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I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

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    I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

    .... been reading the boards after a long hiatus, and just realized that I could use some help here too on another front. Putting my own problems aside, or, because of my own problems, I am not dealing with the situation in my son's family well. Other than staying AF so that only one of us is wasted. Here's the stats.
    Son, mid 30's wife of 5 years just left for a job 180 miles away. The mortgage payments and such. Son works sporadically but is always tired because he says he is so busy and overworked and stressed out by a bitchy wife and an active 3 year old. Won't EVER admit it's the pot and the booze with a zanax chaser. Been to rehab and counseling but says that all the pros tell him that he is just fine but has too many stresses in his life from other people. Whole family has a bipolar history on top of the alkies. With the wife gone, I'm helping take care of the toddler (especially during daddy's 10 hour daytime "naps".
    I'm angry at him. I won't listen to his "I'm so busy BS especially when NOTHING ever gets finished or even started. He's sarcastic and I'm not taking it cooly and calmly anymore. I don't like talking about what's going on with other family members, but who else can I talk to and all are deeply concerned?? The word is slowly getting out among the neighborhood and friends and I hate that. He can be such a wonderful person but we seldom see that side of him anymore. I'm angry at him for not being, at least on the surface, "functional" like the rest of this troubled family managed to be.
    He's sarcastic, superior, and holier than thou righteous. I'm getting bitchier and gossipy and judgmental. This situation has to change before it gets to the child. I never say anything negative about daddy in the child's hearing. But, he is so bright, I know he catches on to the tones in our voices. I need to get off my high horse, not because I have control of the situation but because I know that the problem is getting worse.
    I need some pointers here. Any advice on how to deal with the situation? How do I mitigate my anger? Yes, I pray a lot. g.

    I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

    What does his wife has to say about this? Obviously this is her son who is possibly going to be affected by her husband's behavior. Maybe if there was more than just YOU getting on his case. Any other family members who can talk to him like his Dad?

    I'm sorry I'm not much help. It's so hard with our kids and then we only get to worry about THEIR kids. It's a never ending cycle it seems.

    I commend you however being AF. I know for ME, the stress with my kids were realy triggers. Pulls at your heart strings as well as your head hairs!

    God bless you and I'll keep you in my prayers.

    :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
    AF since 10/11/2008


      I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

      I really prefer not to give my 2 cent worth when it comes to family as I am not an expert and my BS opinion is worth about 2 cents, but please know you can vent here and I would encourage you to seek professional help. Your son soudns in pretty bad shape and getting worse. Must be very hard for you to see. My children are little yet. I can only imagine! Hugs to you!!!!!
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

        It's hard to give advice on this from afar.

        Are they living with you?

        Why do you think you have to do childcare for 10 hour shifts? You don't have to do anything. You could do shorter shifts.

        Or are you afraid he can't take care of his son? Maybe if he can you should leave him alone to do that and let him sort his own job situation out. Because you are not goingto be able to help him by getting mean, gossipy and judgemental.

        Can his ex take the child? I can't believe she left him knowing the dad was like that.

        I suppose you could offer to take the child in if you were really worried, until he sorts himself out.


          I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

          Hi Gelgit,

          I was glad to see you posting again. So sorry about your situation. It's too bad your son seems to be in total denial about his problem. (Not my problem--everyone around me)
          I'm no expert either, and I fortunately don't have any experience in anything like this. I too, will pray you find the answers you're looking for. :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

            Good post, Gelgit, but please go back and reread it as an outsider.

            It's entirely unclear whether you or your son has the problem.

            If it's you, then just stop drinking, kick the son out, and do some self therapy, usually a long walk is fine. You appear to be quite capable of describing all the issues.

            If it's your son, why are you enabling him? He grew up years ago. He's free to blow his own life to smithereens without taking you with it. Right?


              I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

              HI hun
              First here's a *HUGE CUDDLE* You sure need one! There is NOTHING worse then seeing any close family member become 'ill'.
              Do they live with you? If not, like someone else said, take his child to your house and look after him. When daddy comes home, take him back. Do you mind looking after his child?
              Start looking after yourself hun, say NO to him! No you're not a childminder, your house is not an 'open house'. Pull the phone out and get back to you! You need to!


                I'm being a real jerk making things worse....

                Well I am more your son's age -- he is very lucky to have a wonderful caring father.... I hope he realises that someday soon.
                I can't offer any advice other than you need to HELP yourself first and formost.
                Sending you strenght to make the right choice:-)
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  I'm being a real jerk making things worse....


                  Thankyou all for taking the time to respond. Your words were each important in helping me step back and reassess the situation. I know, I didn't give you many details to work on....but enough to have you give me some new perspectives on my feelings.
                  Our entire family is upset that his denials are so all encompassing (but that's were the bipolar steps in).
                  I realize that there's going to be good days and bad days and, for the sake of the child, it's my job, right now, to keep things at the most possible even keel. This is truly a one day at a time predicament.
                  Each of your responses gave me another angle to work on and has been most helpful. Bless you guys !!:l

