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fresh start...

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    fresh start...

    :new: For the past year now i knew in the back of my mind that my drinking was out of control. I have drank from the age of 15 but for the past 10 years its been every day and very heavy on the weekends. I can't talk to doctors so i decided tonight to do something by myself and for myself before before things get even more out of hand. Finding this site and discovering how many other people are in the same boat has made me feel like less of a freak and gave me hope for the coming days and weeks. My plan is to quit from today on and use the members here for support and guidance. This is quite a poor first post for the site but i am not in the best place right now but as I quit the booze they will get a bit more light and fluffy.......can't be miserable all the time

    fresh start...

    Welcome. Your first post is perfectly fine and normal. Reads just like mine. I thought I was a freak too and it is nice to know your not alone. I have found that this site has helped me tremendously. Did you get the book? The book is really good. I have the book and the CDs but the book at least is a good start. That was eye opening to me to really make me see that there were people out there like me who felt just like I did about alcohol. I really didn't believe that there could be others out there and I was just an awful weak person. Yet, here we all are. Coming here helps me and whether you go completely alcohol free or moderate, it is up to you to find your own path. I haven't been perfect, but I'm still learning and am in a far, far better place than I was just a mere 30 days ago. Best to you and hope to see you around the posts. Live chat helps me on bad nights...keeps the mind occupied.


      fresh start...

      Hi there!
      I went through a very similar experience with realising my drinking was out of control and then wondering what on earth to do about it, finding this place and discovering that I wasnt alone. It is a great feeling of relief in a way. The book would be a good start for you and make a plan of what you want to achieve and how you might get there.
      You will start to feel great with a few alcohol free days under your belt.
      By the way, your first post is absolutely fine.
      I look forward to hearing more from you
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        fresh start...

        Sounds good to me. I bought the books,CD's and Kadzu and was ready...........but did not make day 1. So I think what I am missing is the PLAN. and a way to take of myself. I take care of everyone else, and yet am very lonely. At night I am so tired but wound up, I drink to stop it all, and that works. but not really. just more burnt out. Does anyone have a plan they used they would like to share. need some support here.


          fresh start...

          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            fresh start...

            Welcome. You have found a great place for support. Sounds like you have made a plan and are determined. Great job!!


              fresh start...

              Thank you all so much for your kind words. It's day 1 of being A.F and I am feeling really determined but it's good to know I have so many people in the same boat to talk to once the cravings start. Will check back tonight to see how everyone is doing. Thankyou all again


                fresh start...

                WELCOME 1 DAY. We're here for you, Lean on us for support!
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT


                  fresh start...

                  Hi 1dayatatime!

                  I love the name you chose for yourself! I hope to read more of your posts and look forward to getting to know you better. It's so great you found this site. I love the My Way Out book, it really helped me.

                  Take care, :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

