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Feel like a loser

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    Feel like a loser

    Me too....I even used to buy those tiny one glass bottles of wine thinking I would just have one, drink them all and get my husband to pick up a bottle of wine on the way home ! The stupid thing is I can easily go days without wine although I guess I'm still thinking about it and I feel healthy and righteous but once I have that first glass I can't stop. We went round my friends for dinner last night and she commented that I only drank half the bottle of wine...but I'd had 2 big glasses before we went and then finished the other half of the bottle after my husband went to bed....I am so out of control !! In the morning I had decided that I wouldn't have anything and would drive...but hubby drove and I drank.


      Feel like a loser

      Cat, I am the same way too....usually have a glass or so before I go somewhere just to get in the mood - whatever that means. All just a show so that I don't look bad guzzling my drinks but I keep watching everyone else thinking how slowly they sip. I keep up with my DH but he weighs 100 lbs. more than me. It should not be a contest or a race but somehow the thinking part of the brain shuts right off.
      :new: Jas56


        Feel like a loser

        Soul sisters I guess.....lets keep track of each other and help each other...I'm sick of feeling guilty and anxious, dry mouthed and red eyed...I just feel more confident and attractive with a couple of glasses of wine inside me...although I can also get very opinionated and argumentative after a couple and that isn't attractive. I also worry about ny health so much, Im skinny with good blood pressure etc...but I wouldn't get my liver function tested because I know what it would say and before today I wasn't prepared to give up the wine.


          Feel like a loser

          You can always PM me girl. We do seem a lot alike - glad I found you and this site. Saddens me that there are so many like us but at the same time, I feel less alone and hopeful. I got all my blood work done recently and I am not sure why I am in such good shape. I should be dead after all my drinking years. I also try to tell myself that not drinking would help me lose weight - need to lose about 10/15 lbs. I recently retired and having a lot of time at home is sometimes not such a great thing as drinking is more accessible. But then again, I am happier than I was when working which also led to excess drinking - catch 22.
          :new: Jas56


            Feel like a loser

            Glad I found you and the site to work now...have a good evening and be strong if you can...


              Feel like a loser

              Hi Hun.
              You are in the right place. Your post brought SOOO much back to me, i can really relate. The rows with my hubby over my drinking were every night, ohhh the nasty things we said and i felt the same way you do. What made it soo much worst is that deep down, i knew he was right.
              It's time you really look at yourself, you need to decide what you really want. Do yu want to continue to drink? Do you want to stop?
              I would advise you to get rid of ALL drink in the house and see how you go. Keep postig!


                Feel like a loser

                I'm sorry that you are/were in the same situation as me with hubby....but I'm can't tell you how good it feels to read your words and be like Holy crap....that's exactly what I feel.....:goodjob:

                There is no AL in my house now....but I know the weekend is coming....usually starts on Thursday for me.......I think I can get getting my worried...a bunch of us mothers started and organization that does things our kids in the neighborhood. Sat we are showing a movie and already my GF's are talking about haveing a few beers.

                Wish me luck

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  Feel like a loser

                  Becomingmeat last, did you take just the supplements or did you use Topomax as well? I am not consistent with my supplements but need to get with it. Sounds like they do help and i need all the help I can get. i too catwomen would love to get to the point where i can enjoy just a glass or two but I have a long way to go before that.


                    Feel like a loser

                    Forme and Jamms, welcome all.

                    Forme supps help with symptom relief, but not with the true problem. Only commitment and resolve will ever conquer the problem.

                    Jamms I don't know your location, but I'm sensing UK. Can't you get ginger beer that is Alcohol Free (AF)? Drink at the game all you want. Just don't inbibe.

                    We all have personal failings. To succeed takes a hero's will. I think your post shows that you will be your hero, and your kids hero and my hero. Let's do this together.


                      Feel like a loser

                      Hi hun!
                      Good luck on Saturday! You know, mothers understand better then most about not being able to drink cause of there children. Don't drink, show them how great you are. Tell them, i don't drink so i can be there for my child if something happens. I bet not ONE would even question you but some would follow your example!!
                      As for Thursday and the rest of the days... you need to change your 'lifestyle' your 'habits' Look at what you do, what triggers you to drink and say NO. Instead of watching a movie and drinking with my sister, i'm going to take the children to the pool or to the park, come home make dinner for us, have a nice cup of tea, give them a bath, read to them, put them to bed THEN i'm going to pamper myself, have a nice hot bath myself, maybe candles, a nice cup of tea, a good book ect ect. It is REALLY hard. We create lifestyles and habits which we do without thinking. We spend soo long getting ourselfs the way we are, it takes A LOT of time, pure teeth gritting, craving and hell to get us out but it's sooo worth it! You can do this! PM me anytime!!


                        Feel like a loser

                        Boss- I'm from the USA New York. Thank you for the AF beer idea. My girlfriends will probably think I'm pregnant again! Ha Ha on them!!!:imshocked:

                        Mich-I already bought some cookie dough yesterday so me and my 7 year old can bake and decorate some Turkey shaped cookies for upcoming holiday (Thanksgiving) tomorrow night. Hopefuly it won't turn into a complete fiasco that will make me need a freakin' drink.:H
                        Sometimes there is a bit of dysfunction in the wait a that i come to think of it.... everytime I try to do something fun and family orietated it truns into a mess. Everyone ends up yelling.....such dysfuntion....then I want to drink......
                        Anyway, sorry I rambled for a minute.......:jumpin:

                        I have been thinking about lyfestyle.....I think I have to get back to the one that I had...I really miss it......I had a taste of it this morning.
                        That's one another post..

                        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

