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Here we go

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    Here we go

    Hello, I'm Kong and I'm 54 years of age with an alcohol problem that is somewhat under control. I no longer drink until I blackout. I restrict myself to three to four drinks. The problem, I do this on a nightly basis. Don't know if I want to quit all together or what? Searching for answers at the moment.

    Here we go

    You would be in the best position to make this decision after going 30 days Alcohol Free. You could think more clearly about your relationship with alcohol. There are lots of good tools available through the MWO program, and great support here on the boards. Yes, you can do this.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Here we go

      Sounds scrary but a challenge!


        Here we go

        Hoya Kong, Am im pretty much the situation u r now. I know |am an an alcoholic, but I dont know whereto stop. Alll I can say is continuing drinking willl only destroy you i n the long term. go look for help from places like here, go to AA meetings., evaluate yourself no matter whtats hapened in your life. It wont be easy, but if it works, then:h you benefit!:


          Here we go

          Gotta go. Later!


            Here we go

            Hi Kong,

            Welcome! Like Sunbeam said, there are lots of good tools and great support here.

            I was exactly where you are not so long ago. I remember how hard it was to hit that submit button for the first time. It was about 5 1/2 weeks ago for me.

            My first 2 weeks here I cut my drinking down a bunch. Now I've been AF (alcohol free) for 3 1/2 weeks. I'll see where to go from here when the time comes.

            I suggest that you download or purchase the MWO book. Do a lot of reading on the forum. Ask a lot of questions.

            You will find a ton of support here.

            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


              Here we go

              Not trying to get rid of you but I am on a different time zone and I am working also. Working behind the prison bars, things happen and I have to respond, Later I will get back to you.


                Here we go

                Kong, just a little of my experience with cutting back. A year and a half ago or maybe longer I was drinking atleast 12 drinks a day, then I cut back to 6 drinks a day, that lasted for a while and I have always been able to go a day here and there without any booze. Then the past few months I found my self drinking more than 6 drinks in a day and not being able to go not even one day without booze (beer & wine were my choices) that has never happened so again I came here (should have never left) and now I know for sure I can't moderate I have to stay af. But that is just my story, you need to decide for yourself. Either way you choose to go, moderate or af I wish you the best of luck.



                  Here we go


                  Two sox, Periwinkle, Cathay 40 and Sunbeam. Thanks for all the info. and I am thinking,contemplating and just working it out. I must say, I am leaning toward the whole alcohol free bit. I think right now I have used alcohol as a stress release and I have faulted my job for creating that stress. I will be going to the mainland for Thanksgiving for about 2 weeks so if you don't hear from me, you know what's up.Won't leave until next week-end.


                    Here we go

                    Even most moderators here I think agree that you should start by going 30 days AF. Then you can make any decision with a clear head, knowing what life is like without alcohol. I did 2.5 months AF, then moderated, but now am cutting down to just an occasional drinker (less than weekly). I feel better this way. I can drink, but I have my life back.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Here we go

                      1st step

                      Hi all

                      This is my 1st step of quitting drinking i know i have a problem i drink most days after work and feel depressed as im doing it. im looking for tips and a group voice to get away from drinking again.:new:


                        Here we go

                        Two Sox, Periwinkle,Cathay40 and Sunbeam,Quit drinking on 09 Dec 2008 and I am still alcohol free. Oh I did try o'douls alcohol free beer. Don't think I like it though. Still stop at my old watering holes every now and then and have a club soda.

