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    wow you are the 2nd i read tonite, you aint got it so bad,you have 2 older chidren who have probably dabbled already, and if not thts great the little gaffer well wANTS ATTENTION,AS FAR AS HUBBY,YU. opppps capitals sorry,he doesnt understand where your comin from,and mayb never will,youfound a great site,loving people like yourself,but if you aint got it ,youll never understand welcom gyco



      ooops as far as havin fun with your freinds have fun tell him to change the diapers hahhha



        I'm good.....cuz is still here drinking vodka, I have absolutely no desire...may be the kudzu..but I'm fine....hubby on his way home....I'm kinda glad
        It's definitely a AF night...

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"



          I did it! He's (cuz) gone, went out to drink with his friends. He was drinking right here in the living room, right in front of me..ask me if I wanted him to make me a drink, twice...I said "no, I'm not in the mood to drink tonight" My husband even made a remark "really?". Cuz gone, and hubby went to a little league meeting. I'm gonna post a bit and go watch a movie in bed.

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"



            Jolly well done Jamms!! You did it -- you said NO!!
            Treat yourself with a little something special today, you deserve to be rewarded!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



              JAMMS;467501 wrote: :new:

              Hello everyone,
              This is my first time ever on a forum, so Im kind of confused on how it works. I am a 39 year old female. I have 3 children. My oldest son is 17, from my first marriage a long time ago. I got re-married in 2000 and have a 7 year old son and a 17 month old daughter with my current hubby.

              I have been drinking, what I think is moderately for as long as I can remember. The only time I did not drink was when I was pregnant. My last pregnancy was the hardest to get through without drinking.

              The last time I drank and got drunk was Friday 11/7, the last time I drank was Sat. 11/12 I had some wine at a friends house.

              I do not drink every night, but I look forward to the nights that I can. Like tonight, I have no work tomorrow and my sister is coming over to watch Survivor with me. We will probably have some beers and that will be it. However, if I am around certain pepole I tend to ger carried away, and my husband gets annoyed. He knows that if I have a gorlfriend over or if I go to a freinds house we are going to drink. This usually happens on the weekends.

              Since this past Feb. a cousin of my husbands has been staying with us. He has become some what of a drinking partner. As time goes on we drink together more often at home. I'm not sure what that means..I'm just trying to be honest about what is going on in my life.

              When I know I can have a few drinks at home, it helps me to deal with: the"witching hour" you know when we all walk int he the house at the same time after school and work. The teenager who isn't home from school yet, the 7 year old who keeps calling my name desperate for my attention because the 17month old is right under my feet in the kitchen while I try to cook dinner. Sorry I started to ramble.

              I'm working on modertion. Should I buy the book first....?
              Hello I'm new as well as you, I have been out for the day and started drinking when I came back home to my very empty house. I have an ex who is an ex because of my binge binge weekend drinking, I have lost the love of my life because I binge- I need help and stumbled across the forum. I dont want pills or potions just a bit of soul and a few words or maybe a lot of words of wisdom. I may not always listen but I sure need the help.

