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    ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

    Good morning ya'll!!! It's cooollldddd here today, will only get to 37 degrees.

    I'm on day 13 today. I messed up the drink tracker and put a zero in for today instead of yesterday, so guess I won't drink today, either. No big deal, but apparently I'm a little superstitious; I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, if ya know what I mean.

    Does anyone else who goes a stretch of AF find themselves sleeping a lot? I seem to need a nap every afternoon around 2 o'clock. I'm also eating like a hog! I think I better get that exercise component going, or between all the sleeping and eating I'll end up a big ole heffer:H!

    Anywhoo - hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals. To peeps who are struggling (I've seen some threads), just remember ODAT and that today is a new day!

    ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

    hi Ya Dingbat

    That surely does sound cold with you - brrrr! We're wet, grey and yukky here in the UK. Day 2 for me today - have been racking up those AF days and feeling really good for it all.

    Luv to all to come and have a good day wherever you are.



      ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

      Hey Dingbat, funny I've been wondering the same thing regarding being tired, I was going to post if it could be a side effect of not drinking and I too have been eating like a hog. Did get on the treadmill yesterday for 1/2 hour though. I'm on day 9.



        ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

        I have gone to bed early 9:30 the first two days of my AF. When drinking up to 11:30 so I could finish my alcohol. Felt good to get on treadmill too. Good Luck


          ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          I find that I am more tired when taking the supplements!! You would think they would give you more energy but maybe it's old Al leaving the system.

          Have a busy day ahead and did not manage to get a walk in with the doggies, ah well tomorrow is another day.

          Good luck everyone, no matter what your goals are.



            ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

            Hi all you ODATers!

            Dingbat, 37 is nothing (yeah, I know it is. I'm kidding). It's 30 and snowing. Real light snow but, NO! NOT YET! LOL. I guess it's time to get out the coats and hats and scarfs and boots and gloves and mittens and armor.

            Great AF day yesterday and I agree with you guys, I sleep more when I'm AF. But I haven't been exercising and I think that's a big part of it. I think I've read two posts with the word "treadmill" in it. Mine's downstairs folded up so, right after this post, I'm going down there, unfolding it, dusting it off, making sure it's plugged in and I'm doing 15-20 minutes today.

            Thanks for the inspiration! :l
            I am now leaving the computer and going downstairs...
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

              Morning all! I'm going to vaccuum (probably tonight) and call it exercise.

              Regarding the tiredness, could be chemical adjustments and detox. Make sure you are very well hydrated!! That itself makes a big difference.

              Have a happy day & do one random act of kindness.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday


                You're right about the water, that's such a huge one! Okay, treadmill's dusted off, plugged in. I am actually psyched instead of dreading it. The kids picked up the rec (wreck?) room better than I expected and only had to move a few things around. I can even see the TV! I'll sneak out of the office in a bit to stretch first.

                Thanks again, guys,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

                  Hi guys,

                  I am feeling way off today for some reason - not sure why, I was AF and NF last night so .....

                  Just like there is this impending feeling of doom and like I could burst into tears at any moment for no reason. And I have no idea why - it's a really crappy feeling and I'm not liking it a whole lot.
                  Totally not in the mood to be at the office today at all........I'm generally a people person but not so much....

                  OH well, keep on keeping on as they say.

                  Hope everyone meets their goals today - today I will not drink.

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

                    59 days here. It's cold here to... only 87 for the high today. It does get down into the 50's and 60's at night though. Nippy. I concur with the fatigue and see-food dieting some others are experiencing. I thought it was just me. Have a wonderful day (eating and sleeping)!


                      ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

                      Tireness - Peppermint is a good energizer. Tea, essential oil dabbed on wrist and inhaled, aromatherapy diffuser. Also you could try taking gensing. Uni, that could help your mood today.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

                        day 2 a.m.

                        Did not drink at all last night..usually a Mon. is a drinking night for was easy not to though because hubby is still pissed about the weekend and Sunday nights blowout.

                        I do not work on Tuesdays, (which is why I usually drink on Mon.) but I am home with my baby and I have absolutely no disire to do a anything. Still don't want to clean the house or do laundry...dont care.

                        I did put on a meat sauce for tonight. But I'm sure that hubby will be pissed that I did not tend to the house. He hasno idea about MWO or what I'm trying to accomplish here.

                        Anyway...I hope everyone has a great AF:happy: day!

                        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                          ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday


                          Are you saying that peppermint tea an energizer?

                          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                            ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday

                            Jamms, my wife has no idea either. Nor can i ever tell her the extent of my drinking or things associated with it. Hopefully god doesn't punish me for being untruthful to my wife.


                              ONE DAY AT A TIME Tuesday


                              Paw- I certainly do not think that God will punish you for not telling. There are things "associated" with my drinking that I do not tell my husband. It is no secret that he has a problem with my problem. However, I feel I can not tell him about MWO because if I fall off the wagon he will not support me. OR the problem is mine (like I need another one) and I do not want to tell him about MWO or the book I ordered because once I do...I am admitting that he is right and I'm letting him know that I know that I have a drinking problem.

                              You get what I'm sayin'

                              "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                              "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

