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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

    Good morning all. Day 13 here . I spent a lot of time with my son last night doing homework and reading books. God it feels good to have a clear head for that!

    As I predicted, my husband asked me last night how long it had been since I had a drink (after I said "No" to wine with dinner). When I said "about 2 weeks" the quiz began: "Are you sure" "How do you know" "I think it's been longer" "I was out of town 2 weeks ago, you didn't drink then?" "Or did you" (actually he knows very well that I did as I was stupid enough to answer the phone - the next day was my 1st day AF), then "So why don't we quit smoking?" "We really need to" "I would if you would" "I can't quit if you don't quit", and on and on and on. All the while, of course, he's on who knows what number beer, and then the Scotch will come out. It felt like I was defending myself, which is just NUTS!! It's certainly no secret that I have a drinking problem! I mean, damn! I finally just told him to leave me the hell alone and went back into the living room to read my book.

    And just so everyone knows, I have to be very careful about what I post here, which limits my ability to respond to others' posts. He found another web site I was involved in (nothing to do with AL), went there and read every post I made. He then thought it was "cute" and "funny" to quote what I had written back to me. So being completely transparent here, and empathizing with some posts is not an option for me. Jerk!

    Really, if there is anyone who can drive me to drink it's him:H!!

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals! And for anyone feeling like crap, just remember: Today is a new day!

    ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

    Oh Dinggy we must have started the thread at the same time sorry mate :H hey that main squeeze of yours is a handful you seem to deal with it with absoulte candour and style well done wish i had your style
    love cap


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

      dingbat I know the feeling. My I was feeling great yesterday( Day 3 AF), I came home in a good mood felt great not to pick up that first 12 pack of the day before I picked up the kids. Started to make dinner, then my wife called. I swear sometimes she calls just to piss me off, got worse when she got home, her bad day turns into my bad day. I know me drinking pisses her off, so sometimes I could use that as "revenge". I know that is acting like a kid. Anyways I made it through. Good luck. People without this problem have no clue!!!! Not to say it's their fault. Anyways good luck



        ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

        Hi ODATers

        Dingbat - I think you are a Saint:H As Capn says I wish I had your style - you're obviously well practised in handling that husband of yours.

        I have to post carefully as well - he doesn't know and I want it to stay like that.

        A beautiful sunny day here, quite a change. Am getting to grips with christmas shopping (online of course) so ho ho ho!

        Luv to all


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

          Oh, we did Capt! Oh well, can't hurt - ODAT is something that needs to be beaten into our heads in the beginning, I think.

          And, yeah, I guess if "kiss my a$$" is a style, then I've got it!!!! It's extremely attractive when I'm drunk:H.


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

            HAA Dinggy youre arse is better drunk surely not:H


              ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

              hello all ODATers
              working on my second day today. didn't sleep to great last night but at least i'm not hungover just a little tired. I know significant others can work your last nerve sometimes. In the past i've gotten drunk just to get back at mine but now i know i need to do this for myself.

              Hope veryone has a great day and meets their goal for today!
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                Great job on 13 days dingbat and good job handling your husband. Day 10 here!

                Twosox :l


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                  Hey Ding - I relate to your story about your husband read your stuff.

                  A long time ago, I moved from TX to CO to be w/boyfriend. After some time, I noticed my bf was Quoting stuff I had written!! (My treasured "secret" journal...)

                  After a few times, I said, have you been reading my stuff?? He said, sure, if you didn't want me to read it, you shouldn't have put it in the Bathroom!! (Kind of funny now...)

                  It wasn't out in view, but in a bag w/other stuff...

                  Sad part is, I was so humiliated, etc., I BURNED IT in fireplace. LOTS of pages. And I've regretted that ever since... Irreplaceable.

                  MEN. Can't live w/em... etc.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                    Hey guys, day 3 here AF, day 4 Nf.

                    not sleeping at all - have had problems with sleep for about 5 years but it is at the point where it is affecting my health. I NEVER get more than 5 hours and usually even that 5 hours is broken sleep. The past 3 nights I have only had about 6 hours TOTAL and I'm a walking zombie right now. I am so tired I actually feel sick to my stomache.......

                    I have booked an appointment with the doctor to try to get a prescription - I have tried natural remedies, I have tried sleep cd's............I just at this point need something that will shut off my brain for a good 8 hours straight........does anyone have any suggestions???


                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday


                      Good morning ODATers:wavin:

                      The greatest thing happend this morning.......I'll make it quick. I came back home from driving my 2 kids to school and the babysitter, to get ready for work....I prepared one of my crockpot creations and set it on low for 8 hours. When I went upstairs to get dressed for work, I noticed that my 7 year old had made his own bed. (he did it very well) I was taken back. WOW! I smiled, and thought I will tell him later. Then I re-thought about it....LATER? Later, the witching hour is later!!! So I wrote him a note and left it on his bed. "GOOD JOB MAKING YOUR BED! I'M PROUD OF YOU! XOXO MOMMY":h He is gonna love it when he sees it later!

                      That's the kind of mother I used to be!!!! I feel it coming back! That is the kind of mother I want to be again!! I have thought about doing these kinds of things all the time (I used to write a note on my older boys lunch napkin everday, when he was younger) but lately have been to sick/hungover or suffering from anxiety and couldn't move.

                      I don't know if that sounds silly but, that experience has made my morning!!!! I wish all of you a spectactular AF Wed.:wave:

                      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                        ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                        My acupuncturist recommend these herbal pill. They helped me in the past and I'm planning on getting some today. here's a link with info

                        Health Naturals - Online Nutritional Products Herbs & Supplements
                        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                          ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                          Hey ODATers!

                          I'm late posting today.

                          Congrats, dingbat! My HB drinks, too, but he's slowed down since I've been AF. When I mod, he's back right into it full tilt so I might as well go AF. But, this certainly isn't for them. It's for us. The more AF days I have, the more that becomes clearer to me. Hey, where's your avatar? I've been looking for it...

                          Paw, congrats to you for not caving in. I've done the punishment drunk many-a-time. Who was I really punishing? Especially when I turned into a jerk when I got drunk.

                          Hey captn, 1more, Bx!

                          Savon, I burned something once for my HB, too. I regret it to the day. I will regret it forever.

                          Uni, the only thing I've tried, and it's worked, are the natural things. I feel for you. I had a rough night with using dreams last night. I'm exhausted. I hope the dr. helps. Congrats on both AF and NF days.

                          twosox, congrats on day 10!

                          jamms, it doesn't sound silly. Your post just made my heart sore. Thanks for sharing. :h

                          Well, I made it on the treadmill yesterday afternoon after a push in the a** from oney, ruby and AA on another thread. I did 30 minutes and will definitely be back on today.

                          As usual, what the hell do I make for dinner?

                          Another day another dollar. Scratch that. We're in a recession. Another 5 cents.

                          Take care, :l
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                            We have 2 One Day At A Time Wednesday threads going!
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                              Hmmmm - guess I should look into the avatar. Maybe I'll make that my goal for the day! I've gotta do at least one productive thing!

