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Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

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    Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

    This is my second day AF. Was doing ok. Got home from work, stepped outside to talk to him and have a cig. He's out there having a beer. First time I've even thought about being temped in 2 days. I'm definitely going to have to tell him to either hide it or not drink in front of me for a while... Don't need additional pressure.

    Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

    My husband puts his wine in a coffe mug so it isn't obvious to me that he is having some wine.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

      Mine's sitting beside me right now with his 3rd scotch! Wheeeeeeee!!!!

      Gotta go, stealth posting!


        Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

        PS - this was after he tried to talk me into a glass of wine to help me get to sleep. I'm soooo tired, but couldn't get to sleep at naptime today!


          Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

          Hiya Mox, my hubby still drinks, it used to bother me but now it doesnt really. Just give yourself some time. In the meantime ask him if he can perhaps not do it in front of you.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

            My hubby still drinks but it doesn't bother me either anymore. There was an occassion or two when I felt like sticking his Cane and Passionfruit where the sun doesn't shine... but the moment passed.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

              Well, mine's just an ass. He actually pressures me to drink. But if I do, and get out of control then I have to get the "talking to". I have begged him in the past to keep it out of the house, at least for a month, but nooooooooo!!! So, whatever, I'm on my own. But that's okay, I'm used to it. Support is NOT the man's forte, no matter what the situation.

              Wow, I'm in a bad mood this morning! I think I'm going to go the ODAT thread and beetch for a bit!


                Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                My husband drinks to, the only part that bothers me is when he asks me if I want a beer, which I have to say he hasn't done since I told him I was taking a long break form booze last Tuesday.



                  Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                  My wife doesn't drink, so I can say that makes it a little easier.


                    Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                    Motoxgal, I have mentioned this before... I stopped drinking my occasional glass of wine when my husband started his journey to be AL free. I miss my red wine with a good dinner or a beer with seafood, but I will not trade anything for his sobriety. If I am out to lunch with a friend I may select a glass of wine, away from him. That's one of my responsibilities to maintain our new found sanity.
                    You are right, just let him know you prefer not to see him drinking in front of you, ask him for his support.


                      Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                      Thank you all for your input about seeing the drinks. Right now it is bothering me, I think that soon it won't, like it didn't in the past, but it's a hurdle I'll have to jump as it comes. HB will not give it up, that's for sure, but he's not the one who is addicted either. We are partners and should be able to support each other... 'dreaming here'. If I ask him, he probably would not drink in front of me for a while. I'll try that.


                        Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                        I can relate to having a partner that continues to drink. It can be very very hard, or atleast it is for me. I have mentioned him quitting, and he basically responds that it is my drinking problem, and he shouldn't have to quit drinking.
                        It was hard for me last night, I wanted to dump his beer right over his head.
               sobriety, is MINE. I will not let him or any one else control my ability to keep fighting to stay sober.
                        It is day 15 for me today. I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY.

                        I wish you the very best. This is a great place filled with caring, knowledgable people!

                        Nice to meet you, and I hope to "see" you around.

                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          Tempted when I saw my husband's beer...

                          Keeta, congrats on 15+ days. WOW, that is awesome. I do have to continue to say I will not drink today, although I continue to think about it and make up excuses in my head, like this weekend is so and so's birthday, next week is my birthday, the holidays, etc. There is ALWAYS and endless sea of great reasons to drink in my head! It's harder to remember why NOT to drink at those times. Why is this SO hard.

