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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Hi All,
    AKgirl - what's French Dips???
    My son wants chili, so I shall make a big pot, hot and spicy. He and I have had a terrible cold the last few days. I am actually home today, just couldn't get out of the bed this morning, or rather, I couldn't seem to drag myself out of my drug induced coma!!! Too much sudafed, robitussin and neo citron, plus Dristan nose spray. I use it all!!! Still feel wretched though.
    Not much luck on the AF front, but too sick to drink too much anyhow!
    I will not drink today!
    Enjoy your suppers, everyone!
    xoxo peanut


      ODAT - Monday

      Hi Peanut, hope you feel better :l French Dips are just thin sliced roast beef simmered in a beef broth, taken out served on a deli roll as a sandwich. I melt provolone cheese on mine. Then you dip them in the broth or "au jus" as its called. Super easy
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        ODAT - Monday

        Now I'm getting hungry, hurry up lunchtime!
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          ODAT - Monday

          Right - I think we call them Beef Dips, but i have never made them at home. Hmmmm.... might be on the menu later this week! Right now, I must fix some chicken noodle soup for my boy - poor little thing!! (Ha! he's 17 and needs his mama still!)
          xo peanut


            ODAT - Monday

            Yep Peanut, we call them beef dip here in Ontario too - maybe it's a canadian thing but wow, AK girl, they sure sound yummy..............

            Can't wait till the bell tolls to go home for supper now! LOL
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Monday

              :lIt's good to be back here, and back online. NO sat service for 2 months as a "guest" homeless person (with laptop) discovered the "free" signal and so overused my download limit that the company suspended me for 2 months until the extras were compensated for, of course I still had to pay the monthly bill. But, this is minor.

              things are still a big mess here. My son is passed out on his living room couch right now with the 3 year old upstairs watching videos. He started pre-preschool this morning and that's a good way for him to pass the mornings. As soon as I'm done here, I'll get him and we'll make some cookies until daddy is "rested" enough to take care of him for the night. My daughter-in-law got a good job (my son does not have a job) but it's 180 miles away. So, she'll be home only when she has days off.

              I divied up the house with DH. He has the downstairs bedroom and I have the upper. How are you doing Greenie? I like having my very own room. But, I can still HEAR him. Now, when annoyed he's starting whistling besides whining under his breath. I also don't cook for him anymore. He doesn't eat much in the way of salads or veggies anyhow. There's still a lot of produce coming in from the Summer garden. I should be out digging potatoes....tomorrow!! Chocolate chip cookies are more important.

              After a long September AF, I tried to kill myself in October wallowing in self pity and with Al as my only friend. I wasn't feeling too good, so finally dug out the little vial of antabuse and am feeling much better about November. (It's just amazing to have white eyeballs)

              So, ODAT Monday one more time....and looking forward to Tuesday. :l


                ODAT - Monday

                GELGIT!!!!!!! I've missed you my friend!!! I think of you often and wondered where you went. I was sad on your birthday because you had been gone a while. I'm so glad you're back. Pretty much the same here. Hubby living with receptionist, about to get notice of court date to show reason for cause for not paying alimony. I don't think judges go for "I squandered my money". I still work for him because hey, I need a paycheck and I work from home mostly. But, working on a resume - not much out there in the job market. AF 5 months now; that's sort of my hilight. Fiddling around in the spriitual growth arena too. I hope you are holding up alright. :l Good to hear from you!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Well I decided to post on the end of the ODAT Monday thread rather than start a Tuesday one though it is 6am ish here in the UK. Good to get back on and read. Had bit of a turnaround yesterday and felt really positive (after a period of time feeling very stressed and daunted) and had an easy AF night. The first one since September/early October :upset: Got a busy morning but only cos I go out hunting today so I'm a happy bunny Good to see some familiar and new faces (and big chums Greeny and Uni :l). I can't find the time to read anywhere else on this board but I don't need to - ODAT is the best place!

                  Love to all

                  Bessie xx

