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There here!!!

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    There here!!!

    Those ugly irritating urges to pop open a beer. I had a very busy day at work and started to think how nice it would be to go home and have a beer. But I really do not want to give in, these cravings are horrible, I almost can't stand it. I knew they would eventually appear. I'm on day 5 today and don't want to blow it. I keep reminding myself how awful I will feel if I have even one, because then I have to start back at day 1. I need to make it at least through this day. Still trying not to think about tomorrow just need to get through this day. Any advice would be helpful!! I am going to go get a glass of juice, hopefully that will help. I rented a couple of movies for later, I also hope that helps keep my mind off the booze. It is just awful to not want to drink, yet my body is screaming for it. :wahh: Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Twosox :l

    There here!!!

    Hi Two! Do you need to chat?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      There here!!!

      Good! Glass of juice is good, actually it's good to have a LOT of non-alcohol drinks around; when I first started I nearly always had a glass of either coffee or green tea IN MY HAND... something about that really helps to satisfy the urge to DRINK SOMETHING. Eating helps, too, and exercise. The movies will be good. Distraction is good. Do not allow yourself to get into an argument in your mind about "should I or shouldn't I." Say to yourself this: "I DON'T DRINK." Period. Then move on to something else.



        There here!!!

        Go to chat...we can meet you there...we are extremely amusing too...
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          There here!!!

          I wish I could drink coffee, it wasn't agreeing with me last April and I gave it up completely, funny how I always said I would rather give up beer than coffee. It was hard for the first couple of months but now I only miss it a little. I will go to chat, I have a half hour before the kids come home. I WILL NOT DRINK!!


            There here!!!

            Well done Two, the cravings dont last forever, they pass. Just go with the flow
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              There here!!!

              Oh that beast just taps us on the shoulder with his temptation. Been there, done that. So best advise= get your mind on something else
              Finally after 35 days of AF, I am starting to identify what my triggers are. Being a closet drinker, being lonely does it for me. So the first thing I have done is jump to MWO website and start reading the posts. They give me encouragement and inspiration
              Or do what Brit said, go the the chat room.
              KEEP STRONG and remember your strength will lead to
              No Guilt Tomorrow
              No Hangover Tomorrow
              and best of all you can write a new post tomorrow saying you conquered the "Beast" yet one more day

              35 days AF
              Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
              And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

              • Yesterday is History
                Today is a Mystery
                Tomorrow is a GIFT


                There here!!!

                As dlw stated fight the BEAST ! Don't let the alcohol win make today AF . Tell yourself daily that you won't fail and come to this site for wisdom

