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Tough start of AF # 4

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    Tough start of AF # 4

    Modding is so hard. It really is. I know for me I need to have a LOT of AF days for it to work. I've been drinking more lately and need to put more AF days in. I can just feel it physically.

    The topa is helping me a lot. I drink a lot less when I'm on it. I'm glad you're going to talk with your hubby, that's great.

    I hate the blacking out part. I don't miss that at all. Talk about scary and powerless, huh? It sucks.

    I'm worried about Paw, too.

    Take care,
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      Tough start of AF # 4

      Hi Paw, I have been keeping track of your progress, I quit around the same time you did, but I could not keep up with as many days as you did, at least I have a plan, but the holiday season is a tough time. Hope you survived the party you were going to. I plan to make a 30 day happen in January. I am struggling with weight issues as well, all due to a bottle of wine a night. You are in my thoughts.
      "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


        Tough start of AF # 4

        first day sickness

        This is my first time posting. I am desparate to stop drinking after years and use of abuse.

        I started taking the supplements yesterday and I have vomitted 3 times. Is that normal? Or is a part of withfrwal.



          Tough start of AF # 4

          Id imagine its part of the withdrawel. How much did you drink ?


            Tough start of AF # 4

            Welcome tico,

            I don't think it's the supplements. I think it must be part of the withdrawl. I agree with limers. You might get more responses if you post a new thread under the "Starting Out" section. More people will "see" you there.

            Are you okay?

            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              Tough start of AF # 4

              :new:Hi there! I am brand new. I've tried to stop drinking before, but you all know the story. I want to ask if I can be "IN" your group!? I've read your entire thread and you sound like a great group. Recently I went 10 days without drinking and it seemed to be "no problem" when I was on an antibiotic that the drs. told me if I drand while taking it I would get sick ... so I CAN do this, but why haven't I? My goal is AF ... after reading the posts of some who have tried to moderate, it sounds harder and riskier than just going AF ... so for now, that is my goal ... and I'm asking for your support in being AF for my first 30 days to start. Today was day 1; I turn 53 on Tuesday and drinking is the only (ONLY?) unhealthy thing I do ... I exercise all the time and I'm in great shape and really healthy aside from this HUGE glaring problem in my life that I have been fighting for years. I can't drink moderately anymore. I ordered the Topo ... but I want to start right away. Thanks ... and good job to those of you on this thread!


                Tough start of AF # 4

                Actually ... I didn't see the clock had turned past midnight ... so this will be day #2 for me ... and I've noticed I can generally EASILY and frequently do go three days without drinking ... so day #4 is a tough one for me. I read somewhere that it take 72 hours for the alcohol to completely be gone from your system so I wonder if that is why day 4 is when cravings are tougher. ??? I don't know, but I DO know I'm looking forward to feeling a lot better and my life improving when I have some days behind me and I have "taken my power back" over this addiction.


                  Tough start of AF # 4

                  Hello everyone. Back to Af # 2. Becoming and jamms I am okay. Thank you for your thought. Be- don't worry about the 55 lb comment I am not sensitive about my weight. I crashed and burned Friday and saturday. Not pleasant and I paid for it on sunday. I do feel good about he fact that I could go 27 days, it had been 4 years since that happened. I learned that 27 days is good but I can do better than that.

                  Yogini and swans all I can tell you is that this journey is long and takes many different directions. I will never stop trying to rid myself of alcohol. As long as you are here then at least you are trying to work towards a better life. We all carry with us bagage that we need to address. We all sought out twhat we think/thought is the answer which is alcohol.I am going to work hard to deal with my bagage the right way.

                  Everyone stay strong.. Tico- I don't know anything about the supplements. I wish I could help.

                  AF 28 out of 30 days-- I am tring to focus on that


                    Tough start of AF # 4


                    Healthy Paw ... well then we are BOTH on day #2 ... I just got back from working out which always makes me feel better and I have an hour long cardio workout at noon. That should really help my day. My entire life is focused toward health, fitness and making the right lifestyle choices ... so this Alcohol Thing is a glaring misfit in the rest of my life. It has been really tough realizing that when I drink I can't control how much. I was married to an alcoholic for 20 years, divorced a year ago and now just look at me ... I have become what I hated. The good news is I really WANT to take care of this and I am realizing I really no longer enjoy drinking ... well I say that and then I think ... well sure I did enjoy it, but when I didn't drink to excess and when I could control the amount. On the way home I got some kudzu and L-Glutemine. I really don't even want to have to depend on the supplements tho ... as they say in buddhism ... I want to learn to "sit with the discomfort" and take back my power.

                    Hope your day at school gets better! I'll get to know the rest of you, too, pretty quickly I hope.

                    I guess, Healthy Paw, the good news is that you were feeling REALLY great for 27 days and you realized that was better than the weekend. Focus on what you want ... feeling like you did during those 27 days. Are you following the supplement and the Topomax routine?


                      Tough start of AF # 4

                      day #3. :upset:

                      Paw- I'm so glad to hear from you, I'm glad you doing ok. You sound awesome! Good for you. You continue to be a big inspiration to me. Cold Turkey. No meds no supps. :goodjob:

                      Tico- maybe you are just comomg down with a bug. Supps will not make you vomit. :welcome:

                      Swans and Yogini- Welcome to you. Keep reading threads.

                      Be- I read the book last night. Would you happen to know if the Topa and all of the supps can be taken with Lexapro? I will aslo post this ? on another thread. I will need to find this out because I do not think I can go off the lexapro I just started it about a month ago and it's helping my depression and anxiety. I have been looking everywhere for the supps. Can't find much in my local CVS. I'm going to try to get to a health food store this week. My Dr. appt is 12/22. I really hope he is "with me" regarding the Topa.

                      Anyway,my morning sucks so far. My car won't stay running and my DD is sick again.I was up all night with her. I think she has a "bug". I'm still home trying to get to work.

                      I hate today!!!

                      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                        Tough start of AF # 4

                        Paw, I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear from you! :l

                        Jamms, yes, I'm on Lexapro and take the supps and the topa. In fact, I've upped my topa to 125mg a day and it helps a lot.

                        Sorry for the short post, I feel terrible about it, but I have a terrible sore throat and fever and have to work in the office.

                        Take care, love, :h
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          Tough start of AF # 4

                          Yog- I want to lose about 70 lbs- so far I am at 16. I did not take any supps- just eating right and trying to run at least 4x per week. I'm glad to see that you found this thread, very nice people here.

                          I wish I could offer more information about the supplemants- sounds like they may be helping a lot of people. And I say anything that helps is great.

                          I know now that you can never let your guard down even for a minute. Alcohol is kind of like a mouse ( it can findthe liitle hole(weakness) in a foundation and slip in.

                          Jamms and "Be" - keep up the good fight. Let us all have a great end of 2008 and get into 2009 healthy in mind and body. Thank You everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Tough start of AF # 4

                            Paw- Did you see the Baltimore game yesterday? What a load of BS!!! The ball never crossed the line!!!


                            "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                            "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                              Tough start of AF # 4

                              Becoming me ... I hope you take good care of yourself and start feeling better soon.
                              Jamms ... I hope your day is going well. :h

                              Paw ... I am with the "rest of your buddies"; as I was reading the string and saw you had a touch weekend and hadn't signed in ... well I was RELIEVED when you signed in this morning! AND I am happy to be on "day 2" with you. :goodjob:
                              Yep, I've abstained for periods of time before, and then I start to feel so "normal", and for some crazy reason out of the blue will decide I can drink again. It's not like me to totally throw logic and reason out of the window. I hope I can avoid that this time, OR after using the Topomax & Supps for the 12 week period if I DO get a wild hair the Topo will have done it's job to repair those brain neruons so I won't go crazy and overindulge. But for now ... It is Sooo difficult to moderate that I think WHY would I want to chance it!

                              On loosing weight ... I'm a nutrition coach and maybe in the string I can help you out a little. I put people on a program to help them stabilize their blood sugar. Very healthy and my clients achieve great results. (How ironic, huh?) and in fact I'VE achieved great results. I stopped progressing when I started drinking again.

                              Paw ... you already sound like you are in a much getter mood than you were this morning! Good Job! and thank you everyone for welcoming me into your string!



                                Tough start of AF # 4

                                Jamms--- The league loves pittsburgh. They will get calls all the time.

                                yogini- thanks for your concern, it means a lot. I am feeling a lot better now. I do hope that the supps and topomax work for you and everyone that takes them. I just don't want to go that route. I understand about being hard to moderate, thats where I crashed and burned this weekend. So onward with more AF days.

                                I would like any information that you think would be helpful in my losing weight. I'm down 18.5 pounds in 4 weeks. I don't go on those crazy fad diets. I generally go with high protein, high fiber "meals" about 5 a day. Right now running 3 or 4 times a week and plan to get back into the gym in February.
                                So any help you can give would be great.

                                Hopefully you are doing well

                                What r people plans for the holidays?

