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    ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

    Well, that was easy! Time for my nappy-nap:H!


      ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday


      I love the avatar! It's you! It's you! LOL

      PS I'm envious about the nap.
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

        Just a quick note to say hello to all you ODATers. Day 2 and starting my antabuse.

        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

          Hi gang - Taking a quick lunch break here, bolting my brown rice salad and some homemade veggie soup. Tastey. I am on day 2, and am amazed that last night, I had no craving at all (after 10 days of daily wine swilling). Maybe all those supps do help afterall??!?!?!

          Uni - I get you on the sleep issue. I have been cheating a bit. My galpal gave the remains of a prescription for sleep pills (not very strong ones) and even a half of one helps get me over the edge. I swear, I went back to drinking 10 days ago just so I could sleep. I am wondering how I will cope tonight. I have been taking 5-HTP in the hopes that that will help with the insomnia as Melatonin doesn't help me at all. Hey - it's supposed to help with PMS and as an appetite suppressant and all sorts of wonderful things. Thing is, it upsets my stomach a bit - some nausea.

          Maybe I will try the Calm ZZZ that you have tried, 1more. Did it really help?? Sometimes these natural remedies don't seem to help me in this sleep problem. It's like, no, I NEED DRUGS!!!

          Jamms - I use to write notes to my kids on their napkins in the lunches too. I think it sort of embarrassed them, but they did like it!!

          AKgirl, good luck with the antabuse. I wonder if I should try that?!?!??!

          Must get back into exercising. Haven't swam in 2 weeks, due to stitches and then bad cold. So tonight, it's off to the pool with me.

          Hi to everybody else on this thread. Sounds like you all are doing wonderfully!!
          xoxoxo peanut


            ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

            hi all i am new on this thread but so glad i found it! started the mwo programme on monday for the first time ever and am now on day 3 - yippee! was worried about taking the supps but no side effects at all so far, i slept like a log on monday night after lsitening to c;d for first time but then ast night felt like only half of me was asleep??? had first big test last night though as out with gang from work to celebrate a birthday< didnt want to post until id got through it and yeess! i did it. Felt so smug this morning and so in control, went to the gym at lunch time and feeling v optimisitc! i do appreciate its only day 3 and i have a big test come the weekend but i am trying hard to adopt your principle of ODAT and i think thats whats helping so thanks. am just hoping i am still so positive this time next week and not ripping someones head off! will keep posting and reading this thread every day til i get to day 30 but a bit confused with 2 threads to-day so will always look for heading of ODAT if thats ok?
            to all the others on day 3 i will use your courage to keep me inspired and of course will keep walking, just did 2.5 miles - felt great xxxx
            Keeps x:happyheart:


              ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

              Great job on day 3 Keep! I was a bit confused with both threads too. Seems they cross posts. I always looked for ODAT now its spelled out? Either way, I find my way and am happy to be here. Everyone always has such a great attitude.

              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                Late check in for me. I am coming down with a cold and felt like crap this morning. I have started on some echinacea to perhaps ward off this cold before it gets too bad. Day 16 today and hanging tough. Welcome Keepwalking. Congrats on 3 days. May I suggest that you start your own thread so that you will get a proper MWO welcome. Hope everyone had a great day.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                  Universal - try Ambien - it does a great job.

                  I worry about my husband being overly curious as well. I'd be so pissed if he threw it in my face. I already revealed a couple of things I had second thoughts about on here and hope it doesn't come back to slap me. This is personal and private in my opinion, it's about inner most thoughts and feelings that we don't just share with anyone, only that ugly little demon in us knows the real truth about the things we do - and of course God. We should have somewhere we can vent our personal issues without being criticized. I frequently have to have two pages open and flip back and forth when I hear him coming close.


                    ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                    Just wanted to pop in quick and say that I started spelling out ODAT for peeps who didn't know what it stood for. I'm not sure if new people will know, and actually saw someone ask what it meant on another thread!

                    Gotta go, the ball and chain is right next to me and he'll get nosy really quick!


                      ONE DAT AT A TIME Wednesday

                      Just tailing in on the early hours of a UK morning (just not ready to start a ODAT Thursday thread!) Did ok with modding last night so happy with that. It's back to baby steps and ODAT for me. Mega busy so that is helping. Just can't afford to have a hangover with all I need to get done (not that it has stopped me in the past! ) Hubby's on a mod stint as well so that is helping.

                      Strength and love to you all.

                      Bessie xx

