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I need support

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    I need support

    Hi I'm sitting here and for the very first time admitted that I have an alcohol problem. I,ve missed work again today and feel very ashamed. The problem is that I heavily binge and then stop for a few days. However, the "few days" are becoming less and less. I also work with alcoholics and see the damage it does on a daily basis, but I still continue to drink. I feel unable to ask for help because I work closely with the local addiction and alcohol service workers and would feel a failure when I'm supposed to be helping.

    I would be grateful for some support.

    I need support

    Hi Gia, I've been drinking for 27 years roughly, starting when I was about 15. I could never see the point in having 1 or 2 pints, and always had to get drunk to enjoy myself. My liver now really hurts for days after a binge and find it difficult to sleep without a drink because of the ache in my liver. I just want to access medication to reduce my craving but know that the GP wont precribe unless I go through addiction services.


      I need support

      Is there anyone where you work that you can confide in? I would think so - since that's the name of the game!! They certainly shouldn't be judgmental...

      But I do think this forum is Fantastic. Some great encouragement here.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        I need support

        Hi Hopefully....why are you a failure for asking for help??? I think you would be a faillure if you didnt. I think you should stick around for a while and you will get so much support. All the best Bella XXX


          I need support

          Hey hope. i am very much a binger. white wine is my addiction, and like you i go on a bender for 2-4 days and can then stop, but the time between drinks is less and the drinking is getting worse. I have improved considerably since being on this site, and you will recieve alot of support and advice here.
          Good luck to you and dont dissapear, even if you fail. I have many times.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            I need support

            Hi Hopefully,

            Welcome, this site is wonderful, I have found it to be of great support. Guilty of bingeing here also, I am 5 days today, but it is the weekends that are a challenge. Sounds like you are ready, keep coming back. Lots of water, rest and as Gia says Milk Thistle works to cleanse your liver.

            One day at a time thinking really helps me.

            Take care,


              I need support

              Thanks to everyone who have already offered support and advice. My depression and self pity is now kicking-in and am starting to feel like a drink, but know that I need to have a clear head as I get my daughter tomorrow, but even so I will probably just have "one" to stave off the withdrawals. The worst is the anxiety, which cripples me(figuratively speaking), and my face goes bright red- is this common? (or is it just my genetic make-up). This then leads to more drinking to overcome anxiety and there we have it - my particular cycle.


                I need support

                Hopefully, I'm in a similar situation, professionally. Others here are, as well. It really helps, in early recovery, to be able to do this privately... later, as we find we are successful and feeling strong, it may be an option to open up to your colleagues. For me, it certainly is. For others, perhaps not.

                The key is setting up a plan, and cultivating your determination to change. For a plan: research all the interventions, and I'd suggest throwing everything at the problem, including medication, supplements, exercise, hypnotherapy, watching your environment and thoughts, managing triggers, meditation... Everything. It's that serious a problem, and it deserves/requires a very, very strong and persistent effort. It also requires tolerating discomfort... including anxiety. Anxiety is never fatal... and hiding from it only makes it worse...

                best wishes, and welcome!



                  I need support

                  Hi hopefully,

                  Welcome! I'm so glad you found us :l

                  While I'm not a binger, I was a daily drinker to the point of blacking out each night. I agree with the others. Try supplements, especially those listed in the My Way Out book (downloadable off this site) and listed in the Health Store, as Gia said. You'll need that support. Lots of water. As much as you can. There are supps which help with the anxiety. I was beginning to have panic attacks due to alcohol until I found this program. Now they've stopped.

                  I wish you the best,
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

