Evielou, I hope that someday my mantra can be I DON"T DRINK too. I really, really want that. I think it will be a while before I get there.
Spotty, I'll check out those books by Laurie Notaro. Laughter really is the best medicine, it certainly can't hurt, I heard it can even cure cancer!!
Sorry to hear that you never got to have kids, who knows why things happen the way they do, but your life has meaning in so many different ways. I don't know what it all means - I have put so much into my children for so many years and now that they are all gone for the most part it seems like I have no purpose and am pretty much useless and have no reason to even get up in the morning. But that is only because that has been my life for so many years I know no other way, and now I have to find my own self and I am 44 years old and I feel like a baby and I need to learn to walk again. I don't even know who I am because I have spent my entire life serving other people, not to make myself out to be a martyr or anything, because that's not the case...oh, now it's me who's babbling!!
But what I'm trying to say is that you maybe have a better idea of who you are and what you want and where you are going and your purpose in life?? You say you feel like your life hasn't really started yet - well, what is it that you want that you don't have?
By the way, I have a job interview in the morning for a really stupid job that I don't want. Wish me luck!