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so glad i found you

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    so glad i found you


    I dont know where to start or what to say. I just know that I cant go on the way I have.
    My life is a total mess and Ive finally got the courage to say NO MORE.

    Sorry but that is all I can say at the moment, this is quite emotional and scary


    so glad i found you

    :welcome: stimpy

    You should not be hopeful. This place is great, and the people here are amazing. Lots of support. Get the book, read up and make you plan! We are all here for you. Any questions, ask away.

    Good luck to you
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      so glad i found you

      hi,as ak said you found a great spot,you judge for yourself,give it a month,see how it goes, good luck gyco


        so glad i found you

        Welcome, Stimpy! Lots of us came here scared, miserable, and hopeless. You can turn that around! Stick around! Do a lot of reading here on-site, post your questions, tell us more about yourself, and you will find you can get a lot of help if you are ready to make some changes in your life. It's easier than you might think... and it's worth it!

        best wishes,



          so glad i found you

          It is very emotional to admit you need help, but you are amoung nothing but support and family ehre. We are all where you are or can relate to where you welcome. Read, post....get the book, the supplements, start working the program, we are here for you...
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            so glad i found you

            Thankyou everyone

            Any suggestions where I might start ?

            There is so much to look at.

            I plan to start my first AF day from tomorrow.......:thumbs:



              so glad i found you

              Stimpy, two good places to start are the "tool box" thread (I will "bump it up" for you so it is easy to find), and the "my story" pages; also, do some reading in the AF or "Monthly Abstinence" threads, you'll see a lot of posts written by people who are living an AF life!



                so glad i found you

                Also, click here for a post about how to develop a good plan.


                  so glad i found you

                  Welcome Stimpy and Good job and taking the big step of making that first post!

                  My best suggestion is to download the My Way Out book and read it. Many of us have followed the plan and been successful. It's a small investment that is worth its weight in gold.


                    so glad i found you

                    Hey - Welcome! The scariest part is over. You've come to the right place and we are here to help you with your journey. I wish you the best!


                      so glad i found you

                      Welcome, you have made a start by accepting that you do have a problem.
                      I highly recommend you read the book "My Way Out". You can order it online, download and read at your own leisure. The book outlines the program in detail and lists all the suppliements and medication used in the program.
                      Wishing you the best!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        so glad i found you

                        Welcome Stimpy
                        Yesterday is History
                        Today is a Mystery
                        Tomorrow is a Gift

                        We are all in this together, stick with us and become the person you want to be

                        AF 38 days
                        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                        • Yesterday is History
                          Today is a Mystery
                          Tomorrow is a GIFT


                          so glad i found you

                          dlw;470040 wrote: [COLOR=Blue]
                          Yesterday is History
                          Today is a Mystery
                          Tomorrow is a Gift
                          I love that, but I think it goes

                          Yesterday is history
                          Tomorrow is a mystery
                          Today is a gift, that why its called the present

                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

