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One day at a time Wednesday

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    One day at a time Wednesday

    Hi folks every one seems to be doing so well and welcome to the new ODATERS and so good to see little bits of Bessie. I gotta another crappy conference thing tomorrow :upset: I hate them!!!!! some one at work said as part of the getting to know you conference game.... they are thinking that we are going to pass a large ball to each other from our chin to the others chin and then say thanks who ever:H. Thats it i said!!!!! Im going to eat for breakfast 2 tins of the rankess sardines I can find like the ones in tomatoe sauce from the dusty parts of the super market and then top it off with garlic eggs and give my dog a big sloppy kiss before i go and roll around with her in her little cradel of filth she calls bed ( not my fault I buy her fresh blankets and she drags them across the back yard eats her food in them and sleeps and rubs her smell deep into them) I hope the person I chin pass the ball too faints !!!!! and I am told to go home and brush my teeth!!!! and change:H Im so sick of conference get to know you games I just want to shrivle up and die quitley . At the last one the person I was meant to name... and then through the tennis ball to I wacked in the head. Any way sorry enough of my wingeing have a great day every one, thanks for listening
    Love cap

    One day at a time Wednesday

    Ahh Oney love ya sweet heart...... now you mention teeth ( smiles) whats something I can eat that will leave like flecks of residue. Im thinking unshelled beer nuts the shells always stick to youre teeth giving that aint been brushed in a while look HAAAAAAA....


      One day at a time Wednesday

      YESSSSSSSS spinach thanks although never ate spinach for Brekky but Im with you on this one creature from the green lagoon look with the smell to match ....aint no one wanna accept a ball comin from my chin HAA love it thanks oney youre the best Ill let you know how it goes as Im sure i will be sent home early HAAAAA


        One day at a time Wednesday

        Eat a lot of bread with the spinach, and don't drink anything while you're doing it! That should produce a nice green tinted paste between your teeth. Good luck!!!


          One day at a time Wednesday

          Thanks guys


            One day at a time Wednesday

            Hi all ODAT'rs

            On Day 3 and trying to keep motivated. Got a walk in this morning and that always helps. Keeping busy, busy, that helps too.

            Catch you all later.



              One day at a time Wednesday


              I just have to say about the avatar..

              I spent a lot of time at the stern of my dad's boats... Feet trailing in the water, sometimes the warm and deep blue waters of the Gulf Stream.

              Until a damn Tiger shark decided to investigate!! Feet came out quick. (Thank God!!)

              However, your avatar makes me "homesick" for the sea. Sigh.

              AF April 9, 2016


                One day at a time Wednesday

                AHH Cinds bloody sharks like mosquitoes any way dont be home sick for the sea buy a boat !!!! however small or big and get back on the water its helped me immensley with my cravings for drink!!!!!!! by the way my favorite spot too was the feet hanging off the stern on dads small boat LOVE IT... the gentle brush of the water between ya toes AH a never forget memory!!!!!
                Love cap


                  One day at a time Wednesday

                  Hey Cap - you brought a smile to my face this morning... when I didn't really feel like smiling!!

                  Maybe you should just sneak a pin or nail in to that ball thing and POP the damn thing! :H GAME OVER!

                  Wellll, today WILL be AF. Past almost week hasn't been good. Depression is the excuse I came up with - figuring if I drank & it lifted my "spirits" for even a few minutes, it would be worth it...

                  However, in the process, at one point I guess I got a little mean in a politcal email conversation w/friend who I KNOW BETTER than to discuss such things with... now may have lost this friend!! Was it worth it...?

                  All you ODATers have a great day... and I'll try hard to stay strong...!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    One day at a time Wednesday

                    We have 2 One Day At A Time Wednesday threads going!
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      One day at a time Wednesday

                      Good thing to have TWO odat Wednesday threads going.....I need em both today:H:H DH's bottle of brandy is sitting right in the middle of the room this morning. Oh sooooooeasy to grab it's neck. But, NO! antabuse to the rescue.
                      Captain, you are such a sweetheart that I wouldn't care if you had green teeth and sardine breath. Well, on second thought, maybe a smile and a wave from across the room Smooth sailing today to all. xxxxx g.

