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Good AF Friday!

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    Good AF Friday!

    Here goes day 5 af and loving it. I have my weekend planned so I won't be tempted. I am going to go to the movies Saturday with my kids to see madagascar 2, can't wait, loved the first one. Tonight I am staying in and going to rent a movie and just hang out. Church on Sunday and maybe a hike if it is nice out. I also figured the money I save not buying alcohol I can use to go horse back riding with my oldest daughter. We went last weekend it was great. Getting back into my photography to, I got a pic of a hawk the other day. I would really like to upgrade my camera though, that could be another thing I can save that beer and wine money for. Well, I hope everyone has a safe and happy af weekend, will be checking in now and again.

    Twosox :l

    Good AF Friday!

    GREAT planning, 2sox! I love photography, too... and I believe that doing something creative is a fantastic part of a full recovery program. When we are being creative, we are bringing some meaning into our lives, and that is a buffer against relapse. I just got a new small digital camera, too. It was my gift to myself for 60 days AF. It is larger than the tiny ones (and it has a viewfinder), and smaller than my regular digital SLR... it has been incredibly fun.

    I'd suggest that you begin regular posting in one of the AF threads... the daily AF thread is going very well, and the November one is good, too. It helps a lot to have a regular group to get to know, and to check in with.




      Good AF Friday!

      Hi Wip, Funny I want an SLR, I have a ponsanic FZ50 at the moment, it's nice, but I can't zoom in that close. Iv'e heard that attachments for it are not that great. I bought it beacause it's the closest thing to a SLR I could afford at the time.

      I will have to find the AF threads and post. Happy picture taking and AF Friday!!


