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I am just wondering.......

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    I am just wondering.......

    You're right Dingbat, if I can accomplish just getting through the day without a drink, I will feel successful. But I need to do something to fill up the 24 hours. It seems like everyone is living such busy lives, and I haven't got a single thing to do at all!! I feel like I am standing at a crossroads in life, a turning point, and if I could just get going in the right direction, things will be okay.....

    Good for all you guys on your many days of sobriety. I hope to join you on this journey, and get to know you all better.

    BecomingMeAtLast - Thanks for your kind words. I'll hold your hand if you'll hold mine.


      I am just wondering.......

      Hi Angeleyes. It sounds like you have a plan. You are not working at the mo? Do you like to read? Something that helped me immensley in my early days (and still does now) was reading recovery books. I read 7 in one week once. Honestly, I learnt so much and it gave me loads of inspiration to carry on. Do you have a library near you?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        I am just wondering.......


        I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. :huggy:

        Well, except maybe to the toilet to go pee from drinking all this water! :H

        Do you have any hobbies? Old ones maybe that you haven't done in a while?

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          I am just wondering.......

          Angel -
          Where do you live? I would be glad to pawn off some of my responsibilties to you. I can't seem to ever get any of them finished!

          Is there somewhere in your community you can volunteer? Perhaps somehting with children....A"Big sister" Organization or something? Kids are a very big inspiration!

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            I am just wondering.......

            Actually, I'm an artist - a painter. But to paint, you need focus, and since my divorce (2 months), I am feeling very lost, unfocused, and spending most of my time crying like a baby. And yes, I love to read. Can you recommend any good recovery books? I could use something right about now.


              I am just wondering.......

              I agree, starting, I've turned into a reading machine. I don't know what I'd do without my books.

              I must go utilize the facilities (water!) and pick up my daughter from school. I'll be back on later.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                I am just wondering.......

                You have gotten good advise from some of the best of the BEST, who are here, on this site.I don't believe there is a Cure for Alcoholism or at this point,I don't think that one has been found.If you gather enough tools and follow the parts that seem to help you, I believe that Alcoholism can go into REMISSION. Isn't that what most people with a terminal disease hope for???
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  I am just wondering.......


                  I hear your pain throughout this thread. WIP makes all the great points as usual -- she is a wise one and one of the people here I've come to respect the most. Its a hard road and a lot of work but the pay off is huge and totally worth it. I'm not there yet -- only on Day 4 at the moment, but I want to be AF, I REALLY do.

                  I agree with taking baby steps at first -- it is what I do. I know the more goals I set for myself in the beginning (after a binge) the more I am setting myself up for failure, and failing makes me want to drink. Its a horrible cycle.

                  You say you are a painter; I'm an artist too, though I am not currently doing art either except taking photographs. Have you ever read any of Julia Cameron's (the Artist's Way) books? If not you should take a look at her website: She talks about the fact that during the creative process the input is as important as the output and calls the input "filling the well". This means doing anything that inspires you, from taking a long walk to going to a museum to an excursion to your favorite art supply store. Maybe this is something you can do right now. You can think about your art even if you're not making it.

                  I also like a thing called "Soul Collage" About the SoulCollage? Process, which is like making a deck of cards using collage, but each card represents a different aspect of yourself. You're supposed to make each card without thinking too much as you meditate on a certain aspect of your personality. So, its making art in a way but its also working out issues and learning about yourself. I've only done a few on my own -- haven't gone to any sessions -- but I find it a fun and quick exercise that isn't as precious and draining as making a full-blown art piece.

                  Also, RE: the MWO book, I agree it would be nice to hear an update from RJ. Have you ever read Turnabout by Jean Kirkpatrick (founder of Women for Sobriety)? Now that's a story that makes my own drinking pale in comparison. I figure if she could quit drinking, anyone could.

                  Well, try and visit our Daily Abs thread under Monthly Abstinence. Take it one day at a time, and be nice to yourself.



                    I am just wondering.......

                    lushy;472166 wrote: Having said that, it would be nice to have an update from RJ and Brenda to see how they are today.
                    I was wondering this too, could we PM her and ask?
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      I am just wondering.......

                      I haven't read many books on recovery but I did like A Million Little Pieces. I didn't drink while reading it, it turned me off from drinking. Some people have mentioned Allen Carr's Book, The Easy Way To Stop Drinking. Some liked it and said anything helps and some didn't like it.

                      I found this on another thread and thought it might help:

             "Best Alcoholism Bios/Self Help"

                      Right now I'm reading for pleasure. I was reading so many self help books I was getting overwhelmed and felt like I needed help in every area of my life! Reading relaxes me and gets my mind off AL and other stressors.

                      I hope this helps,
                      PS How the heck do you PM RJ?!
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        I am just wondering.......

                        She is a member just like us. I PMed her when I did not receive my book.
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          I am just wondering.......

                          So simple, duh, thanks. I like your signature...9 months into this and I still can't decide on one.
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            I am just wondering.......

                            3 months into this and I have not become the person I want to be.....YET
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              I am just wondering.......

                              This thread has made me curious. Is there a way to do a private poll to see how we are doing as a group? How many AF/Mod or still drinking?
                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                                I am just wondering.......

                                Thanks SpottyDingo, for the great advice. I actually went on-line and ordered Turnabout because I checked at my local library and they don't have it, and neither does the closest Chapters. I have read some of Julia Cameron's books, and find her very inspiring, although I have never been able to keep up with the "Morning Pages" thing. I'll check out the soul collage and let you know what I think.

                                I did read "A Million Little Pieces" but was kind of pissed off when I found out the whole book was a fake and none of it was true. All that hype for nothing. I mostly also read for pleasure, once in a while I throw in a self-help book, but too many of those can make you think your whole life is a great big mess (which mine is at the moment, but it hasn't always been that way).

                                Does someone want to volunteer to PM RJ? I know it was me who brought the whole thing up, but now I'm too chicken!!

