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At first I was pissed and then

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    At first I was pissed and then

    I thought hey you only had 5 beers in a six hour period. When usually it would have been 8 beers 4 shots and no telling what else.

    Yes yesterday I was working on being 6 days of AF and my two best friends from high school came into town and we just sat around talking drinking beer not like the old days were we would down beer after beer.

    Well it's back to day one but at least I'm not hungover this morning.

    At first I was pissed and then

    Sorry, Mya....

    Tell us, did you plan on doing this....was The Beast putting these thoughts into your head in anticipation of your friends arriving, or was it a spur of the moment decision?....just wondering.

    Get right back onboard with us, Mya.....don't allow this to be a relapse back to the old drinking.

    Glad you're can do this.



      At first I was pissed and then

      Mya, I don't know how many times are started day 1, but the thing is not to give up, you will do this!

      Twosox :l


        At first I was pissed and then


        It's good to hear you didn't go overboard and it's even better you posted about it! :l

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          At first I was pissed and then

          Sounds like you handled the situation admirably Mya. Good for you! Back to Day 1... but a big hurdle crossed, so it's not 'day 1' in many ways...


            At first I was pissed and then

            It was not planned it was something that just happened.

            I will not let this get me back to my old ways.

            thanks everyone


              At first I was pissed and then

              Seems you had a nice time and didn't go overboard.
              Nothing wrong with that..
              Stay strong mya.


                At first I was pissed and then

                Great that the damage wasn't bad, and great that you are back here!

                It's also important to keep in mind there's really no such thing as "it just happened.... " There's always a decision involved, and usually a series of them. If we are aware of the decision-making early in the process, and decide to go ahead and drink, and prepare to do so by buying liquor etc., then it's a plan. But even if it is "spur of the moment," it still requires a conscious act of decision-making to get the alcohol into our mouths.



                  At first I was pissed and then

                  mya,isnt it nc you can come here and spill your guts and hopefully , no critisism,life will go on whether you do or not is up to YOU,gyco


                    At first I was pissed and then

                    Good that it didn't turn in to a all out could have been better but could have been a lot worse. AND you are back here today being honest....
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      At first I was pissed and then

                      Good on you for posting Mya. It's not an easy road nor always a straight one.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

