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I am new to this..

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    I am new to this..


    I am not sure whether or not I have a problem. I have noticed that when I do not want to drink, I just don't, but it does not last long. I am unsure if I need help or not, but have noticed lately that I drink pretty much everyday. I am not sure that is normal. Although I do not get drunk, I realize that staying at home alone and drinking while watching television may mean that I have a problem. I have had a few big changes that have gone on in my life and can only figure that I have not yet dealt with those things (finding out that my father is not my biological father, moving to another job in another city, losing a boyfriend of five years). Sometimes, I just think that I pity myself and drink because it is easier than dealing with my problems. I am not sure. I am a professional and do not let drinking get in the way of my career, but something is telling me that I need to quit, or take heed to the fact that I could be going down the wrong path. I have been drinking since I was 15, but started drinking heavily when I went to college ( partying and such). I definitely have had times where I have been drunk and made stupid decisions, but that part of my life has been over for some time, although when I do hang out, I can drink with the best of them still. I now just stay at home and drink wine or make margaritas. I am 29 years old and thought that I had my life under control, but realize that every night I drink. For some reason that fact all of a sudden scares me. I don't know, but I thought that this would be a good way to start and maybe talk to some people who might understand. Thanks for lisitening, well....reading .

    I am new to this..

    Welcome, Balance :welcome:,

    You could not have found a more supportive, nonjudgmental site! If you are wondering if you are drinking too much, chances you are. I began drinking at 16, drank heavily during college and began drinking alone, also. I'm so glad you found this site!

    What is your goal? Would you like to abstain from drinking? Moderate? Whatever it is, this is a great place to start. I recommend reading some posts here, get familiar with the site. I also highly recommend reading the My Way Out book, it's downloadable.

    Your story sounds very familiar to many others here. It's good to hear from you. :l

    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      I am new to this..

      Welcome to MWO. Only you can answer if you have a problem or not, but we can support you with whatever you decide to do.


        I am new to this..

        Welcome, we're here to help in anyway we can. I guess like they always say, if you think you might have a problem, you do. Or at least headed there fast and believe me, once you start heading downhill, it's a free fall! If you think you are drinking too much, I'm glad you are getting a handle on it before that happens. Wishing you the best!:l
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          I am new to this..

          Welcome, Balance.

          I'm glad you found this site sooner, rather than later.

          Hang out here and read, read, READ.

          Some of it you'll relate to, a lot of it, you maybe won't.

          But that bit you wil relate tol...will matter. A LOT.

          Again, welcome.

          Taking it all in


            I am new to this..

            balance met you in chat tonight...glad you are here...i think are enternal self start giving us the warning we just rfuse to hear it sometimes...hopefuly you listen to yours beofre i listened to mine. The pity party is a hot spot for sur. Been there myself a few time actaully...only to find when i sobbered up i was stil sad and hungover now too. what a mess!!!! welcome, i hope we can help.
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              I am new to this..

              Balance;467631 wrote: Hello,

              I am not sure whether or not I have a problem. I have noticed that when I do not want to drink, I just don't, but it does not last long. I am unsure if I need help or not, but have noticed lately that I drink pretty much everyday..
              Hi Balance :welcome: abaord,
              you have already notice that it does not last for long, that is a good start...sound like your in the right place here your will get lots of support here. keep reading and posting.

              All the best of luck.

              Take care

              family is everything to me


                I am new to this..

                Hi Balance - seems like you answered your question yourself... If you're worried about your drinking, there is a reason.

                But it's great that you're becoming Aware. Before you let it get out of control!

                It's a sneaky thing, alcohol.
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  I am new to this..

                  Welcome, I found out at 18 while drinking wine with my mother and sister that my father was not my biological father. I'm now 45 but it is still one of my best kept secerts (along with my drinking problem).Keep the faith come here often stop drinking for a week or a month if you can you might not have a problem if you can't you probaly do. Only you can decide . Learn as much from this site and others.Good luck

