long haul... And, the problem is, using the phrase "moderating well" tends to make it feel as if we have not really violated our earlier commitment, not to drink. I am not suggesting that we be harsh with ourselves, but that we be realistic about what really happened!

    Best wishes, and you will get a LOT of support here for keeping your commitment! Do you have a good, solid plan to help you make it, this time?



      Day 1, again.....

      You are so right WIP, I am going to do these 30 days and no moderating in between. If after the 30 I decide to go the moderating route I will decide once I reach that time. But now it will be 30 straight days AF.

      Thank you...


        Day 1, again.....

        Good for you, Peace, be strong, tolerate the uncomfortable urges, stick to your plan, and get really healthy and clear-headed. Then you can decide what comes next, right?



          Day 1, again.....

          Hi Peace,

          Good luck with your renewed commitment! Moderating is a difficult and subjective thing. I'm behind you all the way! :l

          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Day 1, again.....

            me too

            I know how you feel. I'm doing it today. I have to stop kidding myself and thinking that I can possibly moderate...ever. There will never be atime when I can have just one or two..maybe for that fleeting moment or week whatever, but it will always be there lurking, waiting to run me over again. I'm glad I came here, I definitely need to be less harsh on myself, but really I need to face reality and get to where I want to be...which is AF. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you today. We can do this. We can. We will. Arwen


              Day 1, again.....

              I'm with you guys, I'm on Day 1 and am happy about it. I'll be thinking of you, Arwen, and you, Peace.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Day 1, again.....

                Thanks...I really need you guys. Arwen


                  Day 1, again.....

                  Thank you

                  Thanks everyone,

                  Looking forward to counting AF days with you all.



                    Day 1, again.....

                    Best to you Peace,

                    Agree with WIP on the modding - I'm usually on the long term mod section and it's a lifestyle with healthy, controlled habits that take time to firmly establish and don't go all over the map. It may or may not be for you - you'll figure that out in your own time. In the meantime, fully support your 30 days and your commitment to them. Good for you for not allowing one instance to deter your long term goals to take control. Wishing you much success - sounds like you're well on your way.


