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One Day At a Time Tuesday

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    One Day At a Time Tuesday

    Good morning everyone! Well, I went ahead and started the thread because I'm always up early and I wanted to make sure I could post without the husband hovering!

    Day 6 for me, everything's going well. I haven't been able to get into the CD habit because I'm reluctant to tell my husband I'm doing the program again. At some point I'm going to do it, though, because I find the CDs so very helpful - not only for the drinking, but for addressing my anxiety issues.

    Oh, also, I wrote out the "One day at a Time" for peeps who might not know what "ODAT" stands for.

    Hope everyone is doing well this morning, and here's to an AF day!

    One Day At a Time Tuesday

    Hey dingbat and all upcoming ODATers!

    Congrats on the day 6! I'm on day 2 and had a wonderful night of the sweats last night. It was mostly due to "that time of the month" to be honest but I'm also attributing some of it to sans alcohol. Hubby was AF with me yesterday, too. That's always nice

    I have lots of laundry to do today, work in my office, I AM GOING FOR A WALK NO MATTER WHAT (I'm not yelling at you guys, I'm yelling at myself), buying some postage stamps. Did I mention work in my office? The kids are off from school due to Veterans Day, a day I take seriously. My father served in WWII and Korea, my brother in Vietnam and I'm an Army vet.

    Take care all ODATers to come and you too, dingbat! :l
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      One Day At a Time Tuesday

      Day 2 here also..


        One Day At a Time Tuesday

        Day 15 here. ODAT.


          One Day At a Time Tuesday

          Good Day all ODATers
          Day 8 and feeling Great!! Congrats to others on their AF time. Had a nice relaxing night off. Busy day today; getting my hair and nails done, grocery shopping, nap and back to work. I can't wait for the New England Patriots game on Thursday night. They are predicting a chilly, rainy night for the game, but my new "boy toy" can keep me Best wishes for a Great day to all.:l
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            One Day At a Time Tuesday

            Good Day all ----- just a quick check-in for me .... have to get to a tennis practice. Day 2 for me again too! Congrats to all who are farther along .... I hope to there soon too!
            Have a good day all and I'll check in later!


              One Day At a Time Tuesday

              Hello everyone
              congrats to everyone on their AF days! wishing you the best. I'm on day 2. I have the day off today; sending my thoughts and prayers to all veterans and their families.

              Hope you have fun at the patriots game on Sea. I'll watch from home. Stay positve everyone, let's set our intentions and work toward our goals.
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                One Day At a Time Tuesday

                Good morning everyone!

                Day 28 here....seems like a long time, but not at all, does that make any sense? I have a quiet day thus far, hubby just left for work, doesn't teach until 12:30, and kids don't get Remembrance Day off, so they have Mass and an assembly at school.....I am here by myself.....liking it, lol. I am having a staring contest with my treadmill......but my tv in my room is broke and I can't seem to motivate myself to get on there when I haven't my tv. I ordered a new one last night but will be 4 days....maybe that can be my celebratory thing to myself, for 30 days? Hmmmm

                Anyway....gotta work tonight....but will have some fun as I will be doing some decorating for Christmas. I am in retail so we start early, surprised it's taken this long actually!

                Hope everyone has a good one.....congrats on those AF!! Congrats on those still trying!!! NEVER GIVE UP!!!
                AF July 6 2014


                  One Day At a Time Tuesday

                  Hi Everyone,
                  I am new here although I posted several weeks ago when I was planning to go AF. I have found that I'm a procrastinator and VERY good at making excuses for stalling the day of reckoning.. I've drank every single night of the year for years and years. Not during the day but only in the evenings. But now I've not drank for the past two evenings! I actually am so proud of myself. Such a small accomplishment but so big to me. I hope that I can continue.

                  One thing that I've been hoping is to sleep better without alcohol. HOwever, the last two nights have actually been worse. It has taken me hours to fall asleep. In the past, I guess I nodded off as soon as my head hit the pillow -- all the wine I'm sure. But then I would wake around 2 - 3 AM and be awake and sweaty for a few hours before sleeping again and not arising until 9 or so. I so much want to be an early riser, around 7 or so and would like to be energetic, so I really was hoping for that if I don't drink.

                  Anyway, I've got all but one of the supps, no Topa, and have read the book and have the discs although I've not listened yet. I will today. I am almost holding my breath I am so fearful of breaking my trend.

                  All my best to all of you. It really does help to read and post, I think.


                    One Day At a Time Tuesday

                    I'm changing my ODAT to a rant. I'd like to rant. I woke up to incredible cramps, the worst ever. I was determined to have a good day and made some tea and posted here. Stay positive! I can barely function and took all my usual female supps. I mean, these are bad, I'm doubled over. Have a lot of laundry and my washer just broke. My new washer that I had to get to match my dryer which just broke! It's all of 3 weeks old. The feckin' thing cost $1300US. Then I realized I hadn't eaten (took my All One, tho) so I made myself an egg and bacon sandwich (trying to stick with the protein and be good), took a bite into it and my front bonding broke. Snap. There goes $700-$1000US.

                    I won't drink today but my mood has shifted considerably. I'd like to break something but I already look like somebody broke my face. :durn:

                    Thanks for letting me vent.
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      One Day At a Time Tuesday

                      Oh becoming that sucks! I hate when days get to that point! It's annoying!!!

                      Time 2 live- your sleep will get better, it takes some time when you go AF.

                      I had a good night last night - am getting some more AF days under my belt.

                      Busy day today so gotta fly!

                      Take care all,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        One Day At a Time Tuesday

                        Hi ODATers

                        Haven't wanted to post as I am back at day 1.....uugggghhh! I have been doing pretty well at modding, and not going crazy but still been having a few glasses the last few days and want to get back to AF days. I need to find a way to deal with stress better if I am ever to succeed, cause heaven knows my teen causes me stress!! LOL

                        :l to you all
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          One Day At a Time Tuesday

                          That is awesome that you have had success in the past 2 days! The kudzu was very helpful for me (and many others here) to stop the alcohol cravings. I know you said that seems like a small acomplishment. But we have all been there. That is a HUGE deal and one deserving of praise! I am very proud of you too!

                          Do listen to the cd's. The sleep learning cd will help you with your sleep. I had a hard time with my sleep in the beginning too. There are some natural sleep aids that others have had good luck with here but look them up they can contradict some other medications (mainly antidepressants) so check before you take any of those.

                          Good luck!

                          periwinkle :goodjob:
                          Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                            One Day At a Time Tuesday

                            Day 2 for me, thats great you are on day 6 dingbat. Looking forward till that day!


                              One Day At a Time Tuesday


                              is your goal to abstain or to moderate? are you still listening to the cd's? teenagers can -what am I saying - are very stressful! You need other outlets. I think that with successful moderating (not that I'm quite there yet) we need to check our motives. If I am have had a stressful day, that is not a day to choose to have a drink because I am more likely to allow that 1 or 2 to become 3 or 4. Just one of my moderating "rules" for when I begin.

                              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

