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Tough start of AF # 4

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    Tough start of AF # 4

    Paw- I will be back at Day 1 tomorrow. I plan on finishing the bottle of wine I opened last I'm right here with ya dude...BTW..I know you don't get lots of time on the PC at home I don't really either but, if you ever want to PM me to talk you can....sometimes we can all use to talk about personal stuff we don't want on the thread and that's ok.

    You can get back on just seems like you can't right now because you feel like shit. Why don't you consider meds? Do some research on them here...there is a lot of information you can find. Just take a commitment..just read and think about it. What have you got to lose?


    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


      Tough start of AF # 4

      Paw- where are you buddy?

      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


        Tough start of AF # 4


        Sorry I have dissappeared for long periods of time. Just trying to focus on the task at hand. On day 2 right now, actually watch an intervention yesterday on A& E that really motivated me to get back on track. My wife is still struggling with the thought of her friend husband dying and I think is afraid of what can happen to me if I keep this up.

        Thanks for the offer of PM, I may just take you up on that. As far as meds I just can't get myself to do that. I won't even take aspirin for headaches. I know it is a huge mental battle with me, if I thought at all it was a physical issue I think I would go to AA.

        Looking, thanks for the support.


          Tough start of AF # 4

          How the heck are you be. Sorry so long since I have been here. Things at school are fine. Thnaks for asking. I have a bunch of great 8th graders this year that I want to help so they keep me going.

          So what is new with you?


            Tough start of AF # 4


            Lots new here, I'm feeling pretty good. I've been doing a lot of reading on the alcoholism subject. I'm going to PM you about a book I'm currently reading that you might enjoy. I got it for next to nothing off amazon. That's great how you feel about your students. My daughter's in 7th this year and is doing really well. Teachers like you really make a big difference.

            Take care,
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              Tough start of AF # 4

              Thanks for the Pm. GOing to order it. Wow a 7th grader!!!!!! The yare rough, I think by far the worst age. By the 8th grade most have matured past the "silly" stuff. If not too personal how does your 7th grader deal with your drinking. It's okay if you don't want to answer. Day 4 here, not as bad as the last one!!!!!!!


                Tough start of AF # 4

                She doesn't like it when I get "loopy", as she calls it. I've controlled it mostly when she's around. It's after she goes to bed is when I lose it. Then my 17-year-old gets to see the shitty side of me when I've had too much to drink. He's a senior this year. It's affected him the most. My HB's an alcoholic, too. Poor kids. I've talked with both of them about it (me) and told them I'm going to get healthier by not drinking as much alcohol. I've told them I'm getting help with some friends on a web site and by reading a lot of books. I've been very honest with my son and he hates alcohol (thank God). I told him some facts about alcoholic families and it has seem to hit home with him so far.

                Then he comes home with a lip ring last night. Sigh. Sorry, folks, those things drive me nuts. Could be worse. He's a great kid.
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Tough start of AF # 4

                  Thanks for sharing. I wonder most about your 17 year old. I never did drugs. ( Never so much as smoked a joint). So when it comes to talks about drugs I know I can be completely honest with him. It's the drinking that will cause me the most problems. He is only 6, so I have a lot of time. He already is beginning to figure out when I have had to much. That to me is sad.

                  I'm glad your son hates alcohol, he must be a very strong person to do that. If all my son does is get a lip rings whe nhe is 17 I will be fine with it. Here's to never stop trying!!!!!!!!!


                    Tough start of AF # 4

                    I did drugs. At his age I was drinking and smoking pot. I've told him this and let him know how proud I am of him for not taking the same route I did. He sees himself as a loser (not in the popular crowd) and I tell him he's a winner for standing up for himself and continuing to say "no". His strength is amazing, I didn't have it at that age. I totally caved to peer pressure. I'm so proud of him. He's a nerdy musician-teaching-himself-guitar-and-growing long hair kind of guy. Reads books so fast you wouldn't believe. He can read music once and have it memorized. I think the world of him.

                    His lip ring didn't stay. He came home off the bus with a big needle sticking out of his face and ran upstairs. I could hear water running, then mumbling, then some slamming. Finally, my HB called him down. My son wasn't able to get the needle out and the ring in. I told him to ask his friend to come over here and do the whole thing here instead of a needle after school and on a bus ride! So, he's okay with that.

                    My son has definitely been affected by my, and my HB's drinking. Probably more by my HB's only because of the male role model thing. My HB is doing his best to make up for things and my son is aware of it. He knows he's very loved by both of us and that's the most important thing in the world, at the end.

                    He was in 8th grade when I had the big sit down alcoholic family genetic, etc talk with him. I think if someone had that talk with me it would have helped. I know it would have. I told him that just because there is a genetic component, he's NOT destined and the longer he stays away from AL, the better chances he has of not becoming one. I read him a lot of facts. He's a smart kid and liked that. It hurt him deeply when I told him the truth about me but, in the long run, I know it was the right thing to do. He saw me as perfect before.
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

