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day 2

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    day 2

    Feel much better today I just hope I can win the war against this horrible habit.
    My house is full of wine as my husband buys it, collects it and drinks about 1 glass a night wheras I finish the bottle and sneak some more.
    At my first AA meeting I attended last night there did not seem to be anyone like me. However, they were wonderful,kind and brave. I am not sure how I am going to get through this but I do know I want to be sober

    day 2

    One day at a time, anon, that's how you're going to do it! I know what it's like to have a husband who drinks, and having alcohol in the house. Right now there is beer in the fridge, scotch in the cabinet and two kinds of wine on the counter here. When I saw the scotch the other day I thought "Oh sh!t"! But so far, so good. And I've done it ODAT. The one thing that is giving me motivation is my son; I just focus on being the mother I want to be and that gets me through.


      day 2

      You will get through this!!!!! you got the I WANT TO BE SOBER thing!!!!!! welcome and keep posting start anywhere but you sound so determined you will succeed. Can i suggest the army thread lots of support and great advice there but were ever welcome you will achieve your aim to be sober lots of people with great support and ideas on how to plan getting your life back
      BEST of luck Cap


        day 2


        You can win the war, and if you want to, you will.

        You might even lose some skirmishes but keep trying. It is worth the fight.

        AF April 9, 2016


          day 2

          Thanks for the support. I am not very computer literate so am not sure how to do the posts etc. Maybe something for me to learn instead of drinking.
          cannot work out how to download the book but may be able to use the AA liteature I got last night


            day 2

            Stay close to us.There is Power and Safety in numbers of people with the same goal !!!!!!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              day 2

              Your doing great anon!!
              You'll get the hang of the site soon.


                day 2

                Keep going ..... you're doing great

                I know what it's like to try and be sober with a house full of wine - my husband is a serious wine drinker and collector and has 250+ bottles in the garage - he has it delivered - is in a wine club. He drinks most nights although I wouldn't call him an alcholic - just someone who really enjoys it and is quite knowledgeable and drinks just ouside what are health limits for a male.

                I would love to live in a AF house, but when we discuss it he just gets angry and says he doens't have a problem so why should he have to sacrifice it. I think he's annoyed that i'm sober - well he'd like me to drink at the weekend and special occasions and has told me that life's not as fun now i'm not drinking! Yet he ought to know I can't moderate (he is a medical doctor as well!?!?) Everytime I try and mod after days / weeks of AF days (once 108 days) I am back at alcoholic levels within days.

                The way I choose to look at it , is alcohol is all around you, in shops, bars, restaurants, social occasions, friends will offer it you etc so even if your home is AF if you are not really determined you wil still cave in in the early days / weeks and get it for yourself - so try and see the alcohol in your home as just something you live with which will make you a stronger person - not easy I know - I struggle, but good luck.


                  day 2

                  Good job on day 2, your doing great, my husband also drinks so we still have alcohol in the house. I had a hard day last Friday controlling the urge but I was invited into chat and it made all the difference.


