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Tough start of AF # 4

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    Tough start of AF # 4

    Paw- Your doing great with the weight. You don't wanna lose to much to fast that's no good for your heart. Is your blood pressure and Cholestrol ok? I only ask because you are the same weight as my hubby and he has to watch both of them. He lost lots of lbs when he did not eat starches and mostly lived on grilled chicken in salad, or a turkey on rye with mustard. Plus watching the sodium intake will help drop lbs. He's gained a litle back now but it's all muscle.

    Anyway, I have a Holdiay parties all weekend. Friday night all the girls are doing the annual Holiday "bar crawl" down the avenue we live by. Sat. afternoon my organization is having the children's x-pmas party, and the adult party is Sat. night. Hubby wants us to go together he said "it'll be ok,I'll be with you" He is confident that I can do the barcrawl and MOD. He really is being great, I totally underestimated him. He is completely supportive of me. It's hard on him too, especially when I have one of my melt downs.

    Yogini- :lYeah, yesterday was rough! Couldn't wait for it to end. Today started of bad also, I overslept so my 7 year old never made it to school. So we are all home together. WooHoo, (a sarcastic woohoo). :HI am feeling a little better then yesterday though but day 4 is always the worst for me.

    Tico - are you ok?

    Be- I hope your feeling better? I'll make you a cup of tea. :l

    Nine more days till x-mas! Still looking for a Wii! My plans: I'm staying home x-mas eve. I"m staying home x-mas day when my family will come over and then Friday I will go to Long Island to have x-mas with my hubby' s side of the family.

    Wow, sorry for the long post. Did I ramble or what?

    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


      Tough start of AF # 4


      I need some help. Will you visit my Join Me In 7 Days AF! thread in the Starting Out section?

      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        Tough start of AF # 4

        Day #3 and I'm OK

        Paw - :goodjob:As for your nutrition, eating 5 meals per day is GREAT. I tell my clients to eat every 3-4 hours (in 3 hours if hungry ... if not wait til 4, but don't go longer) and most men get abour 400 Calories per meal ... If you've been doing a really high protein diet I would reccomend about 40g Protein per meal; 35g Carbohydrates per meal & 11 g Fats per meal. That amount of protein would be about 6.5 oz Chicken Breast; 6 oz Tuna Albacore in H20 - That amount of Carbs would be about 140 Calories; If you keep your ratios of Protein, Carbs & Fats consistent in each meal your blood sugar will remain stable. You will never feel stuffed and you should be hungry/ready to eat at each meal but not starving. This is very general ... quality of foods does matter, too. Does any of this help? Exercise is important too. Cardiovascular exercise is the MOST important when trying to loose fat body mass ... it is important to stay in the "fat burning" zone. I don't know how old you are, but if you let me know I can tell you. I'm looking at a plan right now for a man 56 years old and his Heart Rate intensity should stay between 130-140 beats per minute.

        be - sorry you are having a rough time and I'll come look for your new string.

        Jamms ... sounds like a rough week! :h

        OK ... this is day 3 for me and it was my Birthday. Pretty quiet and my kids took me out to dinner and although I thought about it, I wasn't really tempted and didn't miss having that Marg at the Mexican Place; although wine is generaly my first choice of poison! LOL!

        Has anybody read or do they know ... with the Topo ... after being on it a while can you discontinue it or do you have to continue taking it even after the 12 week period if you want to "moderate"? My plan is not to drink at all ... maybe not ever again, but it would be very nice to know if after doing the 12 week program, and abstaining, that my brain may have "healed" itself in a way that if I did choose to drink I would once again be in control of how much. Anybody know?


          Tough start of AF # 4

          Day 4 is always my hardest too. I read somewhere it takes 3 days for alchohol to clear the body? Have no idea if it is true, but if so, that would account for day 4 being so hard. Am now doing well during the entire week and for HALF the week end. Still not free but doing better and feeling better.

          Talk to us tomorrow as you move into Day FIVE!!


            Tough start of AF # 4

            Jamms- I went to the doctor before I startedm by my surprise everything was okay, even liver enzyemes- sounds like you have a good plan for this weekend, Good Job by your husband-- sounds like good guy.

            Be- I will get to the thread sometime today, we have to get you on the right track

            yogini- another day, last time I was on day 4 sucked, feeling nothing like that this time. I hope you aren't having a bad day af 4. I am 38- usually I run at full speed for 2 minutes then walk for one. I do that for 20 minutes, of course after my 5 minutes warm up walking, and close with 5 minute cool down. I pretty much do well with my eating. Thanks for the info.

            Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! job well done.-

            Here to a productive day-- big snow storm coming this way--hopefully I get snow day on Friday-- I get 2 week off for holiday-- since I teach and extra day would be great


              Tough start of AF # 4

              Paw - Good Job! I'm glad you shared your Exercise with me. What you are currently doing is "Interval Training" and that is GREAT! :goodjob: I would encourage you to do Interval Training no more than 3X per week for 30 minutes (with a 5-10 minute warm up and then a cool down) and on other days do straight cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes. When you do the straight cardio you are useing your Red Muscle Fibers (with oxygen) and the Interval incorporates White Muscle Fibers (without Oxygen). Each type of exercise has a slightly different effect on your metabolism/physiology. GENERALLY, when starting out I get clients to begin with the straight cardio and then Level 2 would be to incorporate interval ... but since you are already doing interval training I would suggest you KEEP doing it and add straight cardio.
              Does this make sense and are you willing to try this?

              Glad you are feeling OK ... me too! Day #4.

              EVERYONE: How many of you have read the book "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Great Book and I tell everyone it is "required reading" ... I JUST heard the suggestion to read the Chapter on "Decision" everyday for 1 month. May be a great thing for those of us who have made a DECISION to AF for 30 days! Anyone like that idea?


                Tough start of AF # 4

                Paw- I'm glad that you went to Dr. before you started. At least youknow where you stand as far as health. Good for you. My weekend plans have changed a little. I'm not going to the "bar crawl" thing. I'm doing 7 days with Becoming so that will mean I have to be AF on Friday. But, I can have some wine on Sat. That works for me. My dedication is with Be right now. My girlfriends won't know if I'm there or not after they have a few drinks. My last day at work is thursday I'm on vacation until 1/7/09. I always take my time when the kids are off for the holidays, plus a few extra days for myself. It's going to be tough being home.

                Be- :l

                Yogini-Good luck on Day #4. HAve you read MWO? I think you can choose to go off the Topa after 12 weeks, but I'm not sure RJ reccommended it in her book. You can mod and be on topa.

                Spany- I heard the same thing about AL leaving the body, that's why it's so hard. You're dong great. Keep up the good work

                Well, everyone have a great AF day!

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  Tough start of AF # 4

                  Day #4 - Ready for #5

                  Jamms -- I read MWO sometime ago, downloaded it but now I can't find it on my computer. ARGH! So, I hate to purchase it again, and don't remember whether she said you can go off the topo when you mod or not. As I remember, she continued to drink from the beginning and really didn't have a resolve to be AF for a while, but her cravings to drink too much just went away. Am I correct?

                  Day 4 and I'm OK. Even sitting here all by myself & that is when I am most tempted ... all by my lonely. I have noticed I'm feeling and being more productive. How EASY it is to just forget how BAD it feels the day after overindulging ... so quickly I began to feel so "normal" again ... and then in the past that seem to be where I get bitten in the backside. I think, why I feel so "normal" of course I can enjoy a glass of wine, but it is never "just one". I haven't abstained completely since I was pregnant with my 13 year old ... went 45 days ONCE, but then ... oops! Never had the MWO protocol to follow though. We will see!

                  Thanks to everyone for checking in and for all the good support!


                    Tough start of AF # 4

                    yogini- Okay I got my book right here....

                    "weeks 6 -12, you may discontinue takink the supps except for the ALL ONE Powder, unless your cravings remain strong. You should incorporate the vitamin powder,or an equivalent,into a lifelong nutritional regimen. Cintinue taking the topa according to the dosing schedule, and excersise regularly."

                    "[B]weeks 12 and after,[B] Continue to take the All One powder. Consult with your Dr. about dosing down topa, discontinuing,or simply remaining at curent dosage, as many patients do. If you stop taking the med. your Dr. will probably recommend that you reduce your dosage by 25-50mg. every four or five days or possibly more slowly.Continue excersise."

                    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                      Tough start of AF # 4

                      Hello all, just so you know I'm not dithcing you guys, but my internet at home is out-- big storm coming my not get it back on until saturday or sunday. At work now but going on field trip. Everyone stay safe and talk to you as soon as possible


                        Tough start of AF # 4

                        :thanks:Jamms - Thanks SOoo much for looking up that info in your book! I really DO appreciate it. I'll copy and save it!

                        Day 5 for me and I'm feeling fine. No big temptations ... I'm happy with my decision and my resolve to stick to it is good.

                        Thanks for the support you guys are giving me! I'll check in later today.


                          Tough start of AF # 4

                          Yogini- It's no problem I'm happy to help.

                          Paw- Have fun on your field trip.

                          Day #6. Tonight is going to be hard too. (jeeze is there a night that isn't). I'm going to go get my odds and ends of x-mas shopping....


                          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                            Tough start of AF # 4

                            Hope the field trip went well, Paw. Been thinking about you.
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              Tough start of AF # 4

                              Paw- Hope you can get internet access this week. I'm wishing you and yours happy holidays! Be strong!:l

                              "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                              "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                                Tough start of AF # 4

                                Paw- Just wanted to say Happy New Year. I've been thinking of you, I hope you are okay.
                                I'm back on day#1 and have started the program in the book, and the first 2 weeks are AF so, I'm going for 14 af days. YIKES!!!!

                                Please let me know how you did over the holidays.

                                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

