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Day 2

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    Day 2

    Good morning All,

    Day 2 here and counting. Feeling good, but Thursday will be the real challenge, that is usually when I start drinking.


    Day 2

    Day 2 here too Peace.
    Good luck!


      Day 2

      You are both on a roll. CONGRATS, The first few days are the hardest, then it gets a bit easier each day. The first thing you will notice is No Hangovers and your body returning to normal- and that Life is GOOD

      Keep It UP. Visit us here- at MWO, we're here for you- when your at your weakest point. I couldnt of done it without the support of everyone on this sight.

      MYO member since 10-10-08
      AF since 10-10-08
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        Day 2

        Day 2 for me, too! Peace, I love your avatar. It looks just exactly like my dog! LOL Stay strong for day 3 and post here for us, ok?

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          Day 2

          Good going, Peace. Now, here's the thing. It's great you are aware of your pattern, of starting up again on Day 5, or Thursdays, or whatever. That means you have the capacity to make plans to counteract the triggers that will be working on you, on that day. Planning totally different activities, especially during your usual drinking times/places, is a great place to start. Otherwise, it is just TOO easy to "sleepwalk" right into a relapse.

          What are your thoughts about making special plans for Thursday?



            Day 2




              Day 2

              Hey Peace --- Day 2 for me again as well. Thursdays can be a test, but Friday & Saturday is even worse for me .... I'd like to get through a weekend AF and I don't have any plans (hubby is going to a gala --- work related ---- on Saturday night), so I should make a plan of how I'm going to stay AF.


                Day 2

                I'm surrounded!!

                I had no idea so many people were on day 2! It's nice to know that I'm not alone! good luck to everyone. My trigger is friday night after work...I give myself the old "I deserve it speech" then Friday turns into Saturday, and Sunday and even Monday..then I feel like crap for a few days and start it all over again, vowing to do it differently. God, it looks so stupid when I read it...but that's the cycle..I'm starting a new journal tonight. I was too tired last night. I suppose it sounds really naively optimistic of me, but I'm kind of looking forward to this journey. I'm apprehensive, but in a good way. Arwen

